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  • vaclab/ptb-latex
  • andre.waehlisch/ptb-latex
2 results
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with 4582 additions and 242 deletions
\ProvidesPackage{ptbposter-tcb}[2020/02/28 v0.1f ptbposter/tcolorbox (RN)]
\ProvidesPackage{ptbposter-tcb}[2021/09/21 1.0.1 ptbposter/tcolorbox (RN)]
......@@ -77,13 +78,13 @@
adjusted title/.style={title={\raisebox{0pt}[\height][0pt]{#1}}}
% Rolf Niepraschk,
% Rolf Niepraschk,
\setcounter{errorcontextlines}{100} \listfiles
\ProvidesClass{ptbposter}[2020/10/13 v1.0b PTB-Poster (RN)]
\ProvidesClass{ptbposter}[2025/03/12 1.1.1 PTB-Poster (RN)]
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\RequirePackage{hyphsubst}% Trennregeln austauschen
% Ohne Sprachangabe "deutsch" verwenden. Bessere Lösung?
Deine Version von KOMA-Script ist ungeeignet (vermutlich stark veraltet)!
Your version of KOMA-Script is unsuitable\MessageBreak
(probably very outdated)!
Installiere die aktuelle Version von KOMA-Script.
Install the latest version of KOMA-Script.
\ifx\PTB@target@size\@empty\else % Sheet scaling is necessary
Scaling the sheet from size `a0' to size `\PTB@target@size'}%
You need version `2022/09/19' or newer of the \MessageBreak
`blowup' package to scale the document, but only \MessageBreak
version `\csname ver@blowup.sty\endcsname' \MessageBreak
is available
Install the latest version of `blowup'.
\iftutex% LuaTeX oder XeTeX
......@@ -159,15 +196,9 @@
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\definecolor{PTBcolor}{RGB}{0,155,206}% 2019
% == Emulieren einiger eso-pic-Befehle, um den Inhalt skalierbar zu machen ==
%%% TODO: eso-pic ändern?
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\RequirePackage{relsize}% ???
\renewcommand*\RSlargest{5000pt}% important!
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\scaleFontSizes{1}% wird ggf. in Präambel noch mal geändert.
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% non-floating figure/table
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File added
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\title{Poster-Test (\texttt{tcolorbox}) -- Nr.~1}
\title{Poster-Test (\texttt{ptbposter-tcb.sty}) -- Nr.~1}
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etwas Text etwas Text etwas Text etwas Text etwas Text
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Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
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Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
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Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
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text fill]{name=A3,column=1,span=2,below=A2}
boxlayout=2 % 0, 1, 2, 3 # default: 2
\usepackage[boxlayout=2]% 0, 1, 2, 3 (default: 2)
Wählt unterschiedliche Arten von Boxen aus.
\verb|\posterSet|: Setzt Parameter zur Boxenpositionierung:
\item \verb|showframe=true\|false| % zur Orientierung
\item \verb|columns=n|: Anzahl der Spalten
\item \verb|rows=n|: Anzahl der Zeilen
\item \verb|spacing=n|: Abstand zwischen den Boxen
\item \verb!showframe=true|false! (Informationen zur Orientierung)
\item \verb!columns=n!: Anzahl der Spalten
\item \verb!rows=n!: Anzahl der Zeilen
\item \verb!spacing=n!: Abstand zwischen den Boxen und zum Rand
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[adjusted title=Blabla,text fill]%
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Blabla,text fill]%
\item "`\verb|adjusted title=|"': Titel
\item "`\verb|text fill|"': Verhalten wie "`\verb|minipage|
\item "`\verb|name=|"': Knotenname für Relationen
\item "`\verb|column=x,row=y|"': Position auf dem Raster
\item "`\verb|span=m,rowspan=n|"': Breite und Höhe
Näheres siehe Dokumentation zu "`tcolorbox"'.
\item "`\verb!adjusted title=!"': Titel
\item "`\verb!text fill!"': Verhalten wie "`\verb!minipage!
\item "`\verb!name=!"': Knotenname als Bezug bei Positionierung
\item "`\verb!column=x,row=y!"': Position auf dem Raster
\item "`\verb!span=m,rowspan=n!"': Breite und Höhe
Näheres siehe Dokumentation zu "`tcolorbox"'~\cite{TCOLORBOX}.
For all natural number $n$ it holds:
\tcbhighmath{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n i = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}.}
{name=F,column=2,between=D and bottom,span=2}
\fbox{\texttt{column=2,between=D and bottom,span=2}}\par\bigskip
\item Thomas F.~Sturm: The tcolorbox package, Library poster,
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=\cmd{vfill}-Beispiel,text fill]
{name=A4,column=1,between=A3 and bottom} \bfseries
X \dotfill X
\vfill% erfordert Option "text fill"
X \dotfill X
X \dotfill X
% =======================================================================================
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=figure-Umgebung (nicht gleitend)]%
\begin{figure} \centering
\caption{Ein Bild}
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=\cmd{tcbhighmath}]%
For all natural number $n$ it holds:
\tcbhighmath{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n i = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}.}
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=table-Umgebung (nicht gleitend),%
valign=center]{name=B3,column=2,between=B2 and A3}
\begin{table} \centering
letter & 216 & 279 \\
legal & 216 & 356 \\
executive & 184 & 267 \\
A8 & 52 & 74 \\
A7 & 74 & 105 \\
A6 & 105 & 148 \\
A5 & 148 & 210 \\
A4 & 210 & 297 \\
A3 & 297 & 420 \\
A2 & 420 & 594 \\
A1 & 594 & 841 \\
A0 & 841 & 1189 \\
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=\refname]%
\bibitem{TCOLORBOX} Thomas F.~Sturm: The tcolorbox package, Library poster,
\bibitem{TIKZ} Till Tantau: TikZ \& PGF Manual,
\bibitem{TIKZ.MINI} Jacques~Crémer: A very minimal introduction to TikZ,
No preview for this file type
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
boxlayout=2 % 0, 1, 2, 3 # default: 2
boxlayout=2 % 0, 1, 2, 3 -- default: 2
......@@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ boxlayout=2 % 0, 1, 2, 3 # default: 2
\title{Poster-Test (\texttt{tcolorbox}, \textup{Ti\textit{k}Z}) -- Nr.~2}
\title{Poster-Test (\texttt{ptbposter-tcb.sty}) -- Nr.~2}
\begin{posterboxenv}[title=John Lennon]{name=John,column=1}
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=John Lennon]{name=John,column=1}
\begin{posterboxenv}[title=Paul McCartney]{name=Paul,column=3}
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Paul McCartney]{name=Paul,column=3}
\begin{posterboxenv}[title=George Harrison]{name=George,column=1,above=bottom}
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=George Harrison]{name=George,column=1,above=bottom}
\begin{posterboxenv}[title=Ringo Starr]{name=Ringo,column=3,above=bottom}
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Ringo Starr]{name=Ringo,column=3,above=bottom}
# Rolf Niepraschk, 2021-09-20,
# Rolf Niepraschk, 2021-09-29,
.SUFFIXES : .tex .ltx .dvi .ps .pdf .eps .bbx .cbx .dbx
.SUFFIXES : .tex .ltx .dvi .ps .pdf .eps .bbx .cbx .dbx .glo .gls .bcf .bbl .bib
MAIN = publikationen_vakuum_PTB
LATEX = pdflatex
LATEX = lualatex
BIBTEX = biber
BIBTEX_PARAMS = --isbn-normalise --validate-datamodel
EGREP = grep -E
BIBS = $(MAIN).bib
BIBS = $(MAIN).bib journal-short-names.bib
BIBTEX_WARN = run Biber on the file
RERUN_WARN1 = Rerun to get cross-references right
RERUN_WARN2 = Please rerun LaTeX
RERUN_WARN3 = There were undefined references
RERUN_WARN4 = Linenumber reference failed
all : pdf
pdf : $(MAIN).pdf
$(MAIN).pdf : $(MAIN).tex $(MAIN).bbl $(ADDINPUTS)
$(MAIN).pdf : $(MAIN).tex $(BIBS) $(ADDINPUTS)
$(LATEX) $<
$(MAIN).bcf : $(MAIN).tex $(BIBS)
$(BIBTEX) $(BIBTEX_PARAMS) $(basename $<)
# if $(EGREP) '$(BIBTEX_WARN)' $(basename $<).log > /dev/null; \
# then $(BIBTEX) $(BIBTEX_PARAMS) $(basename $<); $(LATEX) $<; fi;
$(LATEX) $<
$(MAIN).bbl : $(MAIN).bcf
biber -V $<
@for (( i=0; i < $(MAX_LTX_RUNS); i++ )) do \
if $(EGREP) '$(RERUN_WARNINGS)' $(basename $<).log > /dev/null; \
then $(LATEX) $<; fi; \
clean :
$(RM) $(addprefix $(MAIN), .log .aux .blg .toc .bbl .glo .gls .bcf)
# Publikationsliste der »Arbeitsgruppe Vakuummetrologie«
Die hier gepflegte BibTeX-Datei
[`publikationen_vakuum_PTB.bib`](publikationen_vakuum_PTB.bib) enthält die
Publikationen, die im Rahmen der Arbeit der »Arbeitsgruppe Vakuummetrologie«
(früher: »Laboratorium für Vakuumphysik«) veröffentlicht wurden. Ihr Inhalt
basiert auf den Angaben aus dem Word-Dokument
Die Syntax der BibTeX-Datei folgt den Regeln des LaTeX-Paketes
und die Zeichenkodierung ist durchgehend Unicode (UTF-8). In dem
LaTeX-Dokument [`publikationen_vakuum_PTB.tex`](publikationen_vakuum_PTB.tex)
findet eine Filterung nach Artikeln und artikel-ähnlichen Publikationen
einerseits und Büchern und vergleichbaren Publikationen anderseits statt.
Beim Hinzufügen von neuen Einträgen zur Datei `publikationen_vakuum_PTB.bib`
sollte man sich an ähnlichen schon vorhandenen orientieren. Für einige der
international bekannten Zeitschriften wurden Kürzel definiert und verwendet
(z.B. »JPE« für »Journal of Physics E«). Sie sind in der benutzten Datei
[`journal-short-names.bib`](journal-short-names.bib) enthalten und führen zu
den standardisierten Abkürzungen der Zeitschriftennamen (z.B. »J. Phys. E«). Um
nur eine einzige in sich konsistente bib-Datei Interessenten anzubieten, wurde
der Inhalt von `journal-short-names.bib` in diese direkt eingefügt. Alternativ
dazu könnte auch der Inhalt von
[`journal-long-names.bib`](journal-long-names.bib) genommen werden, um die
langen Zeitschriftennamen zu erhalten.
## Erzeugung der pdf-Ausgabedatei
In einer Unix-ähnlichen Umgebung mit aktueller TeX-Installation sowie den
Hilfsprogrammen »Gnu Make« und »Gnu Grep« ist ein einfacher Aufruf
ausreichend, um die Ausgabedatei
[`publikationen_vakuum_PTB.pdf`](publikationen_vakuum_PTB.pdf) zu erzeugen.
Alternativ sind die folgenden Einzelschritte möglich:
lualatex publikationen_vakuum_PTB.tex
biber --isbn-normalise --validate-datamodel publikationen_vakuum_PTB
lualatex publikationen_vakuum_PTB.tex
lualatex publikationen_vakuum_PTB.tex
Grundsätzlich wären statt `lualatex`- auch `pdflatex`-Aufrufe möglich, aber
wegen der besseren Unicode-Unterstützung sollte `lualatex` bevorzugt werden.
[Rolf Niepraschk](, Oktober 2021
@comment{Commonly used names of journals -- long versions}
@string{ZFAP={Zeitschrift für angewandte Physik}}
@string{JJAP=Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}}
@string{JPE={Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments}}
@STRING{ZFAP={Zeitschrift für angewandte Physik}}
@STRING{JJAP={Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}}
@STRING{JPB={Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics}}
@STRING{JPD={Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics}}
@STRING{JPE={Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments}}
@STRING{JPCS={Journal of Physics: Conference Series}}
@STRING{PBL={Physikalische Blätter}}
@STRING{JVT={Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology}}
@STRING{JVTA={Journal of Vacuum Science \& Technology A}}
@STRING{PRA={Physical Review A}}
@STRING{JVSJ={Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan}}
@STRING{JKPS={Journal of the Korean Physical Society}}
@STRING{IEEE_J_IM={{IEEE} Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement}}
@STRING{JCP={The Journal of Chemical Physics}}
@STRING{MT={Measurement Techniques}}
@STRING{APCP={AIP Conference Proceedings}}
@STRING{IJHMT={International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer}}
@STRING{NP={Nature Physics}}
@STRING{VIPR={Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis}}
@STRING{MEASEN={Measurement: Sensors}}
@STRING{ZFPA={Zeitschrift für Physik A: Atomic Nuclei}}
@STRING{ZFPB={Zeitschrift für Physik B}}
@STRING{ZFPC={Zeitschrift für Physik C: Particles and Fields}}
@STRING{ZFPD={Zeitschrift für Physik D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters}}
@STRING{PRLT={Physical Review Letters}}
% More journals ...
% (IEEE journals)
@comment{Commonly used names of journals -- Abbreviations}
@string{ZFAP={Z. Angew. Phys}}
@string{JJAP={Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.}}
@string{JPE={J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.}}
@STRING{ZFAP={Z. Angew. Phys}}
@STRING{JJAP={Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.}}
@STRING{JPB={J. Phys. B}}
@STRING{JPD={J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.}}
@STRING{JPE={J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.}}
@STRING{JPCS={J. Phys. Conf. Ser.}}
@STRING{PBL={Phys. Bl.}}
@STRING{JVT={J. Vac. Sci. Technol.}}
@STRING{JVTA={J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A}}
@STRING{PRA={Phys. Rev. A}}
@STRING{JVSJ={J. Vac. Soc. Japan}}
@STRING{JKPS={J. Korean Phys. Soc.}}
@STRING{IEEE_J_IM={{IEEE} Trans. Instrum. Meas.}}
@STRING{JCP={J. Chem. Phys.}}
@STRING{MT={Meas. Tech.}}
@STRING{APCP={AIP Conf. Proc.}}
@STRING{IJHMT={Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.}}
@STRING{NP={Nat. Phys.}}
@STRING{VIPR={Vak. Forschung und Prax.}}
@STRING{MEASEN={Meas.: Sens.}}
@STRING{ZFPA={Z. Phys. A}}
@STRING{ZFPB={Z. Phys. B}}
@STRING{ZFPC={Z. Phys. C}}
@STRING{ZFPD={Z. Phys. D}}
@STRING{PRLT={Phys. Rev. Lett.}}
% More journals ...
% (IEEE journals)
1 / 258
Traceable low-current measurements for a novel ionization gauge suitable as reference standard; Bernien, Matthias; Götz, Martin; Illgen, Claus; Drung, Dietmar; Krause, Christian; Bock, Thomas; Jousten, Karl; Measurement: Sensors (2021)
2 / 258
Simulation of pressure-induced cavity deformation - the 18SIB04 quantumpascal EMPIR project; Zakrisson, Johan; Silander, Isak; Forssén, Clayton; Silvestri, Zacceri; Mari, Domenico; Pasqualin, Stefano; Kussicke, André; Asbahr, Patrick; Rubin, Tom; Axner, Ove; Acta IMEKO (2020)
3 / 258
Validation of a PTB force-balanced piston gauge primary pressure standard; Hashad, Ahmed Salama Abd-el-Ghfar; Sabuga, Wladimir; Ehlers, Sven; Bock, Thomas; Acta IMEKO (2021)
Asia Pacific Measurement Forum on Mechanical Quantities 2019 (APMF 2019), Niigata, 17-21, November, 2019
4 / 258
Grundbegriffe und Einheiten (Vakuum, Druck); Messer, Günter; Praktische Physik, Band 1, 23. neubearb. und erw. Aufl. (1985)
5 / 258
Spin exchange in the excitation of spin-polarized Na atoms by Ne+-ion impact; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Osimitsch, S.; Reihl, H.; Müller, D. W.; Kleinpoppen, H.; Lutz, H. O.; Physical Review A (1986)
6 / 258
Excitation of the Na 3p state by proton impact; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Osimitsch, S.; Müller, D. W.; Reihl, H.; Allan, R. J.; Schöller, O.; Lutz, H. O.; Journal of Physics B (1986)
7 / 258
Spin-depolarisation in energetic atomic collisions by the exchange of electrons; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Zeitschrift für Physik D (1986)
8 / 258
Molecular beam translational spectroscopy of physisorption bound states of molecules on metal surfaces. I. HD on Cu(111) and Au(111) single crystal surfaces; Harten, U.; Toennies, J. P.; Wöll, Ch.; The Journal of Chemical Physics (1986)
9 / 258
Observation of a 10-meV Einstein oscillator mode on the Si(111) (2×1) surface; Harten, U.; Toennies, J. P.; Wöll, Ch.; Physical Review Letters (1986)
10 / 258
Zur Kalibrierung von Vakuummetern; Messer, Günter; Vakuum-Technik (1987)
11 / 258
Key Comparison - EURAMET.M.P-K15.1; Jousten, Karl; Bock, Thomas; Elkatmis, Alper; Kangi, Rifat; Phanakulwijit, Suwat; Setina, Janez; Metrologia (2020)
12 / 258
Development of a design for an ionisation vacuum gauge suitable as a reference standard; Jenninger, Berthold; Anderson, Johan; Bernien, Matthias; Bundaleski, Nenad; Dimitrova, Hristiyana; Granovskij, Mihail; Illgen, Claus; Setina, Janez; Jousten, Karl; Kucharski, Pawel; Rheinhardt, Christian; Scuderi, Francesco; Silva, Ricardo A. S.; Stöltzel, Anke; Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.; Trzpil-Jurgielewicz, Beata; Wüest, Martin; Vacuum (2021)
13 / 258
Datensatz noch nicht abgeschlossen; der erstgenannte PTB-Autor ist verantwortlich für den Inhalt und das Einreichen der vollständigen Belegdokumente.
