"DSI sectors are created from numpy arrays with the values and uncertainties as well as strings for describing the units and quantities.\n",
"The Units are in strings [DSI-Format](https://www.ptb.de/empir2018/fileadmin/documents/empir/SmartCom/documents_for_download/Digital_System_of_Units_D-SI_2019-11-04_UK_NPL_SmartCom.pdf)\n",
"The Quatitiy information is a string naming the quantity.\n",
"the keyWord argument '''uncerType''' can be one of '''['absolute','rel','relPercent','relPPM']''' we will use ''' 'relPercent' ''' to specify that the uncer values are relative to the value Vector and in percent"
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"pycharm": {
"name": "#%% md\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"magValues=np.arange(length)+1*0.5 #lets create an value vector\n",
"magUncer=np.ones(length)*0.1 #let's create an uncer vector having the same length"
DSI sectors are created from numpy arrays with the values and uncertainties as well as strings for describing the units and quantities.
The Units are in strings [DSI-Format](https://www.ptb.de/empir2018/fileadmin/documents/empir/SmartCom/documents_for_download/Digital_System_of_Units_D-SI_2019-11-04_UK_NPL_SmartCom.pdf)
The Quatitiy information is a string naming the quantity.
the keyWord argument '''uncerType''' can be one of '''['absolute','rel','relPercent','relPPM']''' we will use ''' 'relPercent' ''' to specify that the uncer values are relative to the value Vector and in percent
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
magValues=np.arange(length)+1*0.5#lets create an value vector
magUncer=np.ones(length)*0.1#let's create an uncer vector having the same length