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  • vaclab/ptb-latex
  • andre.waehlisch/ptb-latex
2 results
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with 1097 additions and 2628 deletions
## ptbposter
Das Projekt enthält eine LaTeX-Dokumentenklasse und andere Komponenten zur
LaTeX-Dokumentenklasse und andere Komponenten zur
Erzeugung eines PTB-konformen Posters. Näheres siehe Dokumentation [Teil
1](ptbposter-doc-1.pdf) und [Teil 2](ptbposter-doc-2.pdf).
1](ptbposter-doc-1.pdf) und [Teil 2](ptbposter-doc-2.pdf) sowie die
Beispiele, die die Verwendung positionierbarer Boxen
[(tcolobox)]( sowie die Einbeziehung des
Grafikpakets [TikZ]( zeigen:
[tcb-example1](tcb-example1.pdf) und [tcb-example2](tcb-example2.pdf).
Rolf Niepraschk, 2015-05-26
Rolf Niepraschk, 2025-03-13

50.5 KiB

File added
% Rolf Niepraschk,
[2022/09/20 1.0.0 PTB-Poster layout 2018 (RN)]
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Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt\\
Braunschweig und Berlin\\
Nationales Metrologieinstitut
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% hier wird \@thanks gefüllt
% blauer Rahmen
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Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt \\
Braunschweig und Berlin \\[\f@baselineskip]
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% Rolf Niepraschk,
[2022/09/20 1.0.1 PTB-Poster layout 2020 (RN)]
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Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt\\
Nationales Metrologieinstitut
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% blauer Rahmen
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Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt \\
Nationales Metrologieinstitut \\[\f@baselineskip]
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\ProvidesPackage{ptbposter-add}[2016/01/25 v0.1a supplements for ptbposter (RN)]
\ProvidesPackage{ptbposter-add}[2019/02/20 v0.1b supplements for ptbposter (RN)]
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
\par\ifx\relax#4\relax\else\vskip\columnsep #4\fi
\par\ifx\relax#4\relax\else\vskip.75\columnsep #4\fi
No preview for this file type
\workingGroup{7.54 Vakuummetrologie}
\department{7.5 Wärme und Vakuum}
......@@ -15,13 +19,13 @@
\Author{Ellen}{Bogen}[Muster Universität Oberstadt]
\Author*{Peter}{Silie}[XYZ GmbH]
%%\scaleFontSizes{1.05}% Werte nahe an "1" wählen!
%%\scaleTitleFontSize{0.92}% Werte nahe an "1" wählen!
%%\scaleFontSizes{1.05}% Werte nahe an "1" wählen!
\title{Die \LaTeX"=Dokumentenklasse "`ptbposter"'}
\title{Die \LaTeX-Dokumentenklasse "`ptbposter"'}
......@@ -42,17 +46,26 @@ zu entnehmen.
\item \textbf{a4paper}: Setzt von A0 abweichende Blattgröße (auch
"`\verb|{a3,a2,a1}paper|"' möglich).
\item \textbf{portrait}: Setzt das Poster im Hochformat (Standard).
\item \textbf{landscape}: Setzt das Poster im Querformat.
\item \textbf{serif}: Wählt die Serifenschrift für den Textbereich (Standard).
\item \textbf{sanserif}: Wählt die serifenlose Schrift für den Textbereich.
Es wird empfohlen, in diesem Falle die TeX"=Compiler "`lualatex"' oder
"`xelatex"' zu verwenden.
\item \textbf{serif}: Wählt die Serifenschrift für den Textbereich.
\item \textbf{sanserif}: Wählt die serifenlose Schrift für den Textbereich
\item \textbf{mathserif}: Wählt die Serifenschrift für den mathematischen
\item \textbf{mathsanserif}: Wählt die serifenlose Schrift für den
mathematischen Modus (Standard).
\item \textbf{boldTitle}: Im Titel fette Schriftstärke verwenden.
\item \textbf{centerTitle}: Den Titel zentriert setzen.
\item \textbf{raggedTitle}: Den Titel mit "`Flatterrand"' setzen.
\item \textbf{centerAuthors}: Die Autoren zentriert setzen.
\item \textbf{shortPTBlogo}: verkürztes PTB-Logo (Text entfällt; nur im
Falle von "`layout2018"' wirksam)
\item \textbf{layout2018, layout2020}: Layoutvarianten
Alle anderen Optionen werden an die intern benutzte Dokumentenklasse
"`scrartcl"' weitergeleitet.
Ohne Angabe einer Sprachoption werden die Trennregeln für "`ngerman"' (neue
deutsche Rechtschreibung) benutzt.
......@@ -78,17 +91,19 @@ Die folgenden Angaben wurden in dieser Beispieldatei verwendet:
\Author{Rolf}{Niepraschk}[Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt]
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt]
\Author{Ellen}{Bogen}[Muster Universität Oberstadt]
\Author*{Peter}{Silie}[XYZ GmbH]
Standardmäßig erscheint der zuerst aufgeführte Autor mit Adresse, E"~Mail usw.\
auch in der Fußzeile. Soll abweichend von dieser Regel ein später aufgeführter
Autor als "`korrespondierender Autor"' gelten, kann diesem als ersten
optionalen Parameter das Zeichen »!« übergeben werden. Beispiel:
optionalen Parameter das Zeichen "`!"' übergeben werden. Beispiel:
......@@ -103,7 +118,8 @@ Gehört ein weiterer Autor nicht der PTB an, so ist dessen Institution als
optionaler Parameter am Ende des Makros anzugeben. Für den zweiten Autor wird
im hier gezeigten Beispiel die Sternform des Makros benutzt, da er derselben
Institution wie sein Vorgänger angehört. Der vierte Autor gehört zur
Institution des dritten und gleichzeitig zu einer weiteren.
Institution des dritten und gleichzeitig zu einer weiteren. Der letzte Autor
gehört derselben Institution an wie der erste.
......@@ -111,19 +127,6 @@ Institution des dritten und gleichzeitig zu einer weiteren.
\emph{Das Dokument "`\texttt{ptbposter-doc-2}"' enthält die Fortsetzung dieser
\sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{x^k}{k!} \neq \prod_{j=1}^{10} \frac{j}{j+1}.
0 & \text{if $r-j$ is odd},\\
r!\,(-1)^{(r-j)/2} & \text{if $r-j$ is even}.
No preview for this file type
\workingGroup{7.54 Vakuummetrologie}
\department{7.5 Wärme und Vakuum}
\location{10587 Berlin}
\street{Abbestraße 2--12}
\Author{Rolf}{Niepraschk}[Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt]
\Author{Ellen}{Bogen}[Muster Universität Oberstadt]
\Author*{Peter}{Silie}[XYZ GmbH]
%%\scaleFontSizes{1.05}% Werte nahe an "1" wählen!
%%\scaleTitleFontSize{0.92}% Werte nahe an "1" wählen!
%%\scaleFontSizes{1.05}% Werte nahe an "1" wählen!
\title{Die \LaTeX"=Dokumentenklasse "`ptbposter"'}
\title{Die \LaTeX-Dokumentenklasse "`ptbposter"'}
\emph{Das Dokument "`\texttt{ptbposter-doc-1}"' enthält den ersten Teil dieser
......@@ -36,33 +38,36 @@ Anleitung.}
\item \verb|\scaleFontSizes|: Skaliert alle Schriftgrößen im Textbereich um
den angegebenen Wert. Beispiel: Mit \verb|\scaleFontSizes{1.04}| wird der
Fließtext um 4\,\% vergrößert gesetzt.
\item \verb|\scaleTitleFontSize|: Skaliert die Schriftgröße in der Titelzeile
um den angegebenen Wert. Beispiel: Mit \verb|\scaleTitleFontSize{0.97}| wird der
Titel um 3\,\% verkleinert gesetzt.
