diff --git a/repl/__pycache__/utils.cpython-37.pyc b/repl/__pycache__/utils.cpython-37.pyc
index 3145f2889d090e0a27fb4ae130fc2127170635ad..5b917dcda2026b7cae198c5f8f6a690f89204b12 100644
Binary files a/repl/__pycache__/utils.cpython-37.pyc and b/repl/__pycache__/utils.cpython-37.pyc differ
diff --git a/repl/utils.py b/repl/utils.py
index cb6c027c5af5baab4c394f004187ecac1207778a..9e6e432626db2244bbec6fc8ad7fa3038287c425 100644
--- a/repl/utils.py
+++ b/repl/utils.py
@@ -37,28 +37,28 @@ def gen_count():
         yield i
         i = i + 1
-def get_info(url):
+def get_info(url, srv):
     p = urlparse(url)
     db = p.path.replace("/","")
-    host = p.hostname.split(".")[0]
+    host = p.hostname
+    host = host.replace("localhost", srv)
+    host = host.split(".")[0]
     return db, host
 def gen_ext_name(d, h):
     return "{}@{}".format(d, h)
-def get_nodes_and_edges(jobs, gen, hosts, dbs):
-    nodes = []
-    edges = []
+def get_nodes_and_edges(jobs, gen, hosts, dbs, nodes, edges, srv):
     for job in jobs:
         s = job.get("source")
         t = job.get("target")
         if s and t:
-            s_db, s_host = get_info(s)
-            t_db, t_host = get_info(t)
+            s_db, s_host = get_info(s, srv)
+            t_db, t_host = get_info(t, srv)
             s_db_name = gen_ext_name(s_db, s_host)
             t_db_name = gen_ext_name(t_db, t_host)
@@ -82,4 +82,4 @@ def get_nodes_and_edges(jobs, gen, hosts, dbs):
             edges.append({"from": hosts[s_host] , "to":dbs[s_db_name], "arrow_type":"box"})
             edges.append({"from": hosts[t_host] , "to":dbs[t_db_name], "arrow_type":"box"})
-    return nodes, edges
\ No newline at end of file
+    return nodes, edges
diff --git a/server.py b/server.py
index 17f6ce349ff195c552ca4a51854a5f237066e7ae..ca165875d88c113b36a55fabc81ad216f158d67c 100644
--- a/server.py
+++ b/server.py
@@ -12,9 +12,16 @@ CORS(app)
 @app.route('/repl/all.html', methods=['GET'])
 def repl_all():
-    jobs = utils.get_jobs(config["db"]["host"], config["db"]["port"])
     gen = utils.gen_count()
-    nodes, edges = utils.get_nodes_and_edges(jobs, gen, {}, {})
+    hosts = {}
+    dbs = {}
+    nodes = []
+    edges = []
+    for srv in ("a73434","a73435", "i75422", "i75464", "e75455", "i75415"):
+        jobs = utils.get_jobs(srv, 5984)
+        nodes, edges = utils.get_nodes_and_edges(jobs, gen, hosts, dbs, nodes, edges, srv)
     template = utils.path_file(path=config['templates']['html'], file='all.html')
     return render_template(template, nodes=nodes, edges=edges)