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  • multi_processing
  • numba_njit
  • pip_module
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.011Feb25Mar17Feb29Sep2Jun4May2Dec26Nov14Sep6325Aug21Jul10Feb922Dec181714827Nov2312Jun25Feb188Mar713Feb12changed deploy stange to master onlypip_modulepip_moduleadded CDCI testingrefactored doc-strings with chatGTPstarted with module creationUpdate Readme.mdmastermasterfirst version of python module and simple three param sinefit testmodulemoduleadded seq_multi_fscale()Major rewrite:corrected seq_multi_fourparam_... by implementing a stretch factoradded atan-demodulation functionadded/fixed seq_multi_fourparam_sineFit and seq_multi_fourparam_Dmatrixmerged.general check and clean upjit testingnumba_njitnumba_njitjit testingremoved multi processing from master (moved into extra branch)interchanged arguments in multiphase to avoid inverted phasemulti_processingmulti_processingreimplemented 'progressive' mode in seq_multi... stuffcorrected (changed) order of sine/cosine component in seq_multi_threeparam_Dmatrix() to correct phase-delay sign-errorcorrected typosMerge branch 'master' into 'master'Added Multitasking for seq_fits using multiprocessing and shared memory dt calculation for sqe_fits now uses mean of diff instad of t[0]-t[1]Merge branch 'master' into bene_masterinitial coomitremoved some degug printing 'TEST'no commentstart optimize seq_multisine...Test and development of seq_multi_... functionsadded seq_multi_fourparsinefit()added seq_multi_threeparsinefit() and helpersadded t_i as return for XV_MultiSineadded 'periods' parameter to sequential fits, added XV_MultiSine()corrected 4-param fit, scipy -> numpy migrationMerge branch 'master' into 'master'changed sine and cosine positions for consistencycorrection of four parameter sine fit