\item \verb|\scaletoPaper|: Skaliert das gesamte Dokument auf das als
Parameter angegebene Papierformat, wobei die DIN/ISO"=A"=Reihe bevorzugt
werden sollte. Beispiel: \verb|\scaletoPaper{a4}| erzeugt eine Version des
Posters, die gut archiviert werden kann.
Die Zahlenwerte für \verb|\scaleFontSizes| und \verb|\scaleTitleFontSize|
sollten nicht stark von "`1"' abweichen, um das Gesamtbild nicht zu
beeinträchtigen. Die Makros \verb|\phone|, \verb|\fax|, \verb|\email|,
\verb|\workingGroup|, \verb|\department|, \verb|\location|, \verb|\street| und
den angegebenen Wert, sodass die Seite günstig gefüllt ist. Beispiel: Mit
\verb|\scaleFontSizes{1.04}| wird der Fließtext um 4\,\% vergrößert gesetzt
(global in der Preamble).
\item \verb|\relscale| Skaliert aktuelle Schriftgröße (lokal). Siehe dazu
auch Beschreibung zum Paket \verb|relsize|. \columnbreak
\item \verb|\scaleTitleFontSize|: Skaliert die Schrift des Titels um den
angegebenen Wert. Sobald der Titel mehr als eine Zeile einnimmt, wird er
unabhängig von diesem Wert sinnvoll skaliert.
\item \verb|\scaleFont|: Skaliert die aktuelle Schrift lokal um den
angegebenen Wert.
\item \verb|\logo|: Spezielles Logo im Kopfbereich (rechtsbündig)
Die Zahlenwerten für \verb|\scaleFontSizes|, \verb|\scaleTitleFontSize| und
\verb|\relscale| sollten nicht stark von "`1"' abweichen, um das Gesamtbild
nicht zu beeinträchtigen. Die Makros \verb|\phone|, \verb|\fax|, \verb|\email|,
\verb|\workingGroup|, \verb|\department|, \verb|\location|, \verb|\street| und
\verb|\QRcode| setzen die Informationen im Fußbereich und sind selbsterklärend.
Die jeweils aktuelle Version der Dokumentenklasse und der Beispieldokumente ist
im Git"=Repositorium der Arbeitsgruppe~7.54 unter der Adresse
\url{} zu finden.
Für Anregungen und Kritiken bin ich dankbar.
Die jeweils aktuelle Version der Dokumentenklasse und der Beispieldokumente
sind im Git"=Repositorium der Arbeitsgruppe~7.54 unter der Adresse
\url{} zu
finden. Für Anregungen und Kritiken bin ich dankbar.
Rolf Niepraschk
Rolf Niepraschk, 3/2025
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86.969 37.383 m 86.457 35.965 85.699 34.75 84.695 33.734 c 83.695 32.715
82.457 31.922 80.98 31.348 c 79.508 30.777 77.656 30.488 75.426 30.488
c 68.77 30.488 l 68.77 52.77 l 75.594 52.77 l 76.855 52.77 78.148 52.672
79.48 52.469 c 80.812 52.27 82.102 51.797 83.344 51.055 c 84.59 50.309
85.637 49.18 86.48 47.664 c 87.324 46.148 87.742 44.254 87.742 41.996 c
87.742 40.332 87.484 38.801 86.969 37.383 c 94.141 35.086 m 95.055 37.316
95.516 39.82 95.516 42.598 c 95.516 44.688 95.219 46.598 94.637 48.332
c 94.051 50.059 93.211 51.582 92.125 52.902 c 91.039 54.215 89.715 55.328
88.156 56.227 c 86.598 57.129 85.066 57.742 83.562 58.07 c 82.062 58.398
80.762 58.613 79.66 58.715 c 78.562 58.812 77.41 58.863 76.207 58.863 c
61.398 58.863 l 61.398 3.059 l 68.777 3.059 l 68.777 3.059 68.781 4.199
68.781 4.434 c 68.781 24.434 l 75.09 24.434 l 78.52 24.434 81.477 24.867
83.953 25.727 c 86.43 26.582 88.52 27.801 90.219 29.375 c 91.922 30.949
93.234 32.852 94.148 35.086 c f
%%%61 58.871 35 -56.809 re W n
%%% 0.137255 0.537255 0.776471 rg
86.969 37.383 m 86.457 35.965 85.699 34.75 84.695 33.734 c 83.695 32.715
82.457 31.922 80.98 31.348 c 79.508 30.777 77.656 30.488 75.426 30.488
c 68.77 30.488 l 68.77 52.77 l 75.594 52.77 l 76.855 52.77 78.148 52.672
79.48 52.469 c 80.812 52.27 82.102 51.797 83.344 51.055 c 84.59 50.309
85.637 49.18 86.48 47.664 c 87.324 46.148 87.742 44.254 87.742 41.996 c
87.742 40.332 87.484 38.801 86.969 37.383 c 94.141 35.086 m 95.055 37.316
95.516 39.82 95.516 42.598 c 95.516 44.688 95.219 46.598 94.637 48.332
c 94.051 50.059 93.211 51.582 92.125 52.902 c 91.039 54.215 89.715 55.328
88.156 56.227 c 86.598 57.129 85.066 57.742 83.562 58.07 c 82.062 58.398
80.762 58.613 79.66 58.715 c 78.562 58.812 77.41 58.863 76.207 58.863 c
61.398 58.863 l 61.398 3.059 l 68.777 3.059 l 68.777 3.059 68.781 4.199
68.781 4.434 c 68.781 24.434 l 75.09 24.434 l 78.52 24.434 81.477 24.867
83.953 25.727 c 86.43 26.582 88.52 27.801 90.219 29.375 c 91.922 30.949
93.234 32.852 94.148 35.086 c f
Q q
%%%118 58.871 36 -56.809 re W n
%%% 0.137255 0.537255 0.776471 rg
146.227 14.254 m 145.656 12.996 144.855 11.938 143.848 11.09 c 142.848
10.254 141.676 9.613 140.363 9.191 c 139.059 8.766 137.527 8.555 135.805
8.555 c 124.613 8.555 l 124.613 29.438 l 133.922 29.438 l 136.266 29.438
138.246 29.207 139.812 28.742 c 141.406 28.27 142.75 27.566 143.805 26.656
c 144.871 25.738 145.695 24.594 146.25 23.242 c 146.805 21.91 147.082 20.344
147.082 18.602 c 147.082 16.969 146.793 15.508 146.227 14.25 c 153.047
24.16 m 152.496 25.695 151.738 27.059 150.793 28.207 c 149.848 29.348 148.73
30.301 147.469 31.043 c 146.203 31.781 144.828 32.305 143.375 32.582 c
141.836 32.875 l 143.27 33.5 l 144.422 34 145.457 34.648 146.34 35.426 c
147.238 36.215 147.98 37.105 148.559 38.086 c 149.148 39.066 149.602 40.164
149.902 41.344 c 150.207 42.523 150.359 43.773 150.359 45.066 c 150.359
47.238 150.008 49.203 149.32 50.91 c 148.641 52.613 147.605 54.062 146.254
55.223 c 144.902 56.395 143.18 57.305 141.129 57.922 c 139.07 58.543 136.375
58.863 133.121 58.863 c 125.766 58.863 l 125.766 53.719 l 132.711 53.719
l 134.859 53.719 136.625 53.508 137.957 53.082 c 139.309 52.652 140.422
52.023 141.27 51.203 c 142.121 50.375 142.754 49.359 143.148 48.191 c 143.535
47.031 143.73 45.73 143.73 44.324 c 143.73 43.055 143.539 41.809 143.172
40.621 c 142.797 39.402 142.191 38.328 141.379 37.426 c 140.566 36.516
139.527 35.789 138.297 35.254 c 137.074 34.719 135.457 34.449 133.484 34.449