Validation of a PTB force-balanced piston gauge - primary pressure standard; Hashad, Ahmed; Sabuga, Wladimir; Ehlers, Sven; Bock, Thomas; Acta IMEKO (2020)
APMF 2019, Asia Pacific Measurement Forum on Mechanical Quantities 2019, Niigata, November, 17-21, 2019
14 / 258
Investigation of the effects of valve closing in a static expansion system; Bock, Thomas; Bernien, Matthias; Buchmann, Christian; Rubin, Tom; Jousten, Karl; Vacuum (2021)
15 / 258
The New Pascal [interview]; Leyerer, Kristin; Jousten, Karl; ChemistryViews (2019)
16 / 258
Total and partial pressure measurement; Jousten, Karl; Proceedings of the 2017 CERN-Accelerator-School course on Vacuum for Particle Accelerators, Glumslov, (Sweden) (2017)
Vacuum for Particle Accelerators, Glumslov, 06-16, Juni, 2017
17 / 258
Electron correlations in the L-shell photoionization of heavy elements; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Werner, U.; Materlik, G.; Doolen, G. D.; Physical Review A (1987)
18 / 258
Inner-shell spectroscopy with hard synchrotron radiation; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Progress in Atomic Spectroscopy, Part D (1987)
19 / 258
Influence of ion induced secondary electron emission on the stability of ionisation gauges; Figueiredo, I.; Bundaleski, N.; Teodoro, O.M.N.D.; Jousten, Karl; Illgen, Claus; Vacuum (2021)
20 / 258
A review on hot cathode ionisation gauges with focus on a suitable design for measurement accuracy and stability; Jousten, Karl; Boineau, Frederic; Bundaleski, Nenad; Illgen, Claus; Setina, Janez; Teodoro, Orlando M.N.D.; Vicar, Martin; Wüest, Martin; Vacuum (2020)
21 / 258
Inner-shell vacancy creation: perturbative approximations and beyond; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Coherence in atomic collision physics: for Hans Kleinpoppen on his sixtieth birthday (1988)
22 / 258
Radiative, auger, and Coster-Kronig yields obtained by the synchrotron photoionization techniques; Werner, U.; Jitschin, Wolfgang; X-Ray and Inner-Shell Processes, Vol. 1 ; in: Journal de Physique: Colloque (1987)
14th International Conference on X-Ray and Inner Shell Processes, Paris, 14-18, September, 1987
23 / 258
A unit for nothing; Jousten, Karl; Nature Physics (2019)
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Dienstleistung und Forschung für die Wärmemessung in der PTB; Jousten, Karl; Eichler, Thomas; Heitmann, Felix; Juling, Markus; Kühn, Markus; Rose, Jürgen; Steinbock, Jonas; PTB-Mitteilungen (2019)
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Datensatz noch nicht abgeschlossen; der erstgenannte PTB-Autor ist verantwortlich für den Inhalt und das Einreichen der vollständigen Belegdokumente.
Experimental evaluation of a PTB force-balanced piston gauge; Hashad, Ahmed; Sabuga, Wladimir; Ehlers, Sven; Bock, Thomas; Proceedings of the APMF2019 (2020)
Asia Pacific Measurement Forum on Mechanical Quantities 2019 ; APMF 2019, Niigata, 17-21, November, 2019
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Vacuum metrology and its impact on research and Industry : from state of the art measurements to future trends; Jousten, Karl; Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis (2019)
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Simulation of pressure induced length change of an optical cavity used for optical pressure standard; Yang, Yuanchao; Rubin, Tom; Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2018)
The XXII World Congress of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), Belfast, 03-06, September, 2018
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Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 12. Auflage; Jousten, Karl; Sharipov, Felix; Dirscherl, Jürgen; Jünemann, Alfons; Kossek, Boris; Friedrichsen, Uwe; Lippelt, Erik; Grave, Harald; Galda, Klaus; Manini, Paolo; Day, Christian; Ellefson, Robert; Große-Bley, Werner; Veldkamp, Markus; Bergner, Ute; Meissner, Uwe (2018)
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Outgassing properties of Stainless steel, Copper and AlMg3 during pretreatment and application; Grosse, Gottfried; Messer, Günter; Proceedings of the Eighth International Vacuum Congress, September 22 - 26, 1980 Cannes, France : Vol. 2 (1980)
Eighth International Vacuum Congress, Cannes, 22-26 September 1980
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Intercomparison of the national low pressure Standards in the LNE & PTB; Messer, Günter; Rubet, L.; Proceedings of the Eighth International Vacuum Congress, September 22 - 26, 1980 Cannes, France : Vol. 2 (1980)
Eighth International Vacuum Congress, Cannes, 22-26 September 1980
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Calibration of vacuum gauges at pressure below 10-9 mbar with a molecular beam method; Grosse, Gottfried; Messer, Günter; Proceedings of the Eighth International Vacuum Congress, September 22 - 26, 1980 Cannes, France : Vol. 2 (1980)
Eighth International Vacuum Congress, Cannes, 22-26 September 1980
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Ionization gauge as an inner system; Gentsch, H.; Messer, Günter; Proceedings of the Eighth International Vacuum Congress, September 22 - 26, 1980 Cannes, France : Vol. 2 (1980)
Eighth International Vacuum Congress, Cannes, 22-26 September 1980
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Long term stability of various reference gauges over a three years period; Messer, Günter; Proceedings of the Eighth International Vacuum Congress, September 22 - 26, 1980 Cannes, France : Vol. 2 (1980)
Eighth International Vacuum Congress, Cannes, 22-26 September 1980
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Metrology of the leak detection: practical guide, developed by the EMRP IND 12 consortium; Vi&#269;ar, M.; Bergoglio, M.; Mari, D.; Pasqualin, S.; Boineau, F.; Bentouati, D.; Becker, Ute; Jousten, Karl; Ongun, B.; Kangi, R.; Grosse-Bley, W.; Laganá, C.; Farangis, B. (2015)
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Partialdruckbestimmung von Kohlenmonoxid im Hochvakuum mittels Infrarot-Absorptionsspektroskopie unter Verwendung einer Vielfachreflexionszelle nach Herriot; Lanzinger, Eckhard (1997)
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Calibrations and standards (chapter 12); Jousten, Karl; Foundations of vacuum science and technology (1998)
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Das Maß des "Nichts": Die Messung des Vakuums; Jousten, Karl; PTB-Mitteilungen (2008)
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Vacuum measures up for industry; Jousten, Karl; Bergoglio, Mercede; Setina, Janez; Special: Focus on vacuum technology ; in: Physics World (2014)
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Präzise Partialdruckbestimmung bei der Atemgasanalyse und in der Metrologie; Rubin, Tom (2016)
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Final report of key comparison CCM.P-K3: absolute pressure measurements in gas from 3 × 10-6 Pa to 9 × 10− 4 Pa; Olson, D. A.; Abbott, P. J.; Jousten, Karl; Redgrave, F. J.; Mohan, P.; Hong, S. S.; Metrologia (2010)
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Thermische Relaxation von Argon und Helium nach Einlaß in eine Vakuumkammer; Jousten, Karl; PTB-Jahresbericht 1996 (1997)
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Vergleich der Druckskalen im Hoch- und Ultrahochvakuum zwischen dem NPL (UK) und der PTB; Jousten, Karl; PTB-Jahresbericht 1996 (1997)
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Vergleich der Druckskalen zwischen NIST und PTB im Bereich 3· 10-7 Pa bis 9· 10-4 Pa; Jousten, Karl; PTB-Jahresbericht 1995 (1996)
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Änderungen der örtlichen Elektronenstromverteilung in Ionisationsvakuummeterröhren als Ursachen von Instabilitäten der Vakuummkonstanten; Röhl, Peter; Jousten, Karl; PTB-Jahresbericht 1994 (1995)
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Messungen kleinster Druckschwankungen in einem Ultrahochvakuumsystem; Rupschus, Georg; Jousten, Karl; Niepraschk, Rolf; PTB-Jahresbericht 1993 (1994)
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Vergleich der Vakuummeterkonstanten von lonisationsmeßröhren für Wasserstoff und Deuterium; Jousten, Karl; Röhl, Peter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1993 (1994)
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Vergleich der Primärnormale zur Darstellung der Druckskala unter 1000 Pa; Jousten, Karl; Rupschus, Georg; PTB-Jahresbericht 1992 (1993)
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Ein Gasdosiersystem für die Vakuummetrologie; Jousten, Karl; Messer, Günter; Wandrey, Dietrich; PTB-Jahresbericht 1992 (1993)
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Auger- und Röntgenausbeuten schwerer Elemente; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Werner, U.; PTB-Jahresbericht 1986 (1987)
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Oberflächeneffekte in Ionisationsmanometern; Harten, U.; Grosse, Gottfried; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Gentsch, H.; PTB-Jahresbericht 1986 (1987)
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Einfluß der Sekundärelektronenemission auf die Meßunsicherheit von lonisationsvakuummetern; Harten, U.; Grosse, Gottfried; Gentsch, H.; PTB-Jahresbericht 1986 (1987)
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Anwendung des Gasreibungsvakuummeters nach Fremerey für Gasgemische mit bekannter Zusammensetzung; Grosse, Gottfried; Messer, Günter; Röhl, Peter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1985 (1986)
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Stabilisierung der Vakuummeter-Konstanten von Ionisationsvakuummetern; Ave, H.; Becker, H.-U.; Messer, Günter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1984 (1985)
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Druckabhängigkeit der Koeffizienten für den tangentialen Impulsaustausch an Gasreibungsvakuummeter-Kugelrotoroberflächen; Messer, Günter; Röhl, Peter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1983 (1984)
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Kalibrierverfahren für Helium-Referenzlecks; Grosse, Gottfried; Messer, Günter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1982 (1983)
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Bestimmung von Leitwerten von Kapillarrohren und Lochblenden für Gase; Messer, Günter; Wandrey, Dietrich; PTB-Jahresbericht 1982 (1982)
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Darstellung der H2-Druckskala im Bereich von 10 mbar bis 10-10 mbar; Messer, Günter; Grosse, Gottfried; PTB-Jahresbericht 1981 (1982)
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Saugvermögen, und Kompressionsverhältnis von Turbomolekularpumpen; Messer, Günter; Grosse, Gottfried; PTB-Jahresbericht 1980 (1981)
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Ein neues lonisationsvakuummeter für Messungen von Wasserstoffdrücken; Messer, Günter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1980 (1981)
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Aktivierungsenergie der Wasserstoffdiffusion in Edelstahl; Grosse, Gottfried; PTB-Jahresbericht 1979 (1980)
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Tiefenprofilanalysen von Elektrodenmaterialien in lonisationsmanometerröhren mit Hilfe der Augerelektronenspektroskopie; Becker, H.-U.; PTB-Jahresbericht 1979 (1980)
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Massenselektive Gasabgaberatenmessung an Edelstahl, Kupfer und einer Aluminium-Magnesium-Legierung; Grosse, Gottfried; PTB-Jahresbericht 1979 (1980)
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Abhängigkeit der Nachweisempfindlichkeit von Heliumlecksuchgeräten von Fremdgasen hoher Partialdrücke; Messer, Günter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1979 (1980)
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Wasserstoff-Diffusionskoeffizient für Edelstahl bei höheren Temperaturen; Grosse, Gottfried; PTB-Jahresbericht 1978 (1979)
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Darstellung der Druckskale im Bereich von 10-10 Pa bis 10-7 Pa; Messer, Günter; Grosse, Gottfried; PTB-Jahresbericht 1978 (1979)
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Hochempfindliche Messungen der Gasabgaberate von Ultrahochvakuum-Bauteilen; Messer, Günter; Treitz, Norbert; PTB-Jahresbericht 1977 (1978)
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Stabilisierung der Empfindlichkeit von Heißkathoden-Ionisationsvakuummetern; Messer, Günter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1977 (1978)
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Kalibrierung extrem kleiner Prüflecks; Messer, Günter; Treitz, Norbert; PTB-Jahresbericht 1976 (1977)
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Einfluß von Oberflächeneffekten in Ionisationsvakuummetern bei Drücken über 10-4 Pa; Messer, Günter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1976 (1977)
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Energieübertragung an hochtemperierten Festkörperoberflächen; Grosse, Gottfried; Messer, Günter; Woeckel, Ernst; PTB-Jahresbericht 1976 (1977)
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Vakuummeter-Kalibrierungsvergleich zwischen dem National Physical Laboratory (Teddington) und der Phypsikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt; Messer, Günter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1975 (1976)
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Einfluß thermomolekularer Druckdifferenzen auf die Anzeige von Glühkathoden-Ionisationsvakuummetern im Druckbereich 10-4 Pa bis 10 Pa; Messer, Günter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1975 (1976)
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Thermische Akkomodationskoeffizienten von Edelgasen am Wolfram; Bierhals, Jürgen; Grosse, Gottfried; PTB-Jahresbericht 1973 (1974)
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Adsorption einiger Gase an Edelstahl bei Raumtemperatur; Messer, Günter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1972 (1973)
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Temperatur- und Druckabhängigkeit thermischer Akkomodationskoeffizienten von Edelgasen an reinen Wolframoberflächen; Grosse, Gottfried; Bierhals, Jürgen; PTB-Jahresbericht 1972 (1973)
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Messungen an Ultrahochvakuumpumpen unterhalb 10-8 Pa (10-10 Torr); Messer, Günter; PTB-Jahresbericht 1971 (1972)
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Kalibrierverfahren für- Vakuummeter; Messer, Günter; Grosse, Gottfried; PTB-Jahresbericht 1971 (1972)
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Hydrogen pressure in vacuum systems with cryocondensation pumps; Grosse, Gottfried; Messer, Günter; Proceedings of the Third International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Berlin, 25-27 May 1970 (1970)
Third International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Berlin, 25-27, May, 1970
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Das Messen von Druckverlustspitzenwerten an Balgengaszählern mit Schrägrohrmanometern; Messer, Günter; Eujen, Ernst; GWF: Gas aus Kohle und aus Erdöl, Erdgas (1968)
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Energieaustausch von Edelgasen mit Wolfram-Oberflächen. Relative Akkomodationskoeffizienten des Heliums, Neons, Argons und Xenons bei 298 K; Messer, Günter; Moliere, K.; Zeitschrift für angewandte Physik (1966)
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Energetic interaction of noble gases on tungsten in the range between 1000 K and 2000 K; Grosse, Gottfried; Messer, Günter; Woeckel, Ernst; Proceedings of the Seventh International Vacuum Congress and the Third International Conference on Solid Surfaces of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications : September 12-16, 1977, Congress Centre Hofburg, Vienna, Austria. Vol. 2 (1977)
Seventh International Vacuum Congress ; Third International Conference on Solid Surfaces of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications, Vienna, 12-16, December, 1977
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Sensitive mass-selective outgassing rate measurements on baked stainless steel and copper samples; Messer, Günter; Treitz, Norbert; Proceedings of the Seventh International Vacuum Congress and the Third International Conference on Solid Surfaces of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications : September 12-16, 1977, Congress Centre Hofburg, Vienna, Austria. Vol. 1 (1977)
Seventh International Vacuum Congress ; Third International Conference on Solid Surfaces of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications, Vienna, 12-16, December, 1977
83 / 258
Calibration of vacuum gauges in the range 10-7 Pa to 10 Pa with fundamental methods; Messer, Günter; Proceedings of the Seventh International Vacuum Congress and the Third International Conference on Solid Surfaces of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications : September 12-16, 1977, Congress Centre Hofburg, Vienna, Austria. Vol.1 (1977)
Seventh International Vacuum Congress ; Third International Conference on Solid Surfaces of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications, Vienna, 12-16, December, 1977
84 / 258
Intercomparison of vacuum standards between LIP and PTB; Wangkui, Li; Qiang, Liu; Zhenhai, Li; Messer, Günter; Grosse, Gottfried; Vacuum (1992)
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Procedures for measuring pumping speeds; Grosse, Gottfried; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Wandrey, Dietrich; Vacuum (1990)
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Gauge calibration in the high and medium vacuum range by a series expansion standard; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Migwi, J. K.; Grosse, Gottfried; Vacuum (1990)
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Pressures in the high and medium vacuum range generated by a series expansion standard; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Migwi, J. K.; Grosse, Gottfried; Vacuum (1990)
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Accuracy of vacuum gauges; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (1990)
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Intercomparison of vacuum standards between the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (Germany) and the National Physical Laboratory (India) using two spinning rotor gauges; Sharma, J. K. N.; Mohan, Pardeep; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Röhl, Peter; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (1989)
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Intercomparison of nine national high-vacuum standards under the auspices of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures; Messer, Günter; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Rubet, L.; Calcatelli, A.; Redgrave, F. J.; Keprt, A.; Wei-nan, Fei; Sharma, J. K. N.; Dittmann, S.; Ono, M.; Metrologia (1989)
