%--------------------------- \listfiles \documentclass[en,IK,2015]{kalibrierschein} \resultTable{ 6 }{% {\(p_{cal}\)}&{\(p_{ind}\)}&{\(p_r\)}&{\(p_{ind} - p_r\)}&{\(e\)}&{\(U(k=2)\)}\\ mbar&mbar&mbar&mbar&&\\\toprule\endhead 2.954E-08&3.27E-08&1.66E-09&3.10E-08&5.1E-02&2.6E-02\\ 4.970E-08&5.35E-08&1.65E-09&5.19E-08&4.3E-02&2.4E-02\\ 8.908E-08&9.53E-08&1.63E-09&9.37E-08&5.2E-02&2.4E-02\\ 2.991E-07&3.17E-07&1.68E-09&3.15E-07&5.4E-02&2.4E-02\\ 4.805E-07&5.29E-07&1.80E-09&5.27E-07&9.7E-02&2.4E-02\\ 4.810E-07&5.29E-07&2.00E-09&5.27E-07&9.6E-02&2.4E-02\\ 5.024E-07&5.30E-07&1.80E-09&5.28E-07&5.1E-02&2.4E-02\\ 8.916E-07&9.37E-07&1.52E-09&9.35E-07&4.9E-02&2.2E-02\\ 2.943E-06&3.07E-06&1.77E-09&3.07E-06&4.3E-02&2.2E-02\\ 4.922E-06&5.13E-06&2.02E-09&5.13E-06&4.2E-02&2.2E-02\\ 8.827E-06&9.25E-06&3.20E-09&9.24E-06&4.7E-02&2.2E-02\\ 2.957E-05&3.05E-05&4.10E-09&3.05E-05&3.1E-02&2.2E-02\\ 4.892E-05&5.01E-05&6.70E-09&5.01E-05&2.4E-02&2.2E-02\\ 8.768E-05&8.87E-05&7.70E-09&8.87E-05&1.1E-02&2.2E-02\\ 8.960E-05&8.88E-05&1.20E-08&8.88E-05&-9.1E-03&2.2E-02\\ 8.768E-05&8.88E-05&1.00E-08&8.88E-05&1.3E-02&2.2E-02\\ } \missingEntries{ 16 } \object{ Stabil Ion Gauge } \manufacturer{ Granville-Phillips } \type{ EXT-Y | Stabil Ion Controler 370B } \serialNo{ YEA06800 | 1449 } \applicant{ { BOC EDWARDS } { Marshall Road } { EASTBOURNE, EAST SUSSEX } { BN22 9BA } } \refNo{ ? } \calibMark{ QS 21/13 } \referenceMark{ 7.5-4003 } \calibDate{ 2013-11-26 } \examiner{ Th.\,Bock } \certificateDate{ 2013-12-18 } \begin{document} \printFirstPage \section{ Description of the calibration device } The device was shipped under atmospheric pressure kept in the producers plastic shell. A memory module belonging to the stabil ion gauge (serial 06800) was provided. It was active during calibration. \section{ Calibration procedure } The device was installed in a vertical orientation. Before calibration the gauge head was baked at \(?\) °C for \(?\) h. During the cool down phase the head was degassed for \(?\) minutes. At room temperature it was exposed for \(?\) h at \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar argon for sputtering the ion collector. The sensitivity factor was kept at an value of \(?\) mbar\(^{-1}\) during the calibration. The calibration was carried out with the following device settings: \begin{itemize}\item display: mbar\item filament: F1\item emission: L\item channel: A\end{itemize} Before each calibration point the residual pressure indication \(p_r\) was checked. The temperature \(θ\) during the calibration was \(?\) °C and varied from this value within \(\pm?\) °C. The device was calibrated with ? in the pressure range \(?⋅ 10^{?}\) mbar to \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar by comparing its reading with the calibration pressure that was established by the primary standard CE3 of PTB applying the continuous expansion method. \section{ Relative error of indication } The correction factor \(CF\) given in the table below was calculated from the indicated pressure \(p_{ind}\) as follows:\[CF =\frac{p_{cal}}{p_{ind} - p_{r}}\] where \(p_{cal}\) denotes the calibration pressure as generated in the primary standard and \(p_{r}\) the reading at residual pressure. From this, the corrected pressure \(p\) can be calculated from the residual pressure indication and the indicated pressure by:\[p = CF (p_{ind} - p_{r})\] The uncertainty \(U\) of \(CF\) at the time of calibration is given in the last column of the table below. It includes the repeatability of \(p_{ind}\) for otherwise identical conditions (\(p_{cal}\), \(θ\)).\printResultTable \section{ Uncertainty of Calibration } The uncertainty \(U\) stated is the expanded measurement uncertainty obtained by multiplying the standard measurement uncertainty by the coverage factor \(k = 2\). It has been determined in accordance with the “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM)”. The value of the measurand then normally lies, with a probability of approximately \(95\) \%. within the attributed coverage interval.\par \(95\)\,\% 95\,\% 95~\% \(95\) \% \par 95 \% 95 \% \printLastPage \end{document} %--------------------------- \(95\)\,\% 95\,\% 95~\%