c 124.605 34.449 l 124.605 52.457 l 118.238 52.457 l 118.238 3.059 l 135.02
3.059 l 136.742 3.059 138.645 3.258 140.684 3.645 c 142.164 3.922 143.387
4.453 144.684 5.016 c 144.914 5.113 l 146.281 5.703 147.527 6.441 148.629
7.32 c 149.711 8.188 150.652 9.211 151.418 10.359 c 152.191 11.504 152.801
12.824 153.227 14.262 c 153.656 15.707 153.871 17.316 153.871 19.043 c
153.871 20.895 153.594 22.617 153.039 24.16 c f
Q q
%%%84 58.871 41 -55.809 re W n
%%% 0.137255 0.537255 0.776471 rg
101.5 53.57 m 101.5 3.062 l 108.883 3.062 l 108.883 53.57 l 124.5 53.57
l 124.539 53.57 124.59 53.57 124.641 53.57 c 124.641 58.867 l 84.355 58.867
l 85.754 58.492 87.469 57.906 88.902 57.078 c 90.543 56.129 91.949 54.945
93.098 53.57 c f
Q q
%%%0 58.871 56 -55.809 re W n
%%% 0.137255 0.537255 0.776471 rg
0 58.867 55.805 -55.805 re f
1 g
35.227 28.715 m 37.598 29.695 40.18 30.215 42.723 30.215 c 43.402 30.215
44.09 30.176 44.766 30.109 c 47.117 45.23 l 45.656 45.418 44.172 45.512
42.703 45.512 c 37.875 45.512 32.992 44.469 28.555 42.488 c 35.223 28.711
l h
35.059 28.258 m 35.371 28.41 l h
27.609 42.832 m 27.941 42.98 l 32.555 45.098 37.656 46.211 42.707 46.215
c 44.328 46.211 45.961 46.102 47.57 45.883 c 47.926 45.832 l 45.355 29.332
l 45.02 29.371 l 44.266 29.465 43.496 29.516 42.727 29.512 c 40.172 29.516
37.562 28.965 35.203 27.934 c 34.891 27.801 l f
23.402 13.469 m 23.41 13.516 23.418 13.562 23.426 13.613 c 16.918 14.957
l 16.871 14.672 16.824 14.379 16.785 14.09 c 23.402 13.473 l h
23.703 13.09 m 23.734 13.438 l h
15.996 13.457 m 16.043 13.816 l 16.109 14.363 16.195 14.906 16.289 15.441
c 16.352 15.797 l 24.227 14.172 l 24.172 13.836 l 24.129 13.578 24.086
13.309 24.051 13.047 c 24.012 12.711 l f
15.316 10.641 m 15.316 10.402 15.32 10.16 15.328 9.918 c 23.195 10.418
l 23.195 10.492 23.195 10.566 23.195 10.637 c 23.195 10.754 23.195 10.867
23.199 10.984 c 15.332 11.512 l 15.324 11.223 15.316 10.934 15.316 10.641
c 14.988 9.547 m 15.34 9.562 l h
14.637 9.535 m 14.625 9.898 14.613 10.27 14.613 10.641 c 14.613 11.066
14.625 11.488 14.645 11.902 c 14.664 12.262 l 23.922 11.641 l 23.906 11.297
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Q q
1 g
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9.863 195.5 9.148 c 195.832 8.656 195.844 8.137 195.844 7.566 c 195.844
3.062 l 195.051 3.062 l 195.051 7.551 l 195.051 8.789 194.543 9.41 193.266
9.41 c 192.285 9.41 191.605 8.773 191.355 8.07 c 191.195 7.633 191.184
7.246 191.184 6.766 c f
202.285 6.676 m 201.605 6.398 200.914 6.344 200.223 6.293 c 199.016 6.199
198.281 5.758 198.281 4.828 c 198.281 3.992 199.012 3.594 199.773 3.594
c 201.039 3.594 202.285 4.207 202.285 5.602 c 202.285 6.68 l h
200.941 7.074 m 201.234 7.098 201.727 7.18 201.992 7.301 c 202.254 7.418
202.285 7.777 202.285 8.016 c 202.285 8.828 201.805 9.41 200.566 9.41 c
199.469 9.41 198.711 9.051 198.559 7.859 c 197.75 7.859 l 197.871 9.477
199.078 10.129 200.582 10.129 c 201.977 10.129 203.078 9.586 203.078 7.988
c 203.078 4.242 l 203.078 3.617 203.238 3.473 203.918 3.711 c 203.918 3.086
l 203.797 3.051 203.52 2.953 203.293 2.953 c 203.16 2.953 203.055 2.969
202.934 2.992 c 202.402 3.074 202.312 3.539 202.297 4.016 c 201.633 3.273
200.73 2.875 199.734 2.875 c 198.527 2.875 197.434 3.527 197.434 4.855
c 197.434 6.012 198.23 6.715 199.84 6.93 c f
205.289 12.629 0.797 -9.566 re f
213.105 6.98 m 213.105 8.324 212.363 9.41 210.926 9.41 c 209.516 9.41 208.773
8.281 208.613 6.98 c h
208.613 6.316 m 208.602 4.824 209.395 3.59 210.926 3.59 c 211.957 3.59
212.773 4.16 213.012 5.172 c 213.902 5.172 l 213.508 3.867 212.684 2.871
210.93 2.871 c 208.723 2.871 207.766 4.438 207.766 6.473 c 207.766 8.48
208.965 10.129 210.93 10.129 c 212.816 10.129 213.973 8.789 213.957 6.316
c f
215.98 5.215 m 216.23 4.031 216.844 3.59 218.039 3.59 c 219.195 3.59 219.738
4.203 219.738 4.867 c 219.738 6.855 215.328 5.449 215.328 8.164 c 215.328
9.305 216.219 10.129 217.746 10.129 c 219.238 10.129 220.203 9.516 220.406
7.965 c 219.594 7.965 l 219.449 9.027 218.73 9.41 217.738 9.41 c 216.727
9.41 216.184 8.934 216.184 8.227 c 216.184 6.355 220.598 7.523 220.598
4.879 c 220.598 3.566 219.41 2.871 217.793 2.871 c 216.172 2.871 215.238
3.906 215.176 5.211 c f
225.938 3.062 m 225.938 12.629 l 227.32 12.629 l 230.457 4.195 l 230.484
4.195 l 233.562 12.629 l 234.934 12.629 l 234.934 3.062 l 234.027 3.062
l 234.027 11.59 l 234.004 11.59 l 230.867 3.062 l 230.02 3.062 l 226.871
11.59 l 226.848 11.59 l 226.848 3.062 l f
241.914 6.98 m 241.914 8.324 241.172 9.41 239.734 9.41 c 238.324 9.41 237.582
8.281 237.418 6.98 c h
237.422 6.316 m 237.41 4.824 238.211 3.59 239.738 3.59 c 240.773 3.59 241.586
4.16 241.82 5.172 c 242.715 5.172 l 242.316 3.867 241.492 2.871 239.738
2.871 c 237.535 2.871 236.574 4.438 236.574 6.473 c 236.574 8.48 237.77
10.129 239.738 10.129 c 241.625 10.129 242.781 8.789 242.766 6.316 c f
246.742 3.035 m 246.555 2.996 246.211 2.875 245.828 2.875 c 245.043 2.875
244.605 3.219 244.605 4.246 c 244.605 9.281 l 243.637 9.281 l 243.637 9.949
l 244.605 9.949 l 244.605 11.859 l 245.402 11.859 l 245.402 9.949 l 246.691
9.949 l 246.691 9.281 l 245.402 9.281 l 245.402 4.566 l 245.402 3.891 245.426
3.598 246.09 3.598 c 246.301 3.598 246.531 3.637 246.742 3.691 c f
248.859 3.062 m 248.062 3.062 l 248.062 9.945 l 248.859 9.945 l 248.859
8.656 l 248.887 8.656 l 249.324 9.758 249.973 10.129 251.133 10.129 c 251.133
9.27 l 249.34 9.305 248.863 7.98 248.863 6.438 c f
254.945 9.414 m 253.273 9.414 252.609 7.992 252.609 6.508 c 252.609 4.793
253.418 3.594 254.945 3.594 c 256.621 3.594 257.285 5.031 257.285 6.508