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Coster-Kronig factor f13 of 39Y measured with the synchrotron photoionization method; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Grosse, Gottfried; Röhl, Peter; Physical Review A (1989)
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Diffusion leak artifacts as a secondary standard for gas flow; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Grosse, Gottfried; Wandrey, Dietrich; Vacuum (1988)
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Performance of the spinning rotor gauge with a novel transport device as a transfer standard for high vacuum; Röhl, Peter; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Vacuum (1988)
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Temperature dependence of the leak rate of He diffusion leak artifacts; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Wandrey, Dietrich; Vacuum (1988)
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Surface effects on the stability of hot cathode ionization gauges; Harten, U.; Grosse, Gottfried; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Gentsch, H.; Vacuum (1988)
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Performance of the bent beam ionization gauge in ultrahigh vacuum measurements; Han, S.-W.; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Röhl, Peter; Grosse, Gottfried; Vacuum (1988)
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Secondary electrons in ion gauges; Grosse, Gottfried; Harten, U.; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Gentsch, H.; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (1987)
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High vacuum measured by the spinning rotor gauge: Status report of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures intercomparison; Messer, Günter; Grosse, Gottfried; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (1987)
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Curious zig–zag in modulation characteristic curves of a Bayard–Alpert gauge in the extrahigh&#8208;vacuum region and its analysis by computer simulation; Kanaji, T.; Urano, T.; Ueki, N.; Grosse, Gottfried; Messer, Günter; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (1987)
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X&#8208;ray and Auger&#8208;electron yields for quantitative element analysis; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Werner, U.; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (1987)
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Quantitative study of the thermal transpiration effect in vacuum gauges; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Röhl, Peter; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (1987)
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Vakuummetrologie; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Messer, Günter; Physikalische Blätter (1987)
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Vakuummetrologie; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Messer, Günter; Vakuum-Technik (1987)
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Entwicklung der Vakuummetrologie in der Physikalisch- Technischen Reichsanstalt; Messer, Günter; Grosse, Gottfried; Vakuum-Technik (1987)
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Helium Diffusionslecks als sekundäre Normale für den Gasdurchfluß; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Grosse, Gottfried; Wandrey, Dietrich; Vakuum-Technik (1987)
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An improved ion gauge with gold coated electrodes for reliable operation in reactive gases and for use as reference standard; Gentsch, H.; Tewes, J.; Messer, Günter; Vacuum (1985)
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Calibration of vacuum gauges at pressures below 10-9 mbar with a molecular beam method; Grosse, Gottfried; Messer, Günter; Vakuum-Technik (1981)
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Intercomparison of vacuum standards of countries within the European community in the range 8×10− 5 to 8×10− 2 Pa; Poulter, K. F.; Calcatelli, A.; Choumoff, P. S.; Iapteff, B.; Messer, Günter; Grosse, Gottfried; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (1980)
109 / 258
Calibration of a spinning rotor gas friction gauge against a fundamental vacuum pressure standard; Comsa, George; Fremerey, J. K.; Lindenau, B.; Messer, Günter; Röhl, Peter; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (1980)
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Zur Kalibrierung von Vakuummetern; Messer, Günter; Physikalische Blätter (1977)
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Analysis of solid surface monolayers by mass and energy spectrometry methods; Treitz, Norbert; Journal of Physics E (1977)
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Measurement of thermal accommodation coefficients of noble gases on tungsten with different surface structures between 300 and 370 K; Bierhals, Jürgen; Grosse, Gottfried; Messer, Günter; Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (1974)
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Experiences with cryopumps in calibration devices; Grosse, Gottfried; Messer, Günter; Vacuum (1970)
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A cryopumping system with two cryogenic condensers for molecular beam experiments; Messer, Günter; Schulze, W.; Cryogenics (1970)
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Note: Diffusion constant and solubility of helium in ULE glass at 23 °C; Avdiaj, Sefer; Yang, Yuanchao; Jousten, Karl; Rubin, Tom; Journal of Chemical Physics (2018)
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Final report on the key comparison, CCM.P-K15 in the pressure range from 1.0 × 10-4 Pa to 1.0 Pa; Wuethrich, Christian; Arai, Kenta; Bergoglio, Mercede; Fedchak, James A.; Jousten, Karl; Hong, Seung Soo; Torres Guzman, Jorge; Metrologia (2017)
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Final report on key comparison CCM.P-K4.2012 in absolute pressure from 1 Pa to 10 kPa; Ricker, Jacob; Hendricks, Jay H.; Bock, Thomas; Dominik, Prazak; Kobata, Tokihiko; Torres, Jorge; Sadkovskaya, Irina; Metrologia (2017)
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Perspectives for a new realization of the Pascal by optical methods; Jousten, Karl; Hendricks, Jay H.; Barker, Daniel; Douglas, Kevin; Eckel, Steve; Egan, Patrick; Fedchak, James A.; Flügge, Jens; Gaiser, Christof; Olson, Douglas A.; Ricker, Jacob; Rubin, Tom; Sabuga, Wladimir; Scherschligt, Julia; Schödel, Rene; Sterr, Uwe; Stone, Jack; Strouse, Gregory; Metrologia (2017)
6th CCM International Conference on Pressure and Vacuum Metrology in conjunction with the 5th International Conference IMEKO TC 16, Pereira, 07-10 May 2017
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Operating vacuum systems (chapter 18); Jousten, Karl; Meissner, Uwe; Handbook of vacuum technology, 2nd edition (2016)
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Materials (chapter 16); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology, 2nd edition (2016)
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Calibrations and standards (chapter 15); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology, 2nd edition (2016)
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Partial pressure vacuum gauges and leak detectors (chapter 14); Jousten, Karl; Ellefson, Robert; Große Bley, Werner; Handbook of vacuum technology, 2nd edition (2016)
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Total pressure vacuum gauges (chapter 13); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology, 2nd edition (2016)
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Sorption pumps (chapter 11); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology, 2nd edition (2016)
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Jet and diffusion pumps (chapter 9); Jousten, Karl; Galda, Klaus; Handbook of vacuum technology, 2nd edition (2016)
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Positive displacement pumps (chapter 7); Jousten, Karl; Dirscherl, Jürgen; Lachenmann, Rudolf; Jünemann, Alfrons; Friedrichsen, Uwe; Lippelt, Erik; Kossek, Boris; Handbook of vacuum technology, 2nd edition (2016)
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Sorption and diffusion (chapter 6); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology, 2nd edition (2016)
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Applications and scope of vacuum technology (chapter 2); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology, 2nd edition (2016)
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The history of vacuum science and vacuum technology (chapter 1); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology, 2nd edition (2016)
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Partial pressure measurement standard for characterizing partial pressure analyzers and measuring outgassing rates; Jousten, Karl; Putzke, Stephan; Buthig, Joachim; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (2015)
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Outgassing rate measurements with the difference method in the framework of EMRP IND12; Hauer, V.; Battes, K.; Flämmich, M.; Ierardi, V.; Jousten, Karl; Setina, J.; 13th European Vacuum Conference Joint meeting with 7th European Topical Conference on Hard Coatings and 9th Iberian Vacuum Meeting ; in: Vacuum (2015)
13th European Vacuum Conference Joint meeting with 7th European Topical Conference on Hard Coatings and 9th Iberian Vacuum Meeting, Aveiro, 8-12 September 2014
132 / 258
Report of pilot study CCM.P-P1 for international comparison of absolute pressure measurements in gas from 3 × 10-9 Pa to 9 × 10-4 Pa; Yoshida, Hajime; Arai, Kenta; Komatsu, Eiichi; Fujii, Kenichi; Bock, Thomas; Jousten, Karl; Metrologia (2015)
133 / 258
Recommended practices for the use of spinning rotor gauges in inter-laboratory comparisons; Fedchak, James A.; Arai, Kenta; Jousten, Karl; Setina, Janez; Yoshida, Hajime; Measurement (2015)
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Realization, characterization and measurements of standard leak artefacts; Becker, Ute; Bentouati, Djilali; Bergoglio, Mercede; Boineau, Fréderic; Jitsch, Wolfgang; Jousten, Karl; Mari, Domenico; Prazak, Dominik; Vicar, Martin; Measurement (2015)
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Bilateral key comparison CCM.P-K3.1 for absolute pressure measurements from 3 × 10-6 Pa to 9 × 10-4 Pa; Fedchak, J. A.; Bock, Thomas; Jousten, Karl; Metrologia (2014)
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Final report on EURAMET.M.P-K4.2010: Key and supplementary comparison of national pressure standards in the range 1 Pa to 15 kPa of absolute and gauge pressure; Zdenek, Krajicek; Bergoglio, Mercede; Jousten, Karl; Otal, Pierre; Sabuga, Wladimir; Saxholm, Sari; Prazak, Dominik; Vicar, Martin; Metrologia (2014)
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Nano-holes as standard leak elements; Ierardi, V.; Becker, Ute; Pantazis, Sarantis; Firpo, G.; Valbusa, U.; Jousten, Karl; Measurement (2014)
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Time-dependent rarefied gas flow of single gases and binary gas mixtures into vacuum; Vargas, M.; Steryios, N.; Valougeorgis, D.; Pantazis, Sarantis; Jousten, Karl; Vacuum (2014)
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A hybrid continuum-particle solver for unsteady rarefied gas flows; Pantazis, Sarantis; Rusche, B.; Vacuum (2014)
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Computational and experimental study of unsteady gas flow in a dynamic vacuum standard; Pantazis, Sarantis; Jousten, Karl; Vacuum (2014)
141 / 258
Procedures for measuring pumping speeds; Grosse, Gottfried; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Wandrey, Dietrich; Vacuum (1990)
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Design and evaluation of a primary high&#8208;vacuum standard; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Jousten, Karl; Wandrey, Dietrich; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (1992)
143 / 258
Detection of small pressure pulses in an ion pumped ultrahigh vacuum system; Rupschus, Georg; Niepraschk, Rolf; Jousten, Karl; Kühne, Michael; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (1994)
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The uncertainties of calibration pressures at PTB; Jousten, Karl; Rupschuß, Georg; Vacuum (1993)
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A precision gas flowmeter for vacuum metrology; Jousten, Karl; Messer, G.; Wandrey, Dietrich; Vacuum (1993)
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Recent advances in vacuum sciences and applications; Mozetic, M.; Ostrikov, K.; Ruzic, D.N.; Curreli, D.; Cvelbar, U.; Vesel, A.; Primc, G.; Leisch, M.; Jousten, Karl; Malyshev, O.B.; Hendricks, J.H.; Köver, L.; Tagliaferro, A.; Conde, O.; Silvestre, A. J.; Giapintzakis, J.; Buljan, M.; et al.; Journal of Physics D (2014)
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Hybrid modeling of time-dependent rarefied gas expansion; Vargas, Manuel; Naris, Steryios; Valougeorgis, Dimitris; Pantazis, Sarantis; Jousten, Karl; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (2014)
148 / 258
Final report of key comparison CCM.P-K12 for very low helium flow rates (leak rates); Jousten, Karl; Aria, K.; Becker, Ute; Bodnar, Olha; Boineau, F.; Fedchak, J.A.; Gorobey, V.; Jian, Wu; Mari, D.; Mohan, P.; Setina, J.; Toman, B.; Vicar, M.; Yan, Yu Hong; Metrologia (2013)
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Temperature relaxation of argon and helium after injection into a vacuum vessel; Jousten, Karl; Vacuum (1994)
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Instability of the spatial electron current distribution in hot cathode ionization gauges as a source of sensitivity changes; Jousten, Karl; Röhl, Peter; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (1995)
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Conjugate heat transfer simulations of a thermocouple sensor in a low temperature nitrogen gas ambient; Pantazis, Sarantis; Buthig, Joachim; Jousten, Karl; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2014)
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Comparison of the sensitivities of ionization gauges to hydrogen and deuterium; Jousten, Karl; Röhl, Peter; Vacuum (1995)
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Calibration of total pressure gauges in the UHV and XHV regions; Jousten, Karl; Shinku: journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan (1994)
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Method to test linearity of quadrupole mass spectrometers by use of a flowmeter and a standard leak; Becker, Ute; Jousten, Karl; Special issue on: Measurement characteristics and use of quadrupole mass spectrometers for vacuum applications ; in: Vacuum (2014)
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The work of ISO TC 112 towards standardization for specification and calibration of quadrupole mass spectrometers; Jousten, Karl; Kim, Jin-Tae; Special issue on: Measurement characteristics and use of quadrupole mass spectrometers for vacuum applications ; in: Vacuum (2014)
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A standard to test the dynamics of vacuum gauges in the millisecond range; Jousten, Karl; Pantazis, Sarantis; Buthig, Joachim; Model, Regine; Wüest, Martin; Iwicki, Jaroslaw; Vacuum (2014)
157 / 258
Hybrid continuum particle simulations of unsteady flows; Pantazis, Sarantis; 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics 2012 ; RGD28 ; (AIP Conference Proceedings: 1501) (2012)
28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Zaragoza, 9-13, July, 2012
158 / 258
Application of Bayesian Model averaging using a fixed effects model with linear drift for the analysis of key comparison CCM.P-K12; Bodnar, Olha; Link, Alfred; Klauenberg, Katy; Jousten, Karl; Elster, Clemens; Measurement Techniques (2013)
159 / 258
Temperatur- und Druckabhängigkeit des thermischen Akkomodationskoeffizienten der Edelgase zwischen 300 K und 370 K an W-Proben verschiedener Oberflächenbeschaffenheit; Bierhals, Jürgen (1974)
160 / 258
Comparison of the standards for high and ultrahigh vacuum at three national standards laboratories; Jousten, Karl; Filipelli, A. R.; Tilford, T. C.; Redgrave, F. J.; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (1997)
161 / 258
Very fast-opening UHV gate valve; Sonderegger, Kurt; Dür, Michael; Buthig, Joachim; Pantazis, Sarantis; Jousten, Karl; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (2013)
162 / 258
Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 11. Auflage; Jousten, Karl; Jitschin, Wolfgang; Sharipov, Felix; Lachenmann, Rudolf; Dirscherl, Jürgen; Jünemann, Alfons; Kossek, Boris; Friedrichsen, Uwe; Lippelt, Erik; Grave, Harald; Galda, Klaus; Leiter, Frank; Day, Christian; Müller, Norbert; Ellefson, Robert; Große-Bley, Werner; Veldkamp, Markus; Meissner, Uwe; Schimunek, Bernhard (2013)
163 / 258
Vakuumsysteme; Jousten, Karl; Meissner, Uwe; Schimunek, Bernhard; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 11. Auflage (2013)
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Werkstoffe; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 11. Auflage (2013)
165 / 258
Kalibrierungen und Normen; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 11. Auflage (2013)
166 / 258
Partialdruckmessung mit optischen Methoden; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 11. Auflage (2013)
167 / 258
Vakuummessgeräte für Totaldruck; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 11. Auflage (2013)
168 / 258
Sorptionspumpen; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 11. Auflage (2013)
169 / 258
Treibmittelpumpen; Jousten, Karl; Galda, Klaus (2013)
170 / 258
Verdrängerpumpen; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 11. Auflage (2013)
171 / 258
Sorption und Diffusion; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 11. Auflage (2013)
172 / 258
Anwendungen und Aufgaben der Vakuumtechnik; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 11. Auflage (2013)
173 / 258
Die Geschichte der Vakuumphysik und Vakuumtechnik; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 11. Auflage (2013)
174 / 258
Bayesian variance separation under heteroscedasticity - application to an unstable measurand; Klauenberg, Katy; Jousten, Karl; Elster, Clemens; Advanced mathematical and computational tools in metrology and testing : AMCTM IX ; (Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences: 84) (2012)
Advanced mathematical and computational tools in metrology and testing: AMCTM IX, Göteborg, 20-22, June, 2011
175 / 258
Traceability to SI units for vacuum measurement in industrial applications; Jousten, Karl; Measurement (2012)
