\ProvidesFile{ptb-declaration-en.clo}[2018/11/08 v0.1b (ptb-declaration, english)]
\usekomafont{disposition} \huge Declaration
To be mailed to: &
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt \\
Abbestraße 2--12 \\
10587 Berlin, Germany
or email to \vl@myemail{}; may also be sent with instrument.
\textbf{Subject:}~PTB reference no.:~\vl@myref,~date of confirmation:~\vl@mymail
This is to certify that the vacuum gauges and/or test leaks (including their
vacuum components) which we ordered to being calibrated by PTB
\item are not contaminated with toxic, corrosive, explosive, radioactive,
microbiological, carcinogenic or other harmful substances,
\item were investigated with respect to their operational reliability before
shipment to PTB,
\item leave our house in a condition according to the general rules of high
and ultrahigh vacuum techniques (not applicable for sniffer leaks) and in a
condition that a contamination of the PTB calibration standards can be
excluded (e.\,g.\ by oil or other hydrocarbons),
\item are ready for calibration from the metrological point of view,
\item obey the general rules of prevention of accidents and the
acknowledged rules of relevant techniques and
\item that we have no knowledge of any other indication of obstacles to a
Return transport will be organized by PTB.
We wish an insurance of the return transport:%
\qquad yes~\checkBox{}\qquad no~\checkBox{}
Any costs related to transport, customs clearance, packing material and insurance must be paid by PTB’s
customer. For equipment from customs area outside EU an ATA carnet is required.
\textbf{Delivery address:}
& \hrulefill \\
& institution\,/\,company \\[2.5em]
\hrulefill & \hrulefill & \hrulefill \\
place, date & purchase order number & legally binding signature and stamp