c 257.27 8.125 256.633 9.414 254.945 9.414 c 251.758 6.508 m 251.758 8.516
252.82 10.133 254.945 10.133 c 257.098 10.133 258.137 8.523 258.137 6.508
c 258.137 4.328 256.871 2.879 254.945 2.879 c 253.191 2.906 251.758 4.102
251.758 6.508 c f
259.719 12.629 0.797 -9.566 re f
265.289 9.414 m 263.617 9.414 262.953 7.992 262.953 6.508 c 262.953 4.793
263.762 3.594 265.289 3.594 c 266.965 3.594 267.629 5.031 267.629 6.508
c 267.617 8.125 266.977 9.414 265.289 9.414 c 262.102 6.508 m 262.102 8.516
263.164 10.133 265.289 10.133 c 267.441 10.133 268.477 8.523 268.477 6.508
c 268.477 4.328 267.211 2.879 265.289 2.879 c 263.539 2.906 262.102 4.102
262.102 6.508 c f
272.934 9.414 m 271.594 9.414 270.594 8.445 270.582 6.719 c 270.516 4.992
271.285 3.594 272.934 3.594 c 274.379 3.594 275.258 4.922 275.258 6.48
c 275.258 8.141 274.434 9.414 272.934 9.414 c 275.258 9.949 m 276.055 9.949
l 276.055 3.727 l 276.055 1.883 275.445 0.246 272.824 0.246 c 270.801 0.246
269.969 1.398 269.914 2.223 c 270.762 2.223 l 271.004 1.188 271.879 0.961
272.824 0.961 c 275.004 0.961 275.297 2.578 275.254 4.16 c 274.75 3.32
273.766 2.871 272.797 2.871 c 270.695 2.871 269.727 4.586 269.727 6.512
c 269.727 8.543 270.621 10.125 272.84 10.125 c 273.715 10.125 274.766 9.633
275.23 8.73 c 275.254 8.73 l f
278.188 9.945 m 278.984 9.945 l 278.984 3.062 l 278.188 3.062 l h
278.148 12.625 m 279.023 12.625 l 279.023 11.441 l 278.148 11.441 l f
286.004 6.98 m 286.004 8.324 285.262 9.41 283.82 9.41 c 282.414 9.41 281.668
8.281 281.508 6.98 c h
281.512 6.316 m 281.496 4.824 282.297 3.59 283.824 3.59 c 284.863 3.59
285.676 4.16 285.91 5.172 c 286.801 5.172 l 286.402 3.867 285.578 2.871
283.824 2.871 c 281.621 2.871 280.664 4.438 280.664 6.473 c 280.664 8.48
281.859 10.129 283.824 10.129 c 285.715 10.129 286.867 8.789 286.855 6.316
c f
288.531 9.945 m 289.328 9.945 l 289.328 3.062 l 288.531 3.062 l h
288.492 12.625 m 289.371 12.625 l 289.371 11.441 l 288.492 11.441 l f
292.16 3.062 m 291.363 3.062 l 291.363 9.945 l 292.16 9.945 l 292.16 8.984
l 292.797 9.664 293.418 10.129 294.379 10.129 c 295.215 10.129 295.988
9.863 296.477 9.148 c 296.809 8.656 296.824 8.137 296.824 7.566 c 296.824
3.062 l 296.027 3.062 l 296.027 7.551 l 296.027 8.789 295.523 9.41 294.246
9.41 c 293.262 9.41 292.582 8.773 292.332 8.07 c 292.176 7.633 292.16 7.246
292.16 6.766 c f
299.219 5.215 m 299.473 4.031 300.082 3.59 301.277 3.59 c 302.434 3.59
302.98 4.203 302.98 4.867 c 302.98 6.855 298.566 5.449 298.566 8.164 c 298.566
9.305 299.457 10.129 300.984 10.129 c 302.477 10.129 303.445 9.516 303.645
7.965 c 302.836 7.965 l 302.691 9.027 301.973 9.41 300.977 9.41 c 299.965
9.41 299.426 8.934 299.426 8.227 c 299.426 6.355 303.836 7.523 303.836
4.879 c 303.836 3.566 302.652 2.871 301.031 2.871 c 299.41 2.871 298.48
3.906 298.418 5.211 c f
307.824 3.035 m 307.637 2.996 307.293 2.875 306.906 2.875 c 306.121 2.875
305.684 3.219 305.684 4.246 c 305.684 9.281 l 304.715 9.281 l 304.715 9.949
l 305.684 9.949 l 305.684 11.859 l 306.48 11.859 l 306.48 9.949 l 307.77
9.949 l 307.77 9.281 l 306.48 9.281 l 306.48 4.566 l 306.48 3.891 306.508
3.598 307.172 3.598 c 307.383 3.598 307.613 3.637 307.824 3.691 c f
309.219 9.945 m 310.016 9.945 l 310.016 3.062 l 309.219 3.062 l h
309.18 12.625 m 310.059 12.625 l 310.059 11.441 l 309.18 11.441 l f
314.469 3.035 m 314.281 2.996 313.938 2.875 313.551 2.875 c 312.77 2.875
312.332 3.219 312.332 4.246 c 312.332 9.281 l 311.363 9.281 l 311.363 9.949
l 312.332 9.949 l 312.332 11.859 l 313.129 11.859 l 313.129 9.949 l 314.418
9.949 l 314.418 9.281 l 313.129 9.281 l 313.129 4.566 l 313.129 3.891 313.152
3.598 313.82 3.598 c 314.031 3.598 314.262 3.637 314.473 3.691 c f
320.41 9.945 m 321.207 9.945 l 321.207 3.062 l 320.41 3.062 l 320.41 4.016
l 319.984 3.539 319.398 2.875 318.191 2.875 c 316.359 2.875 315.746 3.977
315.746 5.414 c 315.746 9.949 l 316.543 9.949 l 316.543 5.43 l 316.543
4.246 317.062 3.594 318.312 3.594 c 319.629 3.594 320.41 4.684 320.41 6.199
c f
325.559 3.035 m 325.371 2.996 325.023 2.875 324.641 2.875 c 323.855 2.875
323.422 3.219 323.422 4.246 c 323.422 9.281 l 322.453 9.281 l 322.453 9.949
l 323.422 9.949 l 323.422 11.859 l 324.219 11.859 l 324.219 9.949 l 325.508
9.949 l 325.508 9.281 l 324.219 9.281 l 324.219 4.566 l 324.219 3.891 324.242
3.598 324.91 3.598 c 325.121 3.598 325.352 3.637 325.562 3.691 c f
163.312 41.527 m 164.805 41.527 164.805 42.59 164.805 43.016 c 164.805
43.945 164.285 44.328 163.051 44.328 c 161.469 44.328 l 161.469 41.527 l
163.316 41.527 l h
161.465 36.438 m 159.469 36.438 l 159.469 45.977 l 163.828 45.977 l 165.68
45.977 166.793 44.793 166.793 42.922 c 166.793 42.059 166.312 39.879 163.75
39.879 c 161.465 39.879 l f
174.586 36.434 m 172.727 36.434 l 172.727 40.727 l 172.727 41.242 172.703
42.121 171.52 42.121 c 170.695 42.121 170.059 41.559 170.059 40.488 c 170.059
36.434 l 168.199 36.434 l 168.199 45.973 l 170.059 45.973 l 170.059 42.586
l 170.082 42.586 l 170.32 43.172 171.117 43.688 172.129 43.688 c 173.508
43.688 174.586 42.879 174.586 41.32 c f
179.918 36.555 m 179.039 33.938 178.801 33.59 177.18 33.59 c 176.926 33.59
176.609 33.605 176.34 33.621 c 176.34 35.109 l 176.422 35.094 176.539 35.086
176.699 35.086 c 177.379 35.086 177.75 35.18 177.922 36.148 c 175.32 43.508
l 177.395 43.508 l 178.91 38.301 l 178.934 38.301 l 180.383 43.508 l 182.352
43.508 l f
187.176 41.348 m 187.094 41.801 186.938 42.277 185.922 42.277 c 184.914
42.277 184.781 41.895 184.781 41.59 c 184.781 40.473 189.207 41.281 189.207
38.68 c 189.207 36.621 187.215 36.246 186.113 36.246 c 184.504 36.246 182.762