176 / 258
International standardization for vacuum metrology and technology in recent years; Jousten, Karl; Proceedings of the 5th CCM International Conference on Pressure and Vacuum Metrology and the 4th International Conference IMEKO TC 16 ; in: PTB-Mitteilungen (2011)
5th CCM International Conference on Pressure and Vacuum Metrology and 4th International Conference IMEKO TC 16, Berlin, 1-5, May, 2011
177 / 258
Comparison and assessment of procedures for calculating the R(12) line strength of the ν 1 + 2ν 2 + ν 3 band of CO2; Wübbeler, Gerd; Padilla Viquez, Gerardo J.; Jousten, Karl; Werhahn, Olav; Elster, Clemens; Journal of Chemical Physics (2011)
178 / 258
On the stability of capacitance diaphragm gauges with ceramic membranes; Jousten, Karl; Naef, Simon; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (2011)
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Untersuchungen am System W(100)-O2 mit SIMS und EID; Treitz, Norbert (1974)
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Anhang (Kap. 20); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
181 / 258
Bauelemente der Vakuumtechnik und ihre Verbindungen (Kap. 17); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
182 / 258
Werkstoffe (Kap. 16); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
183 / 258
Kalibrierungen und Normen (Kap. 15); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
184 / 258
Partialdruckmessgeräte und Leckdetektoren (Kap. 14); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
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Vakuummessgeräte für Totaldruck (Kap. 13); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
186 / 258
Kryotechnik und Kryopumpen (Kap. 12); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
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Sorptionspumpen (Kap. 11); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
188 / 258
Treibmittelpumpen (Kap. 9); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
189 / 258
Verdrängerpumpen (Kap. 7); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
190 / 258
Sorption und Diffusion (Kap. 6); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
191 / 258
Anwendungen und Aufgaben der Vakuumtechnik (Kap. 2); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
192 / 258
Die Geschichte der Vakuumphysik und Vakuumtechnik (Kap.1); Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik, 10., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (2010)
193 / 258
Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik; Jousten, Karl (2010)
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Reduction of the uncertainty of the PTB vacuum pressure scale by a new large area non-rotating piston gauge; Bock, Thomas; Ahrendt, Helga; Jousten, Karl; Metrologia (2009)
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A primary standard for the calibration of sniffer test leak devices; Jousten, Karl; Becker, Ute; Metrologia (2009)
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Appendix (Kap. 20); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology (2008)
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Vacuum components and seals (Kap. 17); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology (2008)
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Materials (Kap. 16); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology (2008)
199 / 258
Calibrations and standards (Kap. 15); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology (2008)
200 / 258
Total pressure vacuum gauges (Kap. 13); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology (2008)
201 / 258
Cryotechnology and cryopumps (Kap. 12); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology (2008)
202 / 258
Sorption pumps (Kap. 11); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology (2008)
203 / 258
Jet and diffusion pumps (Kap. 9); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology (2008)
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Positive displacement pumps (Kap. 7); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology (2008)
205 / 258
Sorption and diffusion (Kap. 6); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology (2008)
206 / 258
Applications and scope of vacuum technology (Kap. 2); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology (2008)
207 / 258
The history of vacuum science and vacuum technology (Kap. 1); Jousten, Karl; Handbook of vacuum technology (2008)
208 / 258
Traceability to SI units for vacuum measurement in industrial applications; Jousten, Karl; IMEKO TC3 & TC16 & TC22 International Conference : 27th November - 1st December, 2007, Merida, Mexico (2007)
IMEKO 20th TC3, 3rd TC16 and 1st TC22 International Conference 2007, Merida, 27-30, November, 2007
209 / 258
On the gas species dependence of Pirani vacuum gauges; Jousten, Karl; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (2008)
210 / 258
Investigation of tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy for its application as primary standard for partial pressure measurements; Jousten, Karl; Padilla Viquez, Gerardo; Bock, Thomas; Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2008)
17th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-17), 13th International Conference on Surface Science, (ICSS-13) and International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T 2007), Stockholm, 2–6 July 2007
211 / 258
Final report on the supplementary comparison Euromet.M.P-S2 (bilateral comparison) in the pressure range from 30 Pa to 7000 Pa; Jousten, Karl; Thomas, Bock; Prazak, Dominik; Krajicek, Zdenek; Metrologia (2007)
212 / 258
Untersuchung einiger metrologischer Eigenschaften von vier verschiedenen Wärmeleitungsvakuummetern; Jousten, Karl; Untersuchung einiger metrologischer Eigenschaften von vier verschiedenen Wärmeleitungsvakuummetern ; (PTB-Bericht PTB-MA-81) (2007)
213 / 258
Traceable CO2-R(12) line intensity for laser-spectroscopy-based gas analysis near 2 μ m; Padilla Viquez, Gerardo J.; Koelliker Delgado, Jorge; Werhahn, Olav; Jousten, Karl; Schiel, Detlef; IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2007)
2006 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, Torino, 9-14, July, 2006
214 / 258
A new 3He vapour-pressure based temperature scale from 0.65 K to 3.2 K consistent with the PLTS-2000; Engert, Jost; Fellmuth, Bernd; Jousten, Karl; Metrologia (2007)
215 / 258
Anhang; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
216 / 258
Bauelemente der Vakuumtechnik und ihre Verbindungen; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
217 / 258
Werkstoffe; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
218 / 258
Kalibrierungen und Normen; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
219 / 258
Partialdruckmessung mit optischen Methoden; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
220 / 258
Vakuummessgeräte für Totaldruck; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
221 / 258
Kryotechnik und Kryopumpen; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
222 / 258
Sorptionspumpen; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
223 / 258
Treibmittelpumpen; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
224 / 258
Verdrängerpumpen; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
225 / 258
Sorption und Diffusion; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
226 / 258
Anwendungen und Aufgaben der Vakuumtechnik; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
227 / 258
Die Geschichte der Vakuumphysik und Vakuumtechnik; Jousten, Karl; Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik : Theorie und Praxis, 9., überarb. und erw. Auflage (2006)
228 / 258
Ultrahigh vacuum gauges; Jousten, Karl; Vacuum in accelerators : proceedings / CAS CERN Accelerator School (2007)
CERN Accelerator School (CAS), Vacuum in Accelerators, Platja d 'Aro, Spain, 16-24, May, 2006
229 / 258
Gauges for the fine and high vacuum; Jousten, Karl; Vacuum in accelerators : proceedings / CAS CERN Accelerator School (2007)
CERN Accelerator School (CAS), Vacuum in Accelerators, Platja d 'Aro, Spain, 16-24, May, 2006
230 / 258
Traceable molecular line strengths for gas analysis applications; Padilla Viquez, Gerardo J.; Koelliker Delgado, Jorge; Werhahn, Olav; Jousten, Karl; Schiel, Detlef; 2006 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements digest (2006)
2006 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, Torino, 9-14, July, 2006
231 / 258
Generic system design for measurement databases - applied to calibrations in vacuum metrology, bio-signals and a template system; Gross, Hermann; Hartmann, Volker; Jousten, Karl; Lindner, Gert; Advanced mathematical and computational tools in metrology VII ; (Series on advances in mathematics for applied sciences: 72) (2006)
International Conference Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools for Metrology, Caparica, 27-29, June, 2005
232 / 258
The treatment of uncertainties of calibration pressures in vacuum; Bergoglio, M.; Calcatelli, A.; Jousten, Karl; Redgrave, F.; The treatment of uncertainties of calibration pressures in vacuum : EUROMET project 323 ; final report ; (IMGC technical report: 7) (1997)
233 / 258
Offset scatter reduction of spinning rotor gauges by vibration isolation; Bock, Thomas; Jousten, Karl; Vacuum (2006)
234 / 258
Experimental verification of a Monte-Carlo simulation of the gas density in a vacuum chamber; Bock, Thomas; Jousten, Karl; Vacuum (2006)
235 / 258
Realization of the medium and high vacuum primary standard in CENAM, Mexico; Torres-Guzman, J.C. [speaker]; Santander, L.A.; Jousten, Karl; Proceedings der 4th International Conference on Pressure Metrology ; in: Metrologia (2005)
4th International Conference on Pressure Metrology, London, 19-21, April, 2005
236 / 258
Results of the regional key comparison EUROMET.M.P-K1.a, in the Pressure range from 0.1 Pa to 1000 Pa.; Calcatelli, Anita; Arrhen, Fredrik; Bergoglio, Mercede; Greenwood, John; Kangi, Rifat; Jousten, Karl; Legras, Jean Claude; Rantanen, Markuu; Verbeek, Jos; Matilla Vicente, Carmen; Szaulich, Denes; Metrologia (2005)
237 / 258
Results of the key comparison SIM-Euromet.M.P-BK3 (bilateral comparison) in the pressure range from 3•10-4 Pa to 0.9 Pa; Jousten, Karl; Santander Romero, Luis A.; Torres Guzman, Jorge C.; Metrologia (2005)
238 / 258
Results of the regional key comparison Euromet.M.P-K1.a in the pressure range from 3x10-4 Pa to 0.9 Pa; Jousten, Karl; Bergoglio, Mercede; Calcatelli, Anita; Durocher, Jean-Noel; Greenwood, John; Kangi, Rifat; Legras, Jean-Claude; Matilla, Carmen; Setina, Janez; Metrologia (2005)
239 / 258
Bilateral comparison of medium-vacuum standards between PTB and KRISS; Hong, S.S.; Shin, Y.H.; Chung, K.H.; Jousten, Karl; Journal of the Korean Physical Society (2004)
240 / 258
Comparison of the stability of hot and cold cathode ionization gauges; Li, Detian; Jousten, Karl; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (2003)
241 / 258
Is the effective accommodation coefficient of the spinning rotor gauge temperature dependent?; Jousten, Karl; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A (2003)
242 / 258
Comparison of some metrological characteristics of hot and cold cathode ionisation gauges; Li, Detian; Jousten, Karl; Vacuum (2003)
243 / 258
The gas flux distribution in the XHV chamber of the vacuum primary standard developed by PTB; Szwemin, Piotr; Szymanski, Karol; Jousten, Karl; Vacuum (2004)
8th European Vacuum Congress, Berlin, 23-26, June, 2003
244 / 258
The Vacuum metrology system in Germany; Jousten, Karl; Trends in Vacuum Science and Technology (2004)
245 / 258
Final report on key comparison CCM. P-K4 of absolute pressure standards from 1 Pa to 1000 Pa; Müller, A. P.; Bergoglio, M.; Bignell, N.; Fen, K. M. K.; Hong, S. S.; Jousten, Karl; Mohan, P.; Redgrave, F. J.; Sardi, M.; Metrologia (2002)
246 / 258
Genaue Linienstärkebestimmungen von CO-Übergängen im mittleren Infrarot zur Teilchendichtemessung; Jousten, Karl; Lanzinger, Eckhard; Kühne, Michael; Anwendungen und Trends in der optischen Analysenmesstechnik ; (VDI-Berichte: 1667) (2002)
VDI-Tagung Applications and trends in optical analysis technology, Frankfurt, Main, 26 - 27. Februar 2002
247 / 258
A new fully automated gas flowmeter at the PTB for flow rates between 10-13 mol/s and 10-6 mol/s; Jousten, Karl; Menzer, Hartmut; Niepraschk, Rolf; Metrologia (2002)
248 / 258
Partial pressure measurement by means of infrared laser absorption spectroscopy; Lanzinger, Eckhard; Jousten, Karl; Kühne, Michael; Vacuum (1998)
249 / 258
Dependence of the outgassing rate of a "vacuum fired" 316LN stainless steel chamber on bake-out temperature; Jousten, Karl; Vacuum (1998)
250 / 258
Temperature corrections for the calibration of vacuum gauges; Jousten, Karl; Vacuum (1998)
251 / 258
Kalibrierungen und Normen; Jousten, Karl; Handbuch Vakuumtechnik (2000)
252 / 258
Gas flux distribution in a new PTB primary standard for very low pressures = Badania symulacyjne nowego wzorca wysokiej i ultrawysokiej prózni opracowanego w PTB; Szwemin, Piotr; Szymanski, K.; Jousten, Karl; Techniki prozni i technologie prozniowe : wybrane materialy V Krajowej Konferencji Techniki Prozni i V Polsko Bialosruskiego Sympozjum Technologii Prozniowych ; (Prace Naukowe - Politechniki Warszawskiej, Elektronika: 123) (1999)
V Krajowej Konferencji Techniki Prozni i V Polsko Bialosruskiego Sympozjum Technologii Prozniowych, Borkikolo Tomaszowa Mazowieckiego, 09-11, June, 1999
253 / 258
Monte Carlo study of a new PTB primary standard for very low pressures; Szwemin, P.; Szymanski, K.; Jousten, Karl; Metrologia (1999)
254 / 258
New, fully automated, primary standard for generating vacuum pressures between 10-10 Pa and 3 x 10-2 Pa with respect to residual pressure; Jousten, Karl; Menzer, Hartmut; Wandrey, Dietrich; Niepraschk, Rolf; Metrologia (1999)
255 / 258
Self-pressure broadening of C2H2 between 0.1 kPa and 10 kPa [poster]; Maaß, Dirk; Jousten, Karl; Seidel, Joachim; Kühne, Michael; Spectral line shapes: volume 11 ; 15th ICSLS ; (AIP conference proceedings: 559) (2001)
15th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, Berlin, 10-14, July, 2000
256 / 258
Pressure measurement with ionization gauges; Jousten, Karl; Proceedings CAS CERN Accelerator School Vacuum Technology ; (Report CERN: 99-5) (1999)
CAS CERN Accelerator School course on Vacuum Technology, Snekkersten, May 28 - June 3, 1999
257 / 258
Thermal outgassing; Jousten, Karl; Proceedings CAS CERN Accelerator School Vacuum Technology ; (Report CERN: 99-5) (1999)
CAS CERN Accelerator School course on Vacuum Technology, Snekkersten, May 28 - June 3, 1999
258 / 258
Volume ratio determinations in static expansion systems by means of a spinning rotor gauge; Jousten, Karl; Röhl, Peter; Aranda Contreras, V.; Vacuum (1999)
% Encoding: UTF-8
@comment{======= Content of "journal-short-names.bib" =======}
@comment{Commonly used names of journals -- Abbreviations}
@STRING{ZFAP={Z. Angew. Phys}}
@STRING{JJAP={Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.}}
@STRING{JPB={J. Phys. B}}
@STRING{JPD={J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.}}
@STRING{JPE={J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.}}
@STRING{JPCS={J. Phys. Conf. Ser.}}
@STRING{PBL={Phys. Bl.}}
@STRING{JVT={J. Vac. Sci. Technol.}}
@STRING{JVTA={J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A}}
@STRING{PRA={Phys. Rev. A}}
@STRING{JVSJ={J. Vac. Soc. Japan}}
@STRING{JKPS={J. Korean Phys. Soc.}}
@STRING{IEEE_J_IM={{IEEE} Trans. Instrum. Meas.}}
@STRING{JCP={J. Chem. Phys.}}
@STRING{MT={Meas. Tech.}}
@STRING{APCP={AIP Conf. Proc.}}
@STRING{IJHMT={Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.}}
@STRING{NP={Nat. Phys.}}
@STRING{VIPR={Vak. Forschung und Prax.}}
@STRING{MEASEN={Meas.: Sens.}}
@STRING{ZFPA={Z. Phys. A}}
@STRING{ZFPB={Z. Phys. B}}
@STRING{ZFPC={Z. Phys. C}}
@STRING{ZFPD={Z. Phys. D}}
@STRING{PRLT={Phys. Rev. Lett.}}
author = {Messer, G. and Moliere, K.},
title = {Energieaustausch von Edelgasen mit Wolfram-Oberflächen},
title = {Energieaustausch von Edelgasen mit Wolfram"=Oberflächen},
subtitle = {Relative Akkommodationskoeffizienten des Heliums, Neons,
Argons und Xenons bei 298\,K},
journaltitle = ZFAP,
......@@ -12,7 +47,6 @@
volume = {20},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Messer, G. and Eujen, E.},
title = {Das Messen von Druckverlustspitzenwerten an Balgengaszählern
......@@ -21,9 +55,9 @@
date = {1968},
pages = {78},
volume = {109},
issn = {0016-4909},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Messer, G. and Schulze, W.},
title = {A cryopumping system with two cryogenic condensers for molecular beam
......@@ -41,29 +75,32 @@
date = {1970},
pages = {373-376},
volume = {20},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/S0042-207X(70)80036-7},
langid = {english}
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G.},
title = {Hydrogen pressure in vacuum systems with cryocondensation
journaltitle = {Proc. 3rd Int. Cryogenic Engineering. Conf., Berlin},
booktitle = {Proc. 3rd Int. Cryogenic Engineering. Conf.},
venue = {Berlin},
date = {1970},
pages = {393-398},
langid = {english}
author = {Messer, G. and Grosse, G.},
title = {Kalibrierverfahren für Vakuummeter},
journaltitle = PTB-J,
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1971},
pages = {172},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Messungen an Ultrahochvakuumpumpen unterhalb 10-8\,Pa},
journaltitle = PTB-J,
title = {Messungen an Ultrahochvakuumpumpen unterhalb $10^{-8}$\,Pa},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1971},
pages = {172},
langid = {ngerman}
......@@ -72,7 +109,7 @@
author = {Grosse, G. and Bierhals, J.},
title = {Temperatur- und Druckabhängigkeit thermischer
Akkommodationskoeffizienten von Edelgasen an reinen Wolframoberflächen},
journaltitle = PTB-J,
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1972},
pages = {203},
langid = {ngerman}
......@@ -80,45 +117,47 @@
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Adsorption einiger Gase an Edelstahl},
journaltitle = PTB-J,
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1972},
pages = {203},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Bierhals, J. and Grosse, G.},
title = {Thermische Akkommodationskoeffizienten von Edelgasen am Wolfram},
journaltitle = PTB-J,
title = {Thermische Akkommodationskoeffizienten von Edelgasen
am Wolfram},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1973},
pages = {205},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Grosse, G. and Bierhals, J. and Messer, G.},
author = {Bierhals, J. and Grosse, G. and Messer, G.},
title = {Measurement of Thermal Accommodation Coefficients of Noble
Gases on Tungsten with Different Surface Structures Between 300 and 370\,K},
journaltitle = JJAP,
journalsubtitle = {Pt. 1},
series = {},
date = {1974},
volume = {13},
pages = {335},
volume = {13},
number = {S1},
pages = {335-338},
doi = {10.7567/jjaps.2s1.335},
langid = {english}
