







\begin{center} \usekomafont{disposition}\Large
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt \\[.1\baselineskip]
Vacuum Metrology \\[.5\baselineskip]
Fees for Calibrations \par

\multicolumn{1}{@{}c}{\textbf{No.}} & 
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Calibration device}} & 
\multicolumn{1}{c@{}}{\textbf{Fee in €}} \\
1 & 
Ionisation gauge baked out, basic fee, two decades &
\num{1969.00} \\
Ionisation gauge not baked out, basic fee, two decades &
\num{1700.00} \\
\marker additional decade &
\num{447.50} \\
\marker additional decade under \SI{1e-10}{\mbar} &
\num{581.75} \\
\marker additional decade over \SI{1e-4}{\mbar} &
\num{402.75} \\
\marker additional gas, two decades &
\num{1118.75} \\


2 & 
Spinning rotor gauge, Sigma (effective), basic fee & 
\num{1476.75} \\
\marker Sigma (effective), each additional gas &
\num{537.00} \\


3 & 
Capacitance diaphragm gauge , FS \SI{0.01}{\torr}, two decades, five points 
each decade, basic fee &
\num{1655.75} \\
Capacitance diaphragm gauge , FS \SI{0.1}{\torr}, \SI{0.25}{\torr}, two 
decades, five points each decade, basic fee &
\num{1432.00} \\
\marker FS \SI{0.1}{\torr}, \SI{0.25}{\torr} each additional gas, two decades &
\num{716.00} \\
\marker FS \SI{0.1}{\torr}, \SI{0.25}{\torr}, additional decade &
\num{358.00} \\
Capacitance diaphragm gauge , FS \SI{1}{\torr}, \SI{10}{\torr}, two decades, 
basic fee 
& \num{1253.00} \\
\marker FS \SI{1}{\torr}, \SI{10}{\torr}, each additional gas, two decades &
\num{537.00} \\
\marker FS \SI{1}{\torr}, \SI{10}{\torr}, additional decade &
\num{313.25} \\
Capacitance diaphragm gauge , FS \SI{100}{\torr}, \SI{1000}{\torr}, three 
decades, basic fee & \num{1521.50} \\
\marker FS \SI{100}{\torr}, \SI{1000}{\torr}, each additional gas, three 
decades & \num{850.25} \\
\marker FS \SI{100}{\torr}, \SI{1000}{\torr}, additional decade &
\num{268.50} \\
\marker \SI{1}{\torr}, \SIrange{30}{130}{\Pa} with FRS5 in addition to 
basic fee & \num{402.75} \\
\marker \SI{10}{\torr}, \SIrange{30}{1300}{\Pa} with FRS5 in addition to 
basic fee & \num{626.50} \\
\marker \SI{100}{\torr}, \SIrange{30}{10000}{\Pa} with FRS5 in addition to 
basic fee & \num{805.50} \\


4 & 
Test leak (against vacuum), basic fee &
\num{1432.00} \\
\marker each additional temperature or additional pressure &
\num{895.00} \\
\marker gas flow under \SI{1e-9}{\mbar\litre\per\second}, additional fee &
\num{895.00} \\  
Test leak (against atmosphere), basic fee &
\num{895.00} \\
\marker each additional temperature or additional pressure &
\num{358.00} \\
Test leak (against atmosphere), Leckelement ??? with pressure setting and measuring &
\num{1432.00} \\ 