36.809 182.711 38.691 c 184.621 38.691 l 184.621 38.094 184.996 37.656
186.164 37.656 c 187.125 37.656 187.348 38.121 187.348 38.383 c 187.348
39.566 182.961 38.676 182.961 41.32 c 182.961 42.359 183.613 43.688 185.82
43.688 c 187.203 43.688 188.848 43.344 188.996 41.348 c f
192.484 36.434 m 190.621 36.434 l 190.621 43.5 l 192.484 43.5 l h
192.484 44.34 m 190.621 44.34 l 190.621 46.07 l 192.484 46.07 l f
196.18 36.434 m 194.32 36.434 l 194.32 45.973 l 196.18 45.973 l 196.18
40.816 l 198.52 43.5 l 200.805 43.5 l 198.309 40.766 l 200.871 36.434 l
198.641 36.434 l 196.953 39.461 l 196.18 38.664 l f
205.566 39.879 m 205.379 39.734 205.07 39.613 204.301 39.492 c 203.609
39.375 203.035 39.203 203.035 38.43 c 203.035 37.777 203.543 37.578 203.898
37.578 c 204.723 37.578 205.562 38.109 205.562 38.973 c 205.562 39.879
l h
207.387 37.816 m 207.387 36.98 207.574 36.793 207.797 36.715 c 207.797
36.438 l 205.789 36.438 l 205.684 36.77 205.656 36.875 205.617 37.277 c
205.191 36.836 204.594 36.25 203.332 36.25 c 202.27 36.25 201.18 36.852
201.18 38.312 c 201.18 39.695 202.059 40.398 203.242 40.57 c 204.914 40.82
l 205.207 40.859 205.566 40.98 205.566 41.383 c 205.566 42.168 204.824
42.207 204.344 42.207 c 203.414 42.207 203.254 41.637 203.199 41.223 c 201.406
41.223 l 201.617 43.391 203.121 43.695 204.57 43.695 c 205.566 43.695 207.387
43.391 207.387 41.648 c f
209.102 45.973 1.859 -9.539 re f
214.66 36.434 m 212.805 36.434 l 212.805 43.5 l 214.66 43.5 l h
214.66 44.34 m 212.805 44.34 l 212.805 46.07 l 214.66 46.07 l f
220.441 41.348 m 220.359 41.801 220.203 42.277 219.191 42.277 c 218.18
42.277 218.047 41.895 218.047 41.59 c 218.047 40.473 222.477 41.281 222.477
38.68 c 222.477 36.621 220.48 36.246 219.379 36.246 c 217.77 36.246 216.031
36.809 215.977 38.691 c 217.891 38.691 l 217.891 38.094 218.262 37.656
219.43 37.656 c 220.391 37.656 220.617 38.121 220.617 38.383 c 220.617 39.566
216.23 38.676 216.23 41.32 c 216.23 42.359 216.883 43.688 219.086 43.688
c 220.469 43.688 222.117 43.344 222.262 41.348 c f
229.922 39.012 m 229.852 38.277 229.281 36.246 226.691 36.246 c 224.031
36.246 223.422 38.277 223.422 39.77 c 223.422 42.055 224.418 43.688 226.809
43.688 c 227.93 43.688 229.762 43.184 229.934 40.977 c 228.047 40.977 l
227.965 41.426 227.703 42.121 226.902 42.121 c 226.809 42.121 l 225.641
42.121 225.336 40.953 225.336 40.074 c 225.336 39.305 225.363 37.773 226.773
37.773 c 227.715 37.773 228.031 38.68 228.031 39.012 c f
237.484 36.434 m 235.625 36.434 l 235.625 40.727 l 235.625 41.242 235.602
42.121 234.418 42.121 c 233.594 42.121 232.957 41.559 232.957 40.488 c
232.957 36.434 l 231.098 36.434 l 231.098 45.973 l 232.957 45.973 l 232.957
42.586 l 232.984 42.586 l 233.227 43.172 234.02 43.688 235.031 43.688 c
236.414 43.688 237.488 42.879 237.488 41.32 c f
238.715 41.023 3.703 -1.73 re f
247.844 36.434 m 245.848 36.434 l 245.848 44.285 l 242.965 44.285 l 242.965
45.973 l 250.723 45.973 l 250.723 44.285 l 247.84 44.285 l f
255.211 40.672 m 255.105 41.816 254.371 42.164 253.773 42.164 c 252.898
42.164 252.434 41.605 252.324 40.672 c h
257.047 38.508 m 256.551 36.805 255.145 36.25 253.938 36.25 c 251.945 36.25
250.414 37.207 250.414 40.117 c 250.414 40.969 250.707 43.691 253.801 43.691
c 255.195 43.691 257.125 43.023 257.125 39.797 c 257.125 39.465 l 252.273
39.465 l 252.324 38.934 252.434 37.738 253.938 37.738 c 254.453 37.738
254.984 38 255.133 38.508 c f
264.449 39.012 m 264.383 38.277 263.812 36.246 261.219 36.246 c 258.559
36.246 257.949 38.277 257.949 39.77 c 257.949 42.055 258.949 43.688 261.34
43.688 c 262.457 43.688 264.289 43.184 264.465 40.977 c 262.574 40.977
l 262.496 41.426 262.23 42.121 261.43 42.121 c 261.34 42.121 l 260.172 42.121
259.863 40.953 259.863 40.074 c 259.863 39.305 259.887 37.773 261.297 37.773
c 262.238 37.773 262.559 38.68 262.559 39.012 c f
272.016 36.434 m 270.156 36.434 l 270.156 40.727 l 270.156 41.242 270.133
42.121 268.949 42.121 c 268.125 42.121 267.488 41.559 267.488 40.488 c
267.488 36.434 l 265.625 36.434 l 265.625 45.973 l 267.488 45.973 l 267.488
42.586 l 267.516 42.586 l 267.754 43.172 268.551 43.688 269.562 43.688
c 270.945 43.688 272.02 42.879 272.02 41.32 c f
280.137 36.434 m 278.277 36.434 l 278.277 40.727 l 278.277 41.242 278.254
42.121 277.07 42.121 c 276.246 42.121 275.609 41.559 275.609 40.488 c 275.609
36.434 l 273.746 36.434 l 273.746 43.5 l 275.531 43.5 l 275.531 42.465
l 275.555 42.465 l 275.809 42.895 276.34 43.688 277.684 43.688 c 279.066
43.688 280.141 42.879 280.141 41.32 c f
283.781 36.434 m 281.922 36.434 l 281.922 43.5 l 283.781 43.5 l h
283.781 44.34 m 281.922 44.34 l 281.922 46.07 l 283.781 46.07 l f
289.566 41.348 m 289.484 41.801 289.324 42.277 288.312 42.277 c 287.305
42.277 287.168 41.895 287.168 41.59 c 287.168 40.473 291.598 41.281 291.598
38.68 c 291.598 36.621 289.602 36.246 288.5 36.246 c 286.895 36.246 285.152
36.809 285.098 38.691 c 287.012 38.691 l 287.012 38.094 287.383 37.656
288.555 37.656 c 289.512 37.656 289.738 38.121 289.738 38.383 c 289.738
39.566 285.352 38.676 285.352 41.32 c 285.352 42.359 286.004 43.688 288.207
43.688 c 289.59 43.688 291.238 43.344 291.387 41.348 c f
299.043 39.012 m 298.973 38.277 298.402 36.246 295.812 36.246 c 293.152
36.246 292.543 38.277 292.543 39.77 c 292.543 42.055 293.539 43.688 295.934
43.688 c 297.047 43.688 298.883 43.184 299.055 40.977 c 297.168 40.977
l 297.09 41.426 296.82 42.121 296.027 42.121 c 295.934 42.121 l 294.762
42.121 294.457 40.953 294.457 40.074 c 294.457 39.305 294.48 37.773 295.891
37.773 c 296.832 37.773 297.152 38.68 297.152 39.012 c f