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Einfluß thermomolekularer Druckdifferenzen auf die Anzeige
von Glühkathoden-Ionisationsvakuummetern im Druckbereich 10-4 Pa bis 10 Pa},
journaltitle = PTB-J,
von Glühkathoden-Ionisationsvakuummetern im Druckbereich $10^{-4}$\,Pa
bis 10\,Pa},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1975},
pages = {279},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Vakuummeter-Kalibrierungsvergleich zwischen. dem NPL (UK)
title = {Vakuummeter"=Kalibrierungsvergleich zwischen dem NPL (UK)
und der PTB},
journaltitle = PTB-J,
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1975},
pages = {280},
langid = {ngerman}
......@@ -126,7 +165,7 @@
author = {Messer, G. and Grosse, G. and Woeckel, E.},
title = {Energieübertragung an hochtemperierten Festkörperoberflächen},
journaltitle = PTB-J,
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1976},
pages = {182},
langid = {ngerman}
......@@ -134,8 +173,8 @@
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Einfluß von Oberflächeneffekten in Ionisationsvakuummetern
bei Drücken über 10-4 Pa},
journaltitle = PTB-J,
bei Drücken über $10^{-4}$\,Pa},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1976},
pages = {182},
langid = {ngerman}
......@@ -143,62 +182,2711 @@
author = {Messer, G. and Treitz, N.},
title = {Kalibrierung extrem kleiner Prüflecks},
journaltitle = PTB-J,
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1976},
pages = {183},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Treitz, N.},
title = {Kalibrierung extrem kleiner Prüflecks},
title = {Analysis of solid surface monolayers by mass and energy
spectrometry methods},
journaltitle = JPE,
date = {1977},
volume = {10},
volume = {10},
number = {6},
pages = {573-585},
doi = {10.1088/0022-3735/10/6/002},
langid = {english}
author = {Messer, G.},
editor = {Dobrozemsky, R.},
title = {Calibration of vacuum gauges in the range 10-7 Pa to 10 Pa
with fundamental methods},
journaltitle = {Proc. 7th Int. Vac. Congr., Vienna},
date = {1977},
title = {Calibration of vacuum gauges in the range $10^{-7}$\,Pa to
10\,Pa with fundamental methods},
booktitle = {Proc. 7th Int. Vac. Congr.},
venue = {Vienna},
date = {1977},
pages = {153-156},
langid = {english}
author = {Messer, G. and Treitz, N.},
editor = {Dobrozemsky, R.},
title = {Sensitive mass-selective outgassing rate measurements on
baked stainless steel and copper samples},
journaltitle = {Proc. 7th Int. Vac. Congr., Vienna},
date = {1977},
booktitle = {Proc. 7th Int. Vac. Congr.},
venue = {Vienna},
date = {1977},
pages = {223-226},
langid = {english}
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G. and Woeckel, E.},
editor = {Dobrozemsky, R.},
title = {Energetic interaction of noble gases on tungsten in the
range between 1000\,K and 2000\,K},
booktitle = {Proc. 7th Int. Vac. Congr.},
venue = {Vienna},
date = {1977},
pages = {1035-1038},
langid = {english}
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Zur Kalibrierung von Vakuummetern},
journaltitle = PBL,
date = {1977},
volume = {33},
pages = {343-355},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Stabilisierung der Empfindlichkeit von
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1977},
pages = {198},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Messer, G. and Treitz, N.},
title = {Hochempfindliche Messungen der Gasabgaberate von
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1977},
pages = {199},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Messer, G. and Grosse, G.},
title = {Darstellung der Druckskale im Bereich von $10^{-10}$\,Pa bis
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1978},
pages = {217},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Grosse, G.},
title = {Wasserstoffdiffusionskoeffizient für Edelstahl bei höheren
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1978},
pages = {217},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Abhängigkeit der Nachweisempfindlichkeit von
Heliumlecksuchgeräten von Fremdgasen hoher Partialdrücke},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1979},
pages = {220},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Grosse, G.},
title = {Massenselektive Gasabgaberatenmessung an Edelstahl, Kupfer
und einer Aluminium"=Magnesium"=Legierung},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1979},
pages = {220},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Becker, H. U.},
title = {Tiefenprofilanalysen von Elektrodenmaterialien in
Ionisationsmanometerröhren mit Hilfe der Augerelektronenspektroskopie},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1979},
pages = {220},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Grosse, G.},
title = {Aktivierungsenergie der Wasserstoffdiffusion in Edelstahl},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1979},
pages = {221},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Comsa, G. and Fremerey, J. K. and Lindenau, B. and Messer,
G. and Röhl, P.},
title = {Calibration of a spinning rotor gas friction gauge against
a fundamental vacuum pressure standard},
journaltitle = JVT,
date = {1980},
volume = {17},
number = {2},
pages = {642-644},
issn = {0022-5355},
doi = {10.1116/1.570531},
langid = {english}
author = {Poulter, K. F. and Calcatelli, A. and Choumoff, P. S. and
Iapteff, B. and Messer, G. and Grosse, G.},
title = {Intercomparison of vacuum standards of countries within the
European community in the range $8 \times 10^{-5}$ to
$8 \times 10^{-2}$\,Pa.},
journaltitle = JVT,
date = {1980},
volume = {17},
number = {3},
pages = {679-687},
issn = {0022-5355},
doi = {10.1116/1.570541},
langid = {english}
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Long term stability of various reference gauges over a three
years period},
journaltitle = {Le Vide},
journalsubtitle = {Suppl.},
issuetitle = {Proc. 8th Int. Vac. Congr., Cannes},
date = {1980},
volume = {201},
pages = {191-194},
langid = {english},
author = {Gentsch, H. and Messer, G.},
title = {Ionization gauge as an inert system},
journaltitle = {Le Vide},
journalsubtitle = {Suppl.},
issuetitle = {Proc. 8th Int. Vac. Congr., Cannes},
date = {1980},
volume = {201},
pages = {203-206},
langid = {english},
author = {Becker, H. U. and Messer, G.},
title = {Sensitivity dependence on collector surface properties in
ion gauges},
journaltitle = {Le Vide},
journalsubtitle = {Suppl.},
issuetitle = {Proc. 8th Int. Vac. Congr., Cannes},
date = {1980},
volume = {201},
pages = {234-237},
langid = {english},
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G.},
title = {Calibration of vacuum gauges at pressures below $10^{-9}$\,mbar
with a molecular beam method},
journaltitle = {Le Vide},
journalsubtitle = {Suppl.},
issuetitle = {Proc. 8th Int. Vac. Congr., Cannes},
date = {1980},
volume = {201},
pages = {255-258},
langid = {english},
author = {Messer, G. and Rubet, L.},
title = {Intercomparison of the national low pressure standards in
the LNE and PTB},
journaltitle = {Le Vide},
journalsubtitle = {Suppl.},
issuetitle = {Proc. 8th Int. Vac. Congr., Cannes},
date = {1980},
volume = {201},
pages = {259-262},
langid = {english},
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G.},
title = {Outgassing properties of stainless steel, copper and AlMg3
during pretreatment and application},
journaltitle = {Le Vide},
journalsubtitle = {Suppl.},
issuetitle = {Proc. 8th Int. Vac. Congr., Cannes},
date = {1980},
volume = {201},
pages = {399-402},
langid = {english},
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Ein neues Ionisationsvakuumeter für Messungen von
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1980},
pages = {224},
langid = {ngerman}
% ===========================================================================================
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G.},
title = {Saugvermögen und Kompressionsverhältnis von
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1980},
pages = {224},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G.},
title = {Calibration of vacuum gauges at pressures below $10^{-9}$\,mbar
with a molecular beam method},
journaltitle = {Vakuum-Technik},
date = {1981},
volume = {30},
pages = {226-231},
langid = {english},
author = {Messer, G. and Grosse, G.},
title = {Darstellung der H$_2$-Druckskale im Bereich von 10\,mbar bis
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1981},
pages = {204},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Messer, G. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {Bestimmung von Leitwerten von Kapillarrohren und Lochblenden
für Gase},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1982},
pages = {216},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G.},
title = {Kalibrierverfahren für Helium"=Referenzlecks},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1982},
pages = {217},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Messer, G. and Röhl, P.},
title = {Preliminary results of BIPM intercomparison measurements},
booktitle = {Proc. IX IVC-V ICSS},
booksubtitle = {Ext. Abstract},
venue = {Madrid},
date = {1983},
pages = {83},
langid = {english}
author = {Becker, H.-U. and Messer, G.},
title = {The influence of ion collector and electrode surface
properties as well as geometrical arrangement on variations of ionization
gauge coefficients},
booktitle = {Proc. IX IVC-V ICSS},
booksubtitle = {Ext. Abstract},
venue = {Madrid},
date = {1983},
pages = {84},
langid = {english}
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {Calibration methods for helium reference leaks},
booktitle = {Proc. IX IVC-V ICSS},
booksubtitle = {Ext. Abstract},
venue = {Madrid},
date = {1983},
pages = {93},
langid = {english}
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G.},
title = {Generation of the hydrogen pressure scale in the range of
10\,mbar to $10^{-10}$\,mbar},
booktitle = {Proc. IX IVC-V ICSS},
booksubtitle = {Ext. Abstract},
venue = {Madrid},
date = {1983},
pages = {101},
langid = {english}
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G. and Wandrey, D. and Reich, G.},
title = {Helium leak calibration in the DKD},
booktitle = {Proc. AVS Symp.},
venue = {Boston},
date = {1983},
langid = {english}
author = {Messer, G. and Röhl, P.},
title = {Druckabhängigkeit der Koeffizienten für den tangentialen
Impulsaustausch an Gasreibungsmanometer"=Kugelrotoroberflächen},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1983},
pages = {226},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Ave, H. and Becker, H.-U. and Messer, G.},
title = {Stabilisierung der Vakuummeterkonstanten von
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1984},
pages = {243},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Gentsch, H. and Tewes, J. and Messer, G.},
title = {An improved ion gauge with gold coated electrodes for
reliable operation in reactive gases and for use as reference standard},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1985},
pages = {137-140},
volume = {35},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(85)90005-3},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Ave, H. and Becker, H.-U. and Messer, G.},
title = {Stabilisierung der Vakuummeterkonstanten von
journaltitle = PTB_M,
date = {1985},
volume = {95},
number = {1},
pages = {20},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G. and Röhl, P.},
title = {Anwendung des Gasreibungsvakuummeters nach Fremerey für
Gasgemische mit bekannter Zusammensetzung},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1985},
pages = {214},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Harten, U. and Grosse, G. and Gentsch, H.},
title = {Einfluß der Sekundärelektronenemission auf die
Meßunsicherheit von Ionisationsvakuummetern},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1986},
pages = {196},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Röhl, P. and Jitschin, W.},
title = {Quantitative Untersuchung der thermischen Transpiration},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1986},
pages = {196},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Zur Kalibrierung von Vakuummetern},
journaltitle = {Vakuum-Technik},
date = {1987},
volume = {36},
number = {6/7},
langid = {ngerman},
author = {Jitschin, W. and Grosse, G. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {Helium Diffusionslecks als sekundäre Normale für den
journaltitle = {Vakuum-Technik},
date = {1987},
volume = {36},
pages = {230},
langid = {ngerman},
author = {Messer, G. and Grosse, G.},
title = {Entwicklung der Vakuummetrologie in der
Physikalisch"=Technischen Reichsanstalt / Bundeanstalt},
journaltitle = {Vakuum-Technik},
date = {1987},
volume = {36},
pages = {173-184},
langid = {ngerman},
author = {Jitschin, W. and Messer, G.},
title = {Vakuummetrologie},
journaltitle = {Vakuum-Technik},
date = {1987},
volume = {36},
pages = {210-215},
langid = {ngerman},
author = {Jitschin, W. and Messer, G.},
title = {Vakuummetrologie},
journaltitle = {PBL},
date = {1987},
volume = {43},
pages = {104-108},
langid = {ngerman},
author = {Jitschin, W. and Röhl, P.},
title = {Quantitative study of the thermal transpiration effect in
vacuum gauges},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1987-06},
volume = {5},
number = {3},
pages = {372-375},
doi = {10.1116/1.574162},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english},
author = {Jitschin, W. and Werner, U.},
title = {X-ray and Auger-electron yields for quantitative element
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1987-07/1987-08},
volume = {5},
number = {4},
pages = {1203-1205},
doi = {10.1116/1.574640},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Kanaji, T. and Urano, T. and Uekie, N. and Grosse, G. and
Messer, G.},
title = {Curious zig-zag in modulation characteristic curves of a
Bayard-Alpert gauge in the extreme-high vacuum region and its analysis by
computer simulation},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1987-07/1987-08},
volume = {5},
number = {4},
pages = {2397-2400},
doi = {10.1116/1.574462},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Messer, G. and Röhl, P. and Grosse, G. and Jitschin, W.},
title = {High vacuum, measured by the spinning rotor gauge: Status
report of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures intercomparison},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1987-07/1987-08},
volume = {5},
number = {4},
doi = {10.1116/1.574866},
issn = {0734-2101},
pages = {2440-2443},
langid = {english}
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G.},
title = {Summary Abstract: Long term stability of low-pressure
standards in the German Calibration Service Deutscher Kalibrierdienst},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1987-07/1987-08},
volume = {5},
number = {4},
pages = {2463},
doi = {10.1116/1.574872},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {Summary Abstract: Calibration and long-term characteristics
of helium reference leaks},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1987-07/1987-08},
volume = {5},
number = {4},
pages = {2661-2662},
doi = {10.1116/1.574713},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Grosse, G. and Harten, U. and Jitschin, W. and Gentsch, H.},
title = {Secondary electrons in ion gauges},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1987-09/1987-10},
volume = {5},
number = {5},
pages = {3242-3243},
doi = {10.1116/1.574846},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Harten, U. and Grosse, G. and Jitschin, W. and Gentsch, H.},
title = {Oberflächeneffekte in Ionisationsmanometern},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1987},
pages = {210},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Werner, U.},
title = {Auger- und Röntgenausbeuten schwerer Elemente},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1987},
pages = {210},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Röhl, P. and Grosse, G. and Han, S-W},
title = {Performance of the bent beam ionization gauge in ultrahigh
vacuum measurements},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1988},
pages = {1079-1082},
number = {12},
volume = {38},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(88)90003-6},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W and Grosse, G. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {Diffusion leak artefacts as a secondary standard for gas flow},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1988},
pages = {883-886},
number = {3},
volume = {38},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(88)90173-X},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Harten, U. and Grosse, G. and Jitschin, W. and Gentsch, H.},
title = {Surface effects on the stability of hot cathode ionization
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1988},
pages = {167-169},
number = {3},
volume = {38},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(88)90173-X},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {Temperature dependence of the leak rate of He diffusion leak
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1988},
pages = {503-505},
number = {7},
volume = {38},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(88)90009-7},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Röhl, P and Jitschin, W.},
title = {Performance of the spinning rotor gauge with a novel transport
device as a transfer standard for high vacuum},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1988},
pages = {507-509},
number = {7},
volume = {38},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(88)90010-3},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Grosse, G. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {Diffusion leak artifacts as a secondary standard for gas
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1988},
pages = {883-886},
number = {8-10},
volume = {38},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(88)90485-X},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Röhl, P.},
title = {Quantitative Oberflächenanalyse durch
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1988},
pages = {217},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Grosse, G. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {Zum Einfluß von Speichereffekten in Helium"=Diffusionslecks},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1988},
pages = {217},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Grosse, G. and Röhl, P.},
title = {Die Coster-Kronig Ausbeute f$_{13}$ von Yttrium},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1988},
pages = {218},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Grosse, G. and Röhl, P.},
title = {Coster-Kronig factor ${f}_{13}$ of $_{39}\mathrm{Y}$ measured
with the synchrotron photoionization method},
journaltitle = PRA,
date = {1989},
pages = {103-109},
number = {1},
volume = {39},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.39.103},
issn = {1050-2947},
langid = {english}
author = {Messer, G. and Jitschin, W. and Rubet, L. and Calcatelli, A.
