In this repository, a new real gas model for hydrogen based on the Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Database (REFPROP) v10.0 is provided for the use in the simulation software OpenFOAM v2012.
In this repository, a new real gas model for hydrogen based on the Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Database (REFPROP) v10.0 is provided for the use in the simulation software OpenFOAM v2012. The model is valid in a temperature and pressure range of 150-400 K and 0.1-1000 bar, respectively. Usage beyond this range is not recommended as it may lead to unrealistic results.
## OpenFOAM folder structure
The figure below shows the folder structure in OpenFOAM of the relevant files for the new real gas model for hydrogen.
For the installation of the new real gas model, the command `wmake libso` needs to be executed consecutively in the following subfolders "/mySpecie", "/myBasic", and "/field". Individual adaptations of the files "files" and "options" in the respective "/Make" folder may be required.