306.605 36.434 m 304.746 36.434 l 304.746 40.727 l 304.746 41.242 304.723
42.121 303.539 42.121 c 302.715 42.121 302.078 41.559 302.078 40.488 c
302.078 36.434 l 300.219 36.434 l 300.219 45.973 l 302.078 45.973 l 302.078
42.586 l 302.102 42.586 l 302.34 43.172 303.137 43.688 304.148 43.688 c
305.527 43.688 306.605 42.879 306.605 41.32 c f
312.578 40.672 m 312.473 41.816 311.738 42.164 311.145 42.164 c 310.27
42.164 309.805 41.605 309.695 40.672 c 312.582 40.672 l h
314.41 38.508 m 313.918 36.805 312.512 36.25 311.301 36.25 c 309.309 36.25
307.781 37.207 307.781 40.117 c 307.781 40.969 308.074 43.691 311.168 43.691
c 312.562 43.691 314.492 43.023 314.492 39.797 c 314.492 39.465 l 309.641
39.465 l 309.691 38.934 309.801 37.738 311.301 37.738 c 311.82 37.738 312.352
38 312.496 38.508 c f
321.488 38.082 m 323.93 38.082 l 324.898 38.082 325.461 38.508 325.461
39.477 c 325.461 40.312 324.742 40.629 324.023 40.629 c 321.488 40.629 l
321.488 38.078 l h
321.488 42.242 m 323.824 42.242 l 324.609 42.242 325.234 42.547 325.234
43.305 c 325.234 44.09 324.672 44.328 323.773 44.328 c 321.488 44.328 l
319.574 45.973 m 324.215 45.973 l 326.551 45.973 327.148 44.512 327.148
43.531 c 327.148 42.16 326.379 41.777 325.98 41.574 c 327.148 41.137 327.457
40.207 327.457 39.262 c 327.457 38.504 327.137 37.785 326.633 37.293 c
326.086 36.762 325.57 36.43 323.617 36.43 c 319.578 36.43 l f
335.406 36.434 m 333.625 36.434 l 333.625 37.43 l 333.602 37.43 l 333.172
36.672 332.43 36.246 331.449 36.246 c 330.051 36.246 329.043 37.047 329.043
38.852 c 329.043 43.504 l 330.902 43.504 l 330.902 39.121 l 330.902 38.031
331.539 37.816 332.109 37.816 c 332.719 37.816 333.543 38.164 333.543 39.426
c 333.543 43.504 l 335.402 43.504 l f
343.543 36.434 m 341.684 36.434 l 341.684 40.727 l 341.684 41.242 341.66
42.121 340.477 42.121 c 339.652 42.121 339.016 41.559 339.016 40.488 c
339.016 36.434 l 337.156 36.434 l 337.156 43.5 l 338.938 43.5 l 338.938
42.465 l 338.965 42.465 l 339.219 42.895 339.75 43.688 341.094 43.688 c
342.477 43.688 343.551 42.879 343.551 41.32 c f
348.305 37.777 m 349.488 37.777 349.953 38.762 349.953 39.812 c 349.953
40.941 349.633 42.082 348.359 42.082 c 347.176 42.082 346.777 41.031 346.777
39.914 c 346.777 39.078 347.105 37.777 348.305 37.777 c 351.734 36.438
m 349.914 36.438 l 349.914 37.328 l 349.891 37.328 l 349.441 36.531 348.613
36.25 347.844 36.25 c 345.746 36.25 344.867 38.109 344.867 40.051 c 344.867
42.492 346.246 43.691 347.805 43.691 c 349.004 43.691 349.559 43.039 349.852
42.59 c 349.875 42.59 l 349.875 45.977 l 351.734 45.977 l f
357.633 40.672 m 357.527 41.816 356.797 42.164 356.199 42.164 c 355.32
42.164 354.855 41.605 354.75 40.672 c h
359.469 38.508 m 358.977 36.805 357.566 36.25 356.359 36.25 c 354.367 36.25
352.836 37.207 352.836 40.117 c 352.836 40.969 353.133 43.691 356.227 43.691
c 357.621 43.691 359.547 43.023 359.547 39.797 c 359.547 39.465 l 354.699
39.465 l 354.75 38.934 354.855 37.738 356.359 37.738 c 356.879 37.738 357.41
38 357.559 38.508 c f
364.785 41.348 m 364.707 41.801 364.547 42.277 363.535 42.277 c 362.527
42.277 362.395 41.895 362.395 41.59 c 362.395 40.473 366.82 41.281 366.82
38.68 c 366.82 36.621 364.824 36.246 363.723 36.246 c 362.113 36.246 360.375
36.809 360.32 38.691 c 362.234 38.691 l 362.234 38.094 362.605 37.656 363.777
37.656 c 364.734 37.656 364.961 38.121 364.961 38.383 c 364.961 39.566
360.574 38.676 360.574 41.32 c 360.574 42.359 361.227 43.688 363.43 43.688
c 364.812 43.688 366.457 43.344 366.609 41.348 c f
372.09 39.879 m 371.902 39.734 371.598 39.613 370.824 39.492 c 370.137
39.375 369.562 39.203 369.562 38.43 c 369.562 37.777 370.062 37.578 370.426
37.578 c 371.246 37.578 372.086 38.109 372.086 38.973 c 372.086 39.879
l h
373.91 37.816 m 373.91 36.98 374.098 36.793 374.324 36.715 c 374.324 36.438
l 372.312 36.438 l 372.207 36.77 372.184 36.875 372.145 37.277 c 371.719
36.836 371.117 36.25 369.855 36.25 c 368.793 36.25 367.703 36.852 367.703
38.312 c 367.703 39.695 368.582 40.398 369.766 40.57 c 371.441 40.82 l
371.73 40.859 372.09 40.98 372.09 41.383 c 372.09 42.168 371.348 42.207
370.867 42.207 c 369.938 42.207 369.777 41.637 369.723 41.223 c 367.93 41.223
l 368.141 43.391 369.648 43.695 371.094 43.695 c 372.09 43.695 373.91 43.391
373.91 41.648 c f
381.965 36.434 m 380.105 36.434 l 380.105 40.727 l 380.105 41.242 380.082
42.121 378.898 42.121 c 378.074 42.121 377.434 41.559 377.434 40.488 c
377.434 36.434 l 375.578 36.434 l 375.578 43.5 l 377.359 43.5 l 377.359
42.465 l 377.383 42.465 l 377.637 42.895 378.168 43.688 379.512 43.688 c
380.891 43.688 381.969 42.879 381.969 41.32 c f
387.695 41.348 m 387.613 41.801 387.457 42.277 386.445 42.277 c 385.434
42.277 385.301 41.895 385.301 41.59 c 385.301 40.473 389.727 41.281 389.727
38.68 c 389.727 36.621 387.734 36.246 386.633 36.246 c 385.023 36.246 383.281
36.809 383.23 38.691 c 385.141 38.691 l 385.141 38.094 385.516 37.656 386.684
37.656 c 387.645 37.656 387.871 38.121 387.871 38.383 c 387.871 39.566
383.484 38.676 383.484 41.32 c 383.484 42.359 384.137 43.688 386.34 43.688
c 387.719 43.688 389.367 43.344 389.516 41.348 c f
393.176 43.504 m 394.328 43.504 l 394.328 42.176 l 393.176 42.176 l 393.176
38.34 l 393.176 37.926 393.191 37.77 393.945 37.77 c 394.066 37.77 394.199
37.781 394.328 37.797 c 394.328 36.387 l 394.039 36.375 393.746 36.359
393.453 36.359 c 393.215 36.359 l 391.602 36.359 391.312 36.973 391.312
37.887 c 391.312 42.18 l 390.352 42.18 l 390.352 43.508 l 391.312 43.508
l 391.312 45.422 l 393.172 45.422 l f