and Redgrave, F. J. and Keprt, A. and Wei-nan, Fei and Sharma, J. K. N.
and Dittmann, S. and Ono, M.},
title = {Intercomparison of Nine National High-vacuum Standards under
the Auspices of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {1989},
volume = {26},
number = {3},
pages = {183-195},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/26/3/004},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Sharma, Jitendar and Mohan, Pardeep and Jitschin, W. and
Röhl, P.},
title = {Intercomparison of vacuum standards between the
Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (Germany) and the National Physical
Laboratory (India) using two spinning rotor gauges},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1989-08},
volume = {7},
pages = {2788-2793},
doi = {10.1116/1.576179},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, Wolfgang},
title = {Accuracy of vacuum gauges},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1990},
volume = {8},
number = {2},
pages = {948-956},
doi = {10.1116/1.576901},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Migwi, J. K. and Grosse, G.},
title = {Pressure in the high and medium vacuum range generated by
a series expansion standard},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1990},
pages = {293-304},
number = {3},
volume = {40},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(90)90047-3},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Migwi, J. K. and Grosse, G.},
title = {Gauge calibration in the high and medium vacuum range by a
series expansion standard},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1990},
pages = {1799-1801},
number = {7},
volume = {41},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(90)94096-9},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Grosse, G. and Jitschin, W. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {Procedures for measuring pumping speeds},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1990},
pages = {2120-2122},
number = {7},
volume = {41},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(90)94196-W},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Wangkui, Li and Qiang, Liu and Zhenhai, Li and Messer, G.
and Grosse, G.},
title = {Intercomparison of vacuum standards between LIP and PTB},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1992},
pages = {1091-1092},
number = {11},
volume = {43},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(92)90339-X},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Jousten, K. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {Design and evaluation of a primary high-vacuum standard},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1992},
volume = {10},
number = {5},
pages = {3344-3351},
doi = {10.1116/1.577823},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Messer, G. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {Ein Gasdosiersystem für die Vakuummetrologie},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1992},
pages = {244},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, K. and Rupschus, G.},
title = {Vergleich der Primärnormale zur Darstellung der Druckskala
unter 1000\,Pa},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1992},
pages = {244},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Rupschus, G.},
title = {Tagungsbericht: Druckmessung im UHV},
journaltitle = {Vakuum in der Praxis},
date = {1992},
volume = {4},
number = {4},
pages = {306},
issn = {0934-9758},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Tagungsbericht: IUVSTA-workshop on UHV-calibration},
journaltitle = PTB_M,
date = {1993},
volume = {103},
number = {1},
pages = {81},
issn = {0030-834X},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, K. and Messer, G. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {A precision gas flowmeter for vacuum metrology},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1993},
pages = {135-141},
number = {2},
volume = {44},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(93)90362-E},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Rupschus, G.},
title = {The uncertainties of calibration pressures at PTB},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
note = {Special Issue Selected Proceedings of the 12th International
Vacuum Congress (IVC-12) and the 8th International Conference on Solid
Surfaces (ICSS-8)},
date = {1993},
pages = {569-572},
number = {5},
volume = {44},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(93)90097-T},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Röhl, P.},
title = {Vergleich der Vakuummeterkonstanten von Ionisationsmeßröhren
für Wasserstoff und Deuterium},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1993},
pages = {272},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Rupschus, G. and Jousten, K. and Niepraschk, R.},
title = {Messungen kleinster Druckschwankungen in einem
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1993},
pages = {273},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Rupschus, G. and Niepraschk, R. and Jousten, K. and Kühne, M.},
title = {Detection of small pressure pulses in an ion pumped
ultrahigh vacuum system},
note = {Contribution to the 40th AVS Symposium, Orlando,
1993 November 15.--19.},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1994},
volume = {12},
number = {4},
pages = {1686-1689},
doi = {10.1116/1.579036},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Calibration of total pressure gauges in the UHV and XHV
note = {Contribution to the XHV-workshop, Tsukuba (Japan),
1994 April 20.--22.},
journaltitle = JVSJ,
date = {1994},
volume = {37},
number = {9},
pages = {678-685},
doi = {10.3131/jvsj.37.678},
issn = {1882-2398},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Temperature relaxation of argon and helium after injection
into a vacuum vessel},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1994},
pages = {1205-1208},
number = {12},
volume = {45},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(94)90082-5},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Röhl, P.},
title = {Comparison of the sensitivities of ionization gauges to
hydrogen and deuterium},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1995},
pages = {9-12},
number = {1},
volume = {46},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(95)80051-4},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Tagungsbericht: Workshop on extreme high vacuum},
journaltitle = PTB_M,
date = {1994},
volume = {104},
number = {5},
pages = {390},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Can there be a space with nothing in it? - A short history
of vacuum},
journaltitle = {Science University of Tokyo (SUT) Bulletin},
date = {1995},
volume = {4},
pages = {3-8},
langid = {english}
author = {Röhl, P. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Änderung der örtlichen Elektronenstromverteilung in
Ionisationsvakuummeterröhren als Ursachen von Instabilitäten der
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1994},
pages = {275-276},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, K. and Röhl, P.},
title = {Instability of the spatial electron current distribution in
hot cathode ionization gauges as a source of sensitivity changes},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1995},
volume = {13},
number = {4},
pages = {2266-2270},
doi = {10.1116/1.579506},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Vergleich der Druckskalen zwischen NIST und PTB im Bereich
$3 \dot 10^{-7}$\,Pa bis $9 \dot 10^{-4}$\,Pa},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1995},
pages = {282},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Does the outgassing rate of UHV chambers depend on pumping
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1996},
pages = {325},
number = {4},
volume = {47},
doi = {10.1016/0042-207X(95)00245-6},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Vergleich der Druckskalen im Hoch- und Ultrahochvakuum
zwischen dem NPL (UK) und der PTB},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1996},
pages = {291-292},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Thermische Relaxation von Argon und Helium nach Einlaß in
eine Vakuumkammer},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1996},
pages = {292},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, K. and Filippelli, A. R. and Tilford, C. R. and
Redgrave, F. J.},
title = {Comparison of the standards for high and ultrahigh vacuum
at three national standards laboratories},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1997},
volume = {15},
number = {4},
pages = {2395-2406},
doi = {10.1116/1.580754},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Dependence of the outgassing rate of a “vacuum fired” 316LN
stainless steel chamber on bake-out temperature},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1998},
pages = {359-360},
number = {4},
volume = {49},
doi = {10.1016/S0042-207X(98)00002-5},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Temperature corrections for the calibration of vacuum gauges},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1998},
pages = {81-87},
number = {2},
volume = {49},
doi = {10.1016/S0042-207X(97)00133-4},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Lanzinger, E. and Jousten, K. and Kühne, M.},
title = {Partial pressure measurement by means of infrared laser absorption spectroscopy},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1998},
pages = {47-51},
number = {1},
volume = {51},
doi = {10.1016/S0042-207X(98)00132-8},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Pressure measurement with ionization gauges},
booktitle = {Proceedings CAS CERN Accelerator School Vacuum Technology},
date = {1999},
pages = {75-86},
isbn = {92-9083-149-9},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Thermal outgassing},
booktitle = {Proceedings CAS CERN Accelerator School Vacuum Technology},
date = {1999},
pages = {111-124},
isbn = {92-9083-149-9},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Röhl, P. and Aranda Contreras, V.},
title = {Volume ratio determination in static expansion systems by
means of a spinning rotor gauge},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1999},
pages = {491-499},
number = {4},
volume = {52},
doi = {10.1016/S0042-207X(98)00337-6},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Szwemin, P. and Szymański, K. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Gas flux distribution in a new PTB primary standard for very
low pressures},
journaltitle = {Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej. Elektronika},
date = {1999},
pages = {135-139},
number = {4},
issue = {z. 123},
langid = {english}
author = {Szwemin, P. and Szymański, K. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Monte Carlo study of a new {PTB} primary standard for very
low pressures},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {1999},
volume = {36},
number = {6},
pages = {561-564},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/36/6/15},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Menzer, H. and Wandrey, D. and
Niepraschk, R.},
title = {New, fully automated, primary standard for generating vacuum
pressures between $10^{-10}$\,Pa and $3 \times 10^{-2}$\,Pa with respect
to residual pressure},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {1999},
volume = {36},
number = {6},
pages = {493-497},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/36/6/2},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Maaß, D. and Jousten, K. and Seidel, J. and Kühne, M.},
title = {Self-pressure broadening of C$_2$H$_2$ between 0.1\,kPa and
issuetitle = {15th ICSLS, Berlin, Germany, 10-14 July 2000},
journaltitle = APCP,
date = {2001},
volume = {559},
number = {1},
pages = {351-353},
doi = {10.1063/1.1370659},
issn = {0094-243X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Lanzinger, E. and Kühne, M.},
title = {Genaue Linienstärkebestimmung von CO-Übergängen im mittleren
Infrarot zur Teilchendichtemessung},
booktitle = {VDI-Berichte 1667},
booksubtitle = {Optische Analysenmesstechnik},
date = {2002},
pages = {99-104},
isbn = {3-18-091667-2},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Miiller, A. P. and Bergoglio, M. and Bignell, N. and Fen,
K. M. K. and Hong, S. S. and Jousten, K. and Mohan, P. and Redgrave,
F. J. and Sardi, M.},
title = {Final report on key comparison {CCM}.P-K4 of absolute
pressure standards from 1\,Pa to 1000\,Pa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2002},
volume = {39},
issue = {1A},
pages = {07001},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/39/1a/17},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Menzer, H. and Niepraschk, R.},
title = {A new fully automated gas flowmeter at the PTB for flow
rates between $10^{-13}$\,mol/s and $10^{-6}$\,mol/s},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2002},
volume = {39},
number = {6},
pages = {519-529},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/39/6/2},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Is the effective accommodation coefficient of the spinning
rotor gauge temperature dependent?},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {2003},
volume = {21},
number = {1},
pages = {318-324},
doi = {10.1116/1.1531649},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Li, Detian and Jousten, Karl},
title = {Comparison of some metrological characteristics of hot and
cold cathode ionisation gauges},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2003},
pages = {531-541},
number = {4},
volume = {70},
doi = {10.1016/S0042-207X(02)00781-9},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Li, Detian and Jousten, Karl},
title = {Comparison of the stability of hot and cold cathode
ionization gauges},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {2003},
volume = {21},
number = {4},
pages = {937-946},
doi = {10.1116/1.1578654},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Hong, Seungsoo and Shin, Y. H. and Chung, K. H. and
Jousten, Karl},
title = {Bilateral comparison of medium vacuum standards between PTB
and KRISS},
journaltitle = JKPS,
date = {2004},
volume = {44},
number = {6},
pages = {1364-1367},
issn = {0374-4884},
langid = {english}
author = {Szwemin, P. and Jousten, Karl and Szymański, K.},
title = {The gas flux distribution in the XHV chamber of the vacuum
primary standard developed by PTB},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2004},
pages = {249-255},
number = {2},
volume = {73},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2003.12.010},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {The vacuum metrology system in Germany},
journaltitle = {Trends in Vacuum Science \& Technology},
date = {2004},
pages = {25-37},
volume = {6},
issn = {0972-4486},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Bergoglio, Mercede and Calcatelli, Anita
and Durocher, Jean-Noel and Greenwood, John and Kangi, Rifat and Legras,
Jean-Claude and Matilla, Carmen and Šetina, Janez},
title = {Results of the regional key comparison Euromet.M.P-K1.b in
the pressure range from $3 \times 10^{-4}$\,Pa to 0.9\,Pa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2005},
volume = {42},
issue = {1A},
pages = {07001},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/42/1a/07001},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Santander Romero, Luis A. and Torres Guzman, Jorge C.},
title = {Results of the key comparison {SIM}-Euromet.M.P-{BK}3
(bilateral comparison) in the pressure range from $3 \times 10^{-4}$\,Pa
to 0.9\,Pa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2005},
volume = {42},
issue = {1A},
pages = {07002},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/42/1a/07002},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Calcatelli, Anita and Arrhen, Fredrik and Bergoglio, Mercede
and Greenwood, John and Kangi, Rifat and Jousten, Karl and
Legras, Jean Claude and Rantanen, Markku and Verbeek, Jos and
Matilla Vicente, Carmen and Szaulich, Denes},
title = {Results of the regional key comparison {EUROMET}.M.P-K1.a in
the pressure range from 0.1\,Pa to 1000\,Pa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2005},
volume = {42},
issue = {1A},
pages = {07004},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/42/1a/07004},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Gross, H. and Hartmann, V. and Jousten, K. and Lindner, G.},
title = {Generic System Design for Measurement Databases -- Applied to
Calibrations in Vacuum Metrology, Bio-Signals and a Template System},
pages = {60-72},
booktitle = {Advanced Mathematical \& Computational Tools in Metrology VII},
editor = {Ciarlini, P. and Filipe, E. and Forbes, A. B. and Pavese, F.
