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Commit b294fdb3 authored by Rolf Niepraschk's avatar Rolf Niepraschk
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"CMYK" und Logo aufgeteilt

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# Rolf Niepraschk, 2015/03/26,
# Rolf Niepraschk, 2015/03/27,
.SUFFIXES : .tex .ltx .dvi .ps .pdf .eps
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......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
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53.8398 43.14839 51.7969 43.8008 49.6875 44.2383 curveto
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49.1875 44.33589 lineto
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48.582 28.6563 50.3164 28.0039 51.9375 27.0938 curveto
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35.3125 22.9453 lineto
25.4063 42.2773 lineto
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29 14.8633 lineto
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35.957 22.5039 lineto
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closepath fill
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[2016/08/25 v0.4a PTB-Poster-Klasse (RN)]
[2016/09/26 v0.4b PTB-Poster-Klasse (RN)]
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