399.422 39.879 m 399.234 39.734 398.93 39.613 398.156 39.492 c 397.469
39.375 396.895 39.203 396.895 38.43 c 396.895 37.777 397.398 37.578 397.758
37.578 c 398.578 37.578 399.418 38.109 399.418 38.973 c 399.418 39.879
l h
401.242 37.816 m 401.242 36.98 401.43 36.793 401.652 36.715 c 401.652 36.438
l 399.645 36.438 l 399.539 36.77 399.516 36.875 399.477 37.277 c 399.051
36.836 398.453 36.25 397.188 36.25 c 396.125 36.25 395.039 36.852 395.039
38.312 c 395.039 39.695 395.914 40.398 397.098 40.57 c 398.773 40.82 l
399.062 40.859 399.422 40.98 399.422 41.383 c 399.422 42.168 398.68 42.207
398.199 42.207 c 397.27 42.207 397.109 41.637 397.055 41.223 c 395.262
41.223 l 395.473 43.391 396.98 43.695 398.426 43.695 c 399.422 43.695 401.242
43.391 401.242 41.648 c f
402.965 45.973 1.859 -9.539 re f
408.691 43.504 m 409.844 43.504 l 409.844 42.176 l 408.691 42.176 l 408.691
38.34 l 408.691 37.926 408.707 37.77 409.461 37.77 c 409.582 37.77 409.715
37.781 409.844 37.797 c 409.844 36.387 l 409.551 36.375 409.262 36.359
408.969 36.359 c 408.727 36.359 l 407.117 36.359 406.828 36.973 406.828
37.887 c 406.828 42.18 l 405.867 42.18 l 405.867 43.508 l 406.828 43.508
l 406.828 45.422 l 408.688 45.422 l f
161.309 21.426 m 163.75 21.426 l 164.719 21.426 165.281 21.852 165.281
22.82 c 165.281 23.656 164.562 23.977 163.848 23.977 c 161.309 23.977 l
161.309 25.586 m 163.645 25.586 l 164.43 25.586 165.055 25.891 165.055
26.648 c 165.055 27.434 164.492 27.672 163.594 27.672 c 161.309 27.672 l
159.395 29.32 m 164.035 29.32 l 166.371 29.32 166.973 27.859 166.973 26.875
c 166.973 25.504 166.199 25.121 165.801 24.918 c 166.973 24.48 167.277
23.551 167.277 22.605 c 167.277 21.848 166.957 21.129 166.453 20.641 c 165.906
20.109 165.391 19.777 163.434 19.777 c 159.395 19.777 l f
168.836 26.844 m 170.617 26.844 l 170.617 25.621 l 170.645 25.621 l 171.027
26.344 171.453 27.031 172.586 27.031 c 172.707 27.031 172.824 27.016 172.945
27.008 c 172.945 25.117 l 172.785 25.148 172.586 25.148 172.414 25.148
c 170.969 25.148 170.699 24.242 170.699 23.461 c 170.699 19.781 l 168.84
19.781 l f
177.66 23.219 m 177.473 23.07 177.168 22.953 176.395 22.832 c 175.703 22.711
175.133 22.539 175.133 21.766 c 175.133 21.113 175.637 20.918 175.996 20.918
c 176.82 20.918 177.66 21.449 177.66 22.312 c h
179.48 21.156 m 179.48 20.32 179.668 20.137 179.891 20.055 c 179.891 19.777
l 177.887 19.777 l 177.777 20.109 177.754 20.219 177.711 20.613 c 177.285
20.176 176.688 19.594 175.426 19.594 c 174.363 19.594 173.273 20.195 173.273
21.652 c 173.273 23.035 174.152 23.738 175.336 23.91 c 177.012 24.164 l
177.305 24.203 177.664 24.324 177.664 24.723 c 177.664 25.508 176.918 25.547
176.441 25.547 c 175.512 25.547 175.352 24.977 175.297 24.562 c 173.504
24.562 l 173.715 26.73 175.219 27.035 176.668 27.035 c 177.664 27.035 179.484
26.73 179.484 24.988 c f
187.523 19.777 m 185.742 19.777 l 185.742 20.773 l 185.719 20.773 l 185.293
20.016 184.547 19.59 183.566 19.59 c 182.172 19.59 181.16 20.387 181.16
22.191 c 181.16 26.844 l 183.02 26.844 l 183.02 22.461 l 183.02 21.375
183.656 21.156 184.227 21.156 c 184.836 21.156 185.66 21.504 185.66 22.766
c 185.66 26.844 l 187.52 26.844 l f
195.66 19.777 m 193.801 19.777 l 193.801 24.07 l 193.801 24.586 193.773
25.465 192.594 25.465 c 191.77 25.465 191.133 24.91 191.133 23.832 c 191.133
19.777 l 189.273 19.777 l 189.273 26.844 l 191.055 26.844 l 191.055 25.812
l 191.078 25.812 l 191.332 26.234 191.863 27.031 193.207 27.031 c 194.59
27.031 195.664 26.223 195.664 24.668 c f
201.395 24.691 m 201.312 25.145 201.152 25.621 200.145 25.621 c 199.133
25.621 199 25.238 199 24.934 c 199 23.816 203.422 24.625 203.422 22.023
c 203.422 19.965 201.43 19.594 200.328 19.594 c 198.719 19.594 196.98 20.152
196.926 22.039 c 198.84 22.039 l 198.84 21.441 199.211 21 200.383 21 c
201.34 21 201.562 21.465 201.562 21.73 c 201.562 22.918 197.18 22.023 197.18
24.668 c 197.18 25.703 197.832 27.031 200.035 27.031 c 201.418 27.031 203.066
26.688 203.215 24.691 c f
210.867 22.355 m 210.801 21.625 210.23 19.59 207.641 19.59 c 204.98 19.59
204.371 21.621 204.371 23.113 c 204.371 25.398 205.367 27.031 207.758 27.031
c 208.875 27.031 210.711 26.527 210.883 24.32 c 208.996 24.32 l 208.914
24.77 208.648 25.461 207.852 25.461 c 207.758 25.461 l 206.59 25.461 206.281
24.293 206.281 23.414 c 206.281 22.645 206.309 21.113 207.719 21.113 c
208.66 21.113 208.98 22.02 208.98 22.352 c f
218.434 19.777 m 216.574 19.777 l 216.574 24.07 l 216.574 24.586 216.547
25.465 215.367 25.465 c 214.543 25.465 213.906 24.91 213.906 23.832 c 213.906
19.777 l 212.047 19.777 l 212.047 29.316 l 213.906 29.316 l 213.906 25.93
l 213.93 25.93 l 214.168 26.516 214.965 27.031 215.977 27.031 c 217.359
27.031 218.434 26.223 218.434 24.668 c f
227.488 19.777 m 225.574 19.777 l 224.473 24.934 l 224.441 24.934 l 223.344
19.777 l 221.43 19.777 l 219.438 26.844 l 221.414 26.844 l 222.516 21.77
l 222.543 21.77 l 223.539 26.844 l 225.414 26.844 l 226.477 21.77 l 226.5
21.77 l 227.602 26.844 l 229.512 26.844 l f
234.48 24.016 m 234.375 25.16 233.645 25.504 233.051 25.504 c 232.172 25.504
231.707 24.941 231.602 24.016 c 234.484 24.016 l h
236.316 21.848 m 235.824 20.148 234.418 19.59 233.207 19.59 c 231.215 19.59
229.688 20.543 229.688 23.457 c 229.688 24.305 229.98 27.031 233.074 27.031
c 234.469 27.031 236.395 26.367 236.395 23.141 c 236.395 22.809 l 231.543
22.809 l 231.598 22.277 231.703 21.082 233.207 21.082 c 233.727 21.082
234.258 21.348 234.402 21.855 c f
239.551 19.777 m 237.691 19.777 l 237.691 26.848 l 239.551 26.848 l h
239.551 27.684 m 237.691 27.684 l 237.691 29.414 l 239.551 29.414 l f