and Perruchet, C. and Siebert, B. R. L.},
date = {2006},
publisher = {World Scientific Publishing Co.},
location = {New Jersey and London},
doi = {10.1142/6038},
isbn = {981-256-674-0},
langid = {english}
author = {Torres-Guzman, J. C. and Santander, L. A. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Realization of the medium and high vacuum primary standard
in {CENAM}, Mexico},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2005},
volume = {42},
number = {6},
pages = {S157-S160},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/42/6/s01},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Bock, Th. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Offset scatter reduction of spinning rotor gauges by vibration
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2006},
pages = {106-113},
number = {1},
volume = {81},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2006.02.018},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Bock, Th. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Experimental verification of a Monte-Carlo simulation of the
gas density in a vacuum chamber},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2006},
pages = {234-238},
number = {3},
volume = {81},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2006.03.011},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Gauges for the fine and high vacuum},
booktitle = {Proceedings CAS CERN Accelerator School Vacuum in Accelerators},
date = {2007},
pages = {65-86},
isbn = {9789290832942},
doi = {10.5170/CERN-2007-003},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Ultrahigh vacuum gauges},
booktitle = {Proceedings CAS CERN Accelerator School Vacuum in Accelerators},
date = {2007},
pages = {145-168},
isbn = {9789290832942},
doi = {10.5170/CERN-2007-003},
langid = {english}
author = {Padilla-Víquez, Gerardo-José and Koelliker, Jorge and Werhahn,
Olav and Jousten, Karl and Schiel, Detlef},
title = {Traceable CO$_2$-R(12) Line Intensity for
Laser-Spectroscopy-Based Gas Analysis Near 2\,μm},
journaltitle = IEEE_J_IM,
issuetitle = {Proc. CPEM},
date = {2007},
pages = {529-533},
number = {2},
volume = {56},
doi = {10.1109/TIM.2007.891160},
issn = {0018-9456},
langid = {english}
author = {Engert, Jost and Fellmuth, Bernd and Jousten, Karl},
title = {A new $^3$He vapour-pressure based temperature scale from
0.65\,K to 3.2\,K consistent with the {PLTS}-2000},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2007},
volume = {44},
number = {1},
pages = {40-52},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/44/1/006},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Untersuchung einiger metrologischer Eigenschaften von vier
verschiedenen Wärmeleitungsvakuummetern},
maintitle = PTB_B,
mainsubtitle = {PTB-MA-81},
date = {2007},
publisher = {Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt},
location = {Braunschweig and Berlin},
isbn = {978-3-86509-675-3},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Bock, Thomas and Pražák, Dominik and
Krajíček, Zdenek},
title = {Final report on the supplementary comparison Euromet.M.P-S2
(bilateral comparison) in the pressure range from 30\,Pa to 7000\,Pa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2007},
volume = {44},
issue = {1A},
pages = {07007},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/44/1a/07007},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {On the gas species dependence of Pirani vacuum gauges},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {2008},
volume = {26},
number = {3},
pages = {352-359},
doi = {10.1116/1.2897314},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Padilla-Víquez, G. and Bock, T.},
title = {Investigation of tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy
for its application as primary standard for partial pressure measurements},
journaltitle = JPCS,
date = {2008},
volume = {100},
number = {9},
pages = {092005},
doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/100/9/092005},
issn = {1742-6588},
langid = {english}
author = {Bock, Th. and Ahrendt, H. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Reduction of the uncertainty of the {PTB} vacuum pressure
scale by a new large area non-rotating piston gauge},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2009},
volume = {46},
number = {5},
pages = {389-396},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/46/5/001},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Becker, Ute},
title = {A primary standard for the calibration of sniffer test leak
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2009},
volume = {46},
number = {5},
pages = {560-568},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/46/5/021},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Olson, D. A. and Abbott, P. J. and Jousten, K. and Redgrave,
F. J. and Mohan, P. and Hong, S. S.},
title = {Final report of key comparison {CCM}.P-K3: absolute pressure
measurements in gas from $3 \times 10^{-6}$\,Pa to $9 \times 10^{-4}$\,Pa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2010},
volume = {47},
issue = {1A},
pages = {07004},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/47/1a/07004},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Naef, Simon},
title = {On the stability of capacitance-diaphragm gauges with ceramic
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {2011},
volume = {29},
number = {1},
pages = {011011},
doi = {10.1116/1.3529023},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Wübbeler, Gerd and Víquez, Gerardo J. Padilla and Jousten,
Karl and Werhahn, Olav and Elster, Clemens},
title = {Comparison and assessment of procedures for calculating the
R(12) line strength of the $\nu_1 + 2 \nu_2 + \nu_3$ band of CO$_2$},
journaltitle = JCP,
date = {2011},
volume = {135},
pages = {204304},
doi = {10.1063/1.3662134},
issn = {0021-9606},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {International standardization for vacuum metrology and
technology in recent years},
issuetitle = {Proceedings of the “5th CCM international conference on
pressure and vacuum metrology“ and the “4th international conference
issuesubtitle = {Berlin, May 2--5, 2011},
journaltitle = PTB_M,
date = {2011},
volume = {121},
number = {3},
pages = {317-320},
issn = {0030-834X},
langid = {english}
author = {Klauenberg, K. and Jousten, K. and Elster, C.},
title = {Bayesian variance separation under heteroscedasticity -- Application to an unstable measurand},
booktitle = {Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and
Testing IX},
date = {2012},
pages = {224-231},
doi = {10.1142/9789814397957_0028},
isbn = {978-981-4397-94-0},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Traceability to SI units for vacuum measurement in industrial
journaltitle = {Measurement},
date = {2012},
volume = {45},
number = {10},
pages = {2420-2425},
doi = {10.1016/j.measurement.2011.10.036},
issn = {0263-2241},
langid = {english}
author = {Bodnar, O. and Link, A. and Klauenberg, K. and Jousten, K.
and Elster, C.},
title = {Application of Bayesian model averaging using a fixed effects
model with linear drift for the analysis of key comparison CCM.P-K12},
journaltitle = MT,
date = {2013},
volume = {56},
number = {6},
pages = {584–590},
doi = {10.1007/s11018-013-0249-3},
issn = {0543-1972},
langid = {english}
author = {Pantazis, Sarantis},
title = {Hybrid continuum particle simulations of unsteady flows},
issuetitle = {Proceedings of 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas
Dynamics (2012), Zaragoza, Spain},
journaltitle = APCP,
date = {2012},
volume = {1501},
number = {1},
pages = {451-456},
doi = {10.1063/1.4769567},
issn = {0094-243X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Arai, K. and Becker, U. and Bodnar, O. and
Boineau, F. and Fedchak, J. A. and Gorobey, V. and Jian, Wu and Mari, D. and
Mohan, P. and Šetina, J. and Toman, B. and Vičar, M. and Hong Yan, Yu},
title = {Final report of key comparison {CCM}.P-K12 for very low helium
flow rates (leak rates)},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2013},
volume = {50},
issue = {1A},
pages = {07001},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/50/1a/07001},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Sonderegger, Kurt and Dür, Michael and Buthig, Joachim and
Pantazis, Sarantis and Jousten, Karl},
title = {Very fast-opening UHV gate valve},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {2013},
volume = {31},
number = {6},
pages = {060601},
doi = {10.1116/1.4813836},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Pantazis, Sarantis and Buthig, Joachim and
Model, Regine and Wüest, Martin and Iwicki, Jaroslaw},
title = {A standard to test the dynamics of vacuum gauges in the
millisecond range},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2014},
pages = {14-17},
volume = {100},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2013.07.037},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K. and Kim, Jin-Tae},
title = {The work of ISO TC 112 towards standardization for
specification and calibration of quadrupole mass spectrometers},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2014},
pages = {457-461},
volume = {101},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2013.07.013},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Becker, Ute and Jousten, Karl},
title = {Method to test linearity of quadrupole mass spectrometers by
use of a flowmeter and a standard leak},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2014},
pages = {440-444},
volume = {101},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2013.07.007},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Vargas, Manuel and Naris, Steryios and Valougeorgis,
Dimitris and Pantazis, Sarantis and Jousten, Karl },
title = {Hybrid modeling of time-dependent rarefied gas expansion},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {2014},
volume = {32},
number = {2},
pages = {021602},
doi = {10.1116/1.4830283},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Pantazis, Sarantis and Buthig, Joachim and Jousten, Karl},
title = {Conjugate heat transfer simulations of a thermocouple sensor
in a low temperature nitrogen gas ambient},
journaltitle = IJHMT,
date = {2014},
volume = {70},
pages = {536-544},
doi = {10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2013.11.033},
issn = {0017-9310},
langid = {english}
author = {Mozetič, M. and Ostrikov, K. and Ruzic, D. N. and Curreli, D. and
Cvelbar, U. and Vesel, A. and Primc, G. and Leisch, M. and Jousten, K. and
Malyshev, O. B. and Hendricks, J. H. and Kövér, L. and Tagliaferro, A. and
Conde, O. and Silvestre, A. J. and Giapintzakis, J. and Buljan, M. and
Radić, N. and Dražić, G. and Bernstorff, S. and Biederman, H. and Kylián,
O. and Hanuš, J. and Miloševič, S. and Galtayries, A. and Dietrich, P. and
Unger, W. and Lehocky, M. and Sedlarik, V. and Stana-Kleinschek, K. and
Drmota-Petrič, A. and Pireaux, J. J. and Rogers, J. W. and Anderle, M.},
title = {Recent advances in vacuum sciences and applications},
journaltitle = JPD,
date = {2014},
volume = {47},
number = {15},
pages = {153001-153023},
doi = {10.1088/0022-3727/47/15/153001},
issn = {0022-3727},
langid = {english}
author = {Pantazis, S. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Computational and experimental study of unsteady gas flow in a dynamic vacuum standard},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2014},
pages = {373-384},
volume = {109},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2014.05.005},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Pantazis, S. and Rusche, H.},
title = {A hybrid continuum-particle solver for unsteady rarefied gas
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2014},
pages = {275-283},
volume = {109},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2014.06.022},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Vargas, Manuel and Naris, Steryios and Valougeorgis,
Dimitris and Pantazis, Sarantis and Jousten, Karl},
title = {Time-dependent rarefied gas flow of single gases and binary
gas mixtures into vacuum},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2014},
pages = {385-396},
volume = {109},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2014.06.024},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Krajíček, Zdenek and Bergoglio, Mercede and Jousten, Karl
and Otal, Pierre and Sabuga, Wladimir and Saxholm, Sari and
Pražák, Dominik and Vičar, Martin},
title = {Final report on EURAMET.M.P-K4.2010: Key and supplementary
comparison of national pressure standards in the range 1\,Pa to 15\,kPa of
absolute and gauge pressure},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2014},
volume = {51},
issue = {1A},
pages = {07002},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/51/1A/07002},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Fedchak, James A. and Bock, Th. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Bilateral key comparison CCM.P-K3.1 for absolute pressure
measurements from $3 \times 10^{-6}$\,Pa to $9 \times 10^{-4}$\,Pa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2014},
volume = {51},
issue = {1A},
pages = {07005},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/51/1A/07005},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Ierardi, Vincenzo and Becker, Ute and Pantazis, Sarantis and
Firpo, Giuseppe and Valbusa, Ugo and Jousten, Karl},
title = {Nano-holes as standard leak elements},
journaltitle = {Measurement},
date = {2014},
volume = {58},
pages = {335-341},
doi = {10.1016/j.measurement.2014.09.017},
issn = {0263-2241},
langid = {english}
author = {Becker, Ute and Bentouati, Djilali and Bergoglio, Mercede
and Boineau, Frédéric and Jitschin, Wolfgang and Jousten, Karl and
Mari, Domenico and Pražák, Dominik and Vičar, Martin},
title = {Realization, characterization and measurements of standard
leak artefacts},
journaltitle = {Measurement},
date = {2015},
volume = {61},
pages = {249-256},
doi = {10.1016/j.measurement.2014.10.045},
issn = {0263-2241},
langid = {english}
author = {Fedchak, James A. and Arai, Kenta and Jousten, Karl and
Šetina, Janez and Yoshida, Hajime},
title = {Recommended practices for the use of spinning rotor gauges
in inter-laboratory comparisons},
journaltitle = {Measurement},
date = {2015},
volume = {66},
pages = {176-183},
doi = {10.1016/j.measurement.2015.02.012},
issn = {0263-2241},
langid = {english}
author = {Yoshida, Hajime and Arai, Kenta and Komatsu, Eiichi and
Fujii, Kenichi and Bock, Thomas and Jousten, Karl},
title = {Report of pilot study CCM.P-P1 for international comparison
of absolute pressure measurements in gas from
$3 \times 10^{-9}$\,Pa to $9 × 10^{-4}$\,Pa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2015},
volume = {52},
pages = {07012},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/52/1A/07012},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Hauer, V. and Battes, K. and Flämmich, M. and Ierardi, V.
and Jousten, K. and Šetina, J.},
title = {Outgassing rate measurements with the difference method in
the framework of EMRP IND12},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2015},
pages = {250-254},
volume = {122},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2015.03.033},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Putzke, Stephan and Buthig, Joachim},
title = {Partial pressure measurement standard for characterizing
partial pressure analyzers and measuring outgassing rates},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {2015},
volume = {33},
number = {6},
pages = {061603},
doi = {10.1116/1.4935432},
issn = {0734-2101},
langid = {english}
author = {Vičar, M. and Pražák, D. and Bergoglio, M. and Mari, D. and
Pasqualin, S. and Boineau, F. and Bentouati, D. and Becker, U. and
Jousten, K. and Ongun, B. and Kangi, R. and Grosse-Bley, W. and Laganà, C.
and Farangis, B.},
title = {Metrology of the leak detection -- Practical guide},
subtitle = {Developed by the EMRP IND 12 consortium},
date = {2015},
pagetotal = {72},
publisher = {Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais},
editor = {Lexitis Editions},
location = {Paris},
isbn = {978-2-36233-164-0},
langid = {english}
author = {Ricker, Jacob and Hendricks, Jay and Bock, Thomas and Pražák,
Dominik and Kobata, Tokihiko and Torres, Jorge and Sadkovskaya, Irina},
title = {Final report on the key comparison {CCM}.P-K4.2012 in
absolute pressure from 1\,Pa to 10\,kPa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2017},
volume = {54},
number = {1A},
pages = {07002},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/54/1a/07002},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Wuethrich, Christian and Arai, Kenta and Bergoglio, Mercede
and Fedchak, James A. and Jousten, Karl and Hong, Seung Soo and
Torres Guzman, Jorge},
title = {Final report on the key comparison, {CCM}.P-K15 in the
pressure range from $1.0 \times 10^{-4}$\,Pa to 1.0\,Pa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2017},
volume = {54},
number = {1A},
pages = {07003},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/54/1a/07003},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Hendricks, Jay and Barker, Daniel and
Douglas, Kevin and Eckel, Steve and Egan, Patrick and Fedchak, James and
Flügge, Jens and Gaiser, Christof and Olson, Douglas and Ricker, Jacob and
Rubin, Tom and Sabuga, Wladimir and Scherschligt, Julia and Schödel, Rene
and Sterr, Uwe and Stone, Jack and Strouse, Gregory},
title = {Perspectives for a new realization of the pascal by optical
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2017},
volume = {54},
number = {6},
pages = {S146-S161},
doi = {10.1088/1681-7575/aa8a4d},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Avdiaj, Sefer and Yang, Yuanchao and Jousten, Karl and
Rubin, Tom},
title = {Note: Diffusion constant and solubility of helium in ULE
glass at 23 °C},
journaltitle = JCP,
date = {2018},
volume = {148},
pages = {116101},
doi = {10.1063/1.5019015},
issn = {0021-9606},
langid = {english}
author = {Yang, Yuanchao and Rubin, Tom},
title = {Simulation of pressure induced length change of an optical
cavity used for optical pressure standard},
journaltitle = JPCS,
date = {2018},
volume = {1065},
pages = {162003},
doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/1065/16/162003},
issn = {1742-6588},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {A unit for nothing},
journaltitle = NP,
date = {2019},
volume = {15},
number = {6},
pages = {618},
doi = {10.1038/s41567-019-0530-8},
issn = {1745-2473},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Vacuum metrology and its impact on research and industry},
journaltitle = VIPR,
date = {2019},
volume = {31},
number = {4},
pages = {16-22},
doi = {10.1002/vipr.201900715},
issn = {0947-076X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Total and Partial Pressure Measurement},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 CERN–Accelerator–School course on
Vacuum for Particle Accelerator},
booksubtitle = {Glumslöv, Sweden, 6–16 June 2017},
editor = {Schmickler, Hermann and Filippova, M. and Papaphilippou, Y.
