In a tutorial case of the flow through a critical flow Venturi nozzle, the usage of the new real gas model is shown.

For the start of the simulation, do the following steps:
1. run `blockMesh && extrudeMesh`
1. run `blockMesh && extrudeMesh` to create the mesh
2. run either:
-`sonicFoam` or
-`decomposePar` and then `mpirun -np 4 sonicFoam -parallel`
-`sonicFoam > log &` or
-`decomposePar`(default number of processors is 4) and then `mpirun -np 4 sonicFoam -parallel > log &` to run the simulation
For the post-processing, you might need to:
3. run `reconstructPar` (if your case was decomposed before)
4. select the file "nozzle.foam" for the visualization in e. g. ParaView
The distribution of the real gas Mach number is displayed in the figure below.
## Acknowledgments
This work was supported through the Joint Research Project “Metrology infrastructure for high-pressure gas and liquified hydrogen flows”. This project (20IND11 MetHyInfra) has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.