@@ -14,14 +14,16 @@ In this repository, a new real gas model for hydrogen based on the Reference Flu
In a tutorial case of the flow through a critical flow Venturi nozzle, the usage of the new real gas model is shown.

For the start of the simulation, do the following steps:
1. run <blockMesh&&extrudeMesh>
1. run `blockMesh && extrudeMesh`
2. run either:
a) <sonicFoam> or
b) <decomposePar> and then <mpirun-np4sonicFoam-parallel>
-`sonicFoam` or
-`decomposePar` and then `mpirun -np 4 sonicFoam -parallel`
For the post-processing, you might need to:
3. run reconstructPar (if your case was decomposed before)
3. run `reconstructPar` (if your case was decomposed before)
## Acknowledgments
This work was supported through the Joint Research Project “Metrology infrastructure for high-pressure gas and liquified hydrogen flows”. This project (20IND11 MetHyInfra) has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.