and Rivoiron, D. and Tecker, F.},
date = {2020},
pages = {191-205},
url = {},
eprint = {2006.02707},
eprinttype = {arxiv},
eprintclass = {physics.acc-ph},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Boineau, Frederic and Bundaleski, Nenad and
Illgen, Claus and Setina, Janez and Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D. and
Vicar, Martin and Wüest, Martin},
title = {A review on hot cathode ionisation gauges with focus on a
suitable design for measurement accuracy and stability},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2020},
pages = {109545},
volume = {179},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109545},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Elkatmis, Alper and Kangi, Rifat and Becker, Ute and
Jousten, Karl and Mari, Domenico and Boineau, Frederic and Vicar, Martin
and Ruiz, Salustiano and Setina, Janez},
title = {Time stability characterization of quadrupole mass
journaltitle = {Measurement},
date = {2020},
volume = {165},
pages = {108143},
doi = {10.1016/j.measurement.2020.108143},
issn = {0263-2241},
langid = {english}
author = {Jenninger, Berthold and Anderson, Johan and Bernien,
Matthias and Bundaleski, Nenad and Dimitrova, Hristiyana and Granovskij,
Mihail and Illgen, Claus and Setina, Janez and Jousten, Karl and
Kucharski, Pawel and Reinhardt, Christian and Scuderi, Francesco and
Silva, Ricardo A. S. and Stöltzel, Anke and Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.
and Trzpil-Jurgielewicz, Beata and Wüest, Martin},
title = {Development of a design for an ionisation vacuum gauge
suitable as a reference standard},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2021},
volume = {183},
pages = {109884},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109884},
issn = {0263-2241},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Bock, Thomas and Elkatmis, Alper and
Kangi, Rifat and Phanakulwijit, Suwat and Setina, Janez},
title = {{EURAMET}.M.P-K15.1},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2020},
volume = {57},
number = {1A},
pages = {07031},
doi = {10.1088/0026-1394/57/1a/07031},
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Figueiredo, I. and Bundaleski, N. and Teodoro, O.M.N.D. and
Jousten, K. and Illgen, C.},
title = {Influence of ion induced secondary electron emission on the
stability of ionisation vacuum gauges},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2021},
volume = {184},
pages = {109907},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109907},
issn = {0263-2241},
langid = {english}
author = {Bock, Th. and Bernien, M. and Buchmann, Ch. and Rubin, T.
and Jousten, K.},
title = {Investigation of the effects of valve closing in a static
expansion system},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2021},
volume = {184},
pages = {109918},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109918},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Hashad, Ahmed S. and Sabuga, Wladimir and Ehlers, Sven and
Bock, Thomas},
title = {Validation of a PTB force-balanced piston gauge primary
pressure standard},
journaltitle = {Acta IMEKO},
date = {2021},
volume = {10},
number = {1},
pages = {271-276},
doi = {10.21014/acta_imeko.v10i1.821},
issn = {2221-870X},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Bernien, Matthias and Boineau, Frédéric
and Bundaleski, Nenad and Illgen, Claus and Jenninger, Berthold and
Jönsson, Gustav and Šetina, Janez and Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D. and
Vičar, Martin},
title = {Electrons on a straight path: A novel ionisation vacuum
gauge suitable as reference standard},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2021},
volume = {189},
pages = {110239},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2021.110239},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Müller, Jürgen},
title = {Messung von CO-Partialdrücken im Hochvakuum mittels
institution = {FH Lübeck},
institution = {Fachhochschule Lübeck},
date = {1994},
type = {phdthesis},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Lanzinger, Eckhard},
title = {Partialdruckbestimmung von Kohlenmonoxid im Hochvakuum mittels
Infrarot-Absorptiosspektroskopie unter Verwendung einer
Vielfachreflexionszelle nach Herriott},
note = {Dissertation},
note = {Diss.},
date = {1997},
publisher = {Verlag Dr. Köster},
location = {Berlin},
isbn = {3-89574-272-4},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Calibrations and Standards},
chapter = {12},
booktitle = {Foundations of Vacuum Science and Technology},
editor = {Lafferty, James M.},
publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
date = {1998},
location = {New York},
isbn = {0-471-17593-5},
langid = {english}
editor = {Wutz, M. and Adam, H. and Walcher, W. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Kalibrierung und Normen},
pages = {621-660},
title = {Handbuch Vakuumtechnik},
subtitle = {Theorie und Praxis},
edition = {7},
publisher = {Vieweg+Teubner Verlag},
date = {2000},
location = {Wiesbaden},
isbn = {978-3-322-99947-4},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-322-99947-4},
langid = {ngerman}
editor = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik},
subtitle = {Theorie und Praxis},
pages = {621-660},
pagetotal = {817},
edition = {8},
publisher = {Vieweg},
date = {2004},
location = {Wiesbaden},
isbn = {978-3-322-96972-9},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-322-96971-2},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Bernien, Matthias and Boineau, Frédéric
and Bundaleski, Nenad and Illgen, Claus and Jenninger, Berthold and
Jönsson, Gustav and Šetina, Janez and Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D. and
Vičar, Martin},
title = {Electrons on a straight path: A novel ionisation vacuum
gauge suitable as reference standard},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2021},
volume = {189},
pages = {110239},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2021.110239},
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
editor = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Proceedings of the European Vacuum Congress, Berlin 2003,
23-26 June 2003, featuring the 8th European Vacuum Conference, 2nd annual
conference of the German Vacuum Society},
note = {Journal Vacuum, special edition},
date = {2004},
langid = {english}
editor = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Proceedings of the European Vacuum Congress, Berlin 2003,
23-26 June 2003, featuring the 8th European Vacuum Conference, 2nd annual
conference of the German Vacuum Society},
note = {Journal Applied Surface Science, special edition},
date = {2004},
langid = {english}
author = {Padilla Víquez, Gerardo José},
title = {Investigation of TDLAS for its Application as Primary
Standard for Partial Pressure Measurements},
institution = {Technische Universität Berlin},
date = {2005},
type = {phdthesis},
doi = {10.14279/depositonce-1248},
langid = {english}
editor = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Proceedings of the 4th CCM International Conference on
Pressure Metrology from Ultra-high vacuum to very high pressures},
note = {Journal Metrologia, special edition},
date = {2005},
langid = {english}
editor = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik},
subtitle = {Theorie und Praxis},
pagetotal = {854},
edition = {9},
publisher = {Vieweg},
date = {2006},
location = {Wiesbaden},
isbn = {978-3-8348-0133-3},
langid = {ngerman}
editor = {Jousten, K.},
translator = {Nakhosteen, C. Benjamin},
title = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
pagetotal = {1002},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2008},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-40723-1},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Das Maß des „Nichts“: Die Messung des Vakuums},
journaltitle = PTB_M,
date = {2008},
volume = {118},
number = {3},
pages = {175-178},
issn = {0030-834X},
langid = {ngerman}
editor = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik},
pagetotal = {912},
edition = {10},
publisher = {Vieweg+Teubner Verlag},
date = {2010},
location = {Wiesbaden},
isbn = {978-3-8348-0695-6},
langid = {ngerman}
editor = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Wutz Handbuch Vakuumtechnik},
pagetotal = {1056},
edition = {11},
publisher = {Springer Vieweg},
date = {2013},
location = {Wiesbaden},
isbn = {978-3-8348-1745-7},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Bergoglio, Mercede and Setina, Janez},
title = {Vacuum measures up for industry},
journaltitle = {Physics World Focus on: Vacuum Technology},
date = {2014-08},
pages = {33-34},
langid = {english}
editor = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
pagetotal = {1050},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Rubin, Tom},
title = {Präzise Partialdruckbestimmung bei der Atemgasanalyse und in
der Metrologie},
pagetotal = {214},
institution = {Freie Universität Berlin},
date = {2016},
type = {phdthesis},
doi = {10.17169/refubium-6520},
langid = {ngerman}
editor = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Handbuch Vakuumtechnik},
pagetotal = {1129},
edition = {12},
publisher = {Springer Vieweg},
date = {2018},
location = {Wiesbaden},
isbn = {978-3-658-13385-6},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Leyerer, Kristin},
title = {The New Pascal},
journaltitle = {ChemistryViews Magazine},
date = {2019-08-06},
issn = {2190-3735},
doi = {10.1002/chemv.201900076},
langid = {english}
author = {Bernien, Matthias and Götz, Martin and Illgen, Claus and
Drung, Dietmar and Krause, Christian and Bock, Thomas and Jousten, Karl},
title = {Traceable low-current measurements for a novel ionization
gauge suitable as reference standard},
journaltitle = MEASEN,
date = {2021},
volume = {18},
pages = {100202},
doi = {10.1016/j.measen.2021.100202},
issn = {2665-9174},
langid = {english}
author = {Zakrisson, Johan and Silander, Isak and Forssén, Clayton and
Silvestri, Zacceri and Mari, Domenico and Pasqualin, Stefano and
Kussicke, André and Asbahr, Patrick and Rubin, Tom and Axner, Ove},
title = {Simulation of pressure-induced cavity deformation –
the 18SIB04 Quantumpascal EMPIR project},
journaltitle = {Acta IMEKO},
date = {2020},
volume = {9},
number = {5},
pages = {281-286},
doi = {10.21014/acta_imeko.v9i5.985},
issn = {2221-870X},
langid = {english}
author = {Messer, Günter},
title = {Grundbegriffe und Einheiten (Vakuum, Druck)},
pages = {129-149},
booktitle = {Praktische Physik},
volume = {1},
editor = {Kohlrausch, Friedrich},
edition = {23},
publisher = {Teubner},
date = {1985},
location = {Stuttgart},
isbn = {3-519-13001-7},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Osimitsch, S. and Reihl, H. and
Mueller, D. W. and Kleinpoppen, H. and Lutz, H. O.},
title = {Spin exchange in the excitation of spin-polarized Na atoms by
${\mathrm{Ne}}^{+}$-ion impact},
journaltitle = PRA,
date = {1986},
pages = {3684-3691},
number = {5},
volume = {34},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.34.3684},
issn = {1050-2947},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Osimitsch, S. and Mueller, D. W. and Reihl, H. and
Allan, R. J. and Schöller, O. and Lutz, H. O.},
title = {Excitation of the Na 3p state by proton impact},
journaltitle = JPB,
date = {1986},
volume = {19},
number = {15},
pages = {2299-2309},
doi = {10.1088/0022-3700/19/15/011},
issn = {0953-4075},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W.},
title = {Spin-depolarisation in energetic atomic collisions by the
exchange of electrons},
journaltitle = ZFPD,
date = {1986},
volume = {1},
number = {1},
pages = {135-136},
doi = {},
issn = {0178-7683},
langid = {english}
author = {Harten, U. and Toennies, J. P. and Wöll, Ch.},
title = {Molecular beam translational spectroscopy of physisorption
bound states of molecules on metal surfaces. I. HD on Cu(111) and Au(111)
single crystal surfaces},
journaltitle = JCP,
date = {1986},
volume = {85},
number = {4},
pages = {2249-2258},
doi = {10.1063/1.451121},
issn = {0021-9606},
langid = {english}
author = {Harten, U. and Toennies, J. P. and Wöll, Ch.},
title = {Observation of a 10-meV Einstein Oscillator Mode on the
Si(111) ($2\times 1$) Surface},
journaltitle = PRLT,
date = {1986},
volume = {57},
number = {23},
pages = {2947-2950},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.57.2947},
issn = {0031-9007},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Werner, U. and Materlik, G. and
Doolen, G. D.},
title = {Electron correlations in the $L$-shell photoionization of
heavy elements},
journaltitle = PRA,
date = {1987},
pages = {5038-5045},
number = {12},
volume = {35},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.35.5038},
issn = {1050-2947},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, Wolfgang},
title = {Inner-shell spectroscopy with hard synchrotron radiation},
pages = {295-345},
booktitle = {Progress in Atomic Spectroscopy},
booksubtitle = {Part D},
editor = {Beyer, H. J. and Kleinpoppen, H.},
publisher = {Springer},
date = {1987},
location = {Boston, MA},
doi = {10.1007/978-1-4613-1857-6_7},
isbn = {978-1-4612-9036-0},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, Wolfgang},
title = {Inner-Shell Vacancy Creation},
subtitle = {Perturbative Approximations and Beyond},
pages = {171-228},
chapter = {6},
booktitle = {Coherence in atomic collision physics},
booksubtitle = {For Hans Kleinpoppen on His Sixtieth Birthday},
editor = {Beyer, H. J. and Blum, K. and Hippler, R.},
date = {1988},
publisher = {Springer},
location = {New York},
doi = {10.1007/978-1-4757-9745-9_6},
isbn = {978-1-4757-9747-3},
langid = {english}
author = {Werner, U. and Jitschin, W.},
journaltitle = {Journal de Physique: Colloque},
date = {1987},
note = {14th International Conference on X-Ray and Inner Shell
Processes, Paris, 14--18, September, 1987, France},
pages = {559-562},
issue = {C9},
volume = {48},
doi = {10.1051/jphyscol:1987994},
issn = {0449-1947},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Eichler, Thomas and Heitmann, Felix and
Juling, Markus and Kühn, Markus and Rose, Jürgen and Steinbock, Jonas},
title = {Dienstleistung und Forschung für die Wärmemessung in der PTB},
journaltitle = PTB_M,
issuetitle = {Metrologie im Fluss. Durchflussmessungen},
date = {2019},
volume = {129},
number = {1},
pages = {13-21},
issn = {0030-834X},
doi = {10.7795/310.20190199},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Hashad, Ahmed and Sabuga, Wladimir and Ehlers, Sven and
Bock, Thomas},
title = {Experimental evaluation of a PTB force-balanced piston gauge},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the APMF 2019},
booksubtitle = {Asia Pacific Measurement Forum on Mechanical Quantities 2019,
Niigata, 17-21, November, 2019, Japan},
publisher = {The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE)},
date = {2020},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Meissner, Uwe},
title = {Operating vacuum systems},
pages = {843-905},
chapter = {18},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Materials},
pages = {747-775},
chapter = {16},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Calibrations and standards},
pages = {697-746},
chapter = {15},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Ellefson, Robert and Grosse-Bley, Werner},
title = {Partial pressure vacuum gauges and leak detectors},
pages = {643-695},
chapter = {14},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Total pressure vacuum gauges},
pages = {565-642},
chapter = {13},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Sorption pumps},
pages = {463-509},
chapter = {11},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Galda, Klaus},
title = {Jet and diffusion pumps},
pages = {383-418},
chapter = {9},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Dirscherl, Jürgen and Lachenmann, Rudolf
and Jünemann, Alfons and Friedrichsen, Uwe and Lippelt, Erik and
Kossek, Boris},
title = {Positive displacement pumps},
pages = {259-360},
chapter = {7},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Sorption and diffusion},
pages = {229-257},
chapter = {6},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Applications and scope of vacuum technology},
pages = {19-27},
chapter = {2},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {The history of vacuum science and vacuum technology},
pages = {1-17},
chapter = {1},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Bierhals, Jürgen},
title = {Temperatur- und Druckabhängigkeit des thermischen Akkommodationskoeffizienten der Edelgase zwischen 300\,K und 370\,K an W-Proben verschiedener Oberflächenbeschaffenheit},
pagetotal = {77},
institution = {Technische Universität Berlin},
date = {1974},
type = {phdthesis},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Treitz, Norbert},
title = {Untersuchungen am System W(100)-O$_2$ mit SIMS und EID},
pagetotal = {64},
institution = {Universität Köln},
date = {1974},
type = {phdthesis},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Traceability To SI Units For Vacuum Measurement In
Industrial Applications},
booktitle = {3rd IMEKO TC16 International Conference on Pressure
Measurement 2007},
booksubtitle = {Merida, Mexico 27 November – 1 December 2007},
date = {2007},
publisher = {IMEKO},
url = {},
langid = {english}
author = {Padilla-Viquez, G. and Koelliker-Delgado, J. and Werhahn,
O. and Jousten, K. and Schiel, D.},
title = {Traceable molecular line strengths for gas analysis
pages = {692-693},
booktitle = {2006 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements},
booksubtitle = {Torino, 9-14 July},
date = {2006},
isbn = {88-7992-228-9},
langid = {english}
author = {Bergoglio, M. and Calcatelli, A. and Jousten, K. and
Redgrave, F.},
title = {The treatment of uncertainties of calibration pressures
in vacuum},
subtitle = {EUROMET project 323. Final report},
titleaddon = {IMGC technical report: 7},
type = {techreport},
pagetotal = {32},
institution = {Istituto di Metrologia Gustavo Colonnetti},
location = {Torino},
date = {1997},
langid = {english}
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