244.391 21.305 m 245.648 21.305 245.969 22.383 245.969 23.352 c 245.969
24.496 245.41 25.426 244.375 25.426 c 243.684 25.426 242.914 24.922 242.914
23.273 c 242.914 22.371 243.285 21.309 244.391 21.309 c 247.816 26.848
m 247.816 20.152 l 247.816 18.93 247.723 16.895 244.238 16.895 c 242.781
16.895 241.234 17.52 241.16 19.02 c 243.18 19.02 l 243.262 18.66 243.406
18.301 244.484 18.301 c 245.48 18.301 245.961 18.781 245.961 19.922 c 245.961
20.77 l 245.934 20.801 l 245.629 20.254 245.164 19.734 244.047 19.734 c
242.348 19.734 241.004 20.918 241.004 23.391 c 241.004 25.836 242.387 27.031
243.941 27.031 c 245.258 27.031 245.789 26.262 246.016 25.797 c 246.043
25.797 l 246.043 26.844 l f
259.531 19.777 m 257.75 19.777 l 257.75 20.773 l 257.723 20.773 l 257.293
20.016 256.551 19.59 255.57 19.59 c 254.176 19.59 253.164 20.387 253.164
22.191 c 253.164 26.844 l 255.023 26.844 l 255.023 22.461 l 255.023 21.375
255.66 21.156 256.23 21.156 c 256.844 21.156 257.668 21.504 257.668 22.766
c 257.668 26.844 l 259.527 26.844 l f
267.668 19.777 m 265.809 19.777 l 265.809 24.07 l 265.809 24.586 265.785
25.465 264.602 25.465 c 263.777 25.465 263.141 24.91 263.141 23.832 c 263.141
19.777 l 261.281 19.777 l 261.281 26.844 l 263.062 26.844 l 263.062 25.812
l 263.086 25.812 l 263.34 26.234 263.871 27.031 265.215 27.031 c 266.594
27.031 267.672 26.223 267.672 24.668 c f
272.43 21.117 m 273.613 21.117 274.078 22.102 274.078 23.148 c 274.078
24.281 273.758 25.422 272.48 25.422 c 271.301 25.422 270.902 24.375 270.902
23.258 c 270.902 22.418 271.23 21.113 272.43 21.113 c 275.855 19.773 m
274.035 19.773 l 274.035 20.664 l 274.008 20.664 l 273.559 19.867 272.73
19.586 271.961 19.586 c 269.863 19.586 268.988 21.445 268.988 23.387 c
268.988 25.832 270.371 27.027 271.922 27.027 c 273.117 27.027 273.68 26.375
273.969 25.926 c 274 25.926 l 274 29.312 l 275.855 29.312 l f
283.277 21.426 m 285.719 21.426 l 286.688 21.426 287.25 21.852 287.25 22.82
c 287.25 23.656 286.531 23.977 285.816 23.977 c 283.277 23.977 l h
283.277 25.586 m 285.617 25.586 l 286.402 25.586 287.023 25.891 287.023
26.648 c 287.023 27.434 286.465 27.672 285.562 27.672 c 283.277 27.672
l h
281.363 29.32 m 286.004 29.32 l 288.34 29.32 288.941 27.859 288.941 26.875
c 288.941 25.504 288.168 25.121 287.773 24.918 c 288.941 24.48 289.246
23.551 289.246 22.605 c 289.246 21.848 288.93 21.129 288.422 20.641 c 287.875
20.109 287.359 19.777 285.41 19.777 c 281.367 19.777 l f
295.055 24.016 m 294.949 25.16 294.215 25.504 293.617 25.504 c 292.738
25.504 292.277 24.941 292.168 24.016 c h
296.891 21.848 m 296.395 20.148 294.988 19.59 293.781 19.59 c 291.785 19.59
290.258 20.543 290.258 23.457 c 290.258 24.305 290.551 27.031 293.645 27.031
c 295.043 27.031 296.969 26.367 296.969 23.141 c 296.969 22.809 l 292.117
22.809 l 292.168 22.277 292.277 21.082 293.781 21.082 c 294.297 21.082
294.828 21.348 294.977 21.855 c f
298.199 26.844 m 299.98 26.844 l 299.98 25.621 l 300.004 25.621 l 300.387
26.344 300.812 27.031 301.945 27.031 c 302.062 27.031 302.184 27.016 302.305
27.008 c 302.305 25.117 l 302.145 25.148 301.945 25.148 301.773 25.148
c 300.324 25.148 300.055 24.242 300.055 23.461 c 300.055 19.781 l 298.199
19.781 l f
303.234 29.316 1.863 -9.539 re f
308.793 19.777 m 306.934 19.777 l 306.934 26.848 l 308.793 26.848 l h
308.793 27.684 m 306.934 27.684 l 306.934 29.414 l 308.793 29.414 l f
316.969 19.777 m 315.105 19.777 l 315.105 24.07 l 315.105 24.586 315.082
25.465 313.902 25.465 c 313.074 25.465 312.441 24.91 312.441 23.832 c 312.441
19.777 l 310.578 19.777 l 310.578 26.844 l 312.363 26.844 l 312.363 25.812
l 312.387 25.812 l 312.645 26.234 313.176 27.031 314.516 27.031 c 315.895
27.031 316.977 26.223 316.977 24.668 c f
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180.121 11.4414 lineto
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188.918 4.32813 187.656 2.8789 185.73 2.8789 curveto
185.73 3.59375 lineto
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185.73 9.41406 lineto
184.055 9.41406 183.391 7.99219 183.391 6.50781 curveto
183.391 4.79297 184.199 3.59375 185.73 3.59375 curveto
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195.051 3.0625 lineto
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202.254 7.41797 202.285 7.77734 202.285 8.01563 curveto
202.285 8.82813 201.805 9.41016 200.566 9.41016 curveto
199.469 9.41016 198.711 9.05078 198.559 7.85938 curveto
197.75 7.85938 lineto
197.871 9.47656 199.078 10.1289 200.582 10.1289 curveto
201.977 10.1289 203.078 9.58594 203.078 7.98828 curveto
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205.289 3.0625 lineto
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208.613 6.3164 lineto
208.602 4.82422 209.395 3.58984 210.926 3.58984 curveto
211.957 3.58984 212.773 4.16016 213.012 5.17188 curveto
213.902 5.17188 lineto
213.508 3.86719 212.684 2.8711 210.93 2.8711 curveto
208.723 2.8711 207.766 4.4375 207.766 6.47266 curveto
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212.816 10.1289 213.973 8.78906 213.957 6.3164 curveto
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216.23 4.03125 216.844 3.58984 218.039 3.58984 curveto
219.195 3.58984 219.738 4.20313 219.738 4.86719 curveto
219.738 6.85547 215.328 5.44922 215.328 8.16406 curveto
215.328 9.30469 216.219 10.1289 217.746 10.1289 curveto
219.238 10.1289 220.203 9.51563 220.406 7.96484 curveto
219.594 7.96484 lineto
219.449 9.02734 218.73 9.41016 217.738 9.41016 curveto
216.727 9.41016 216.184 8.9336 216.184 8.22656 curveto
216.184 6.35547 220.598 7.52344 220.598 4.8789 curveto
220.598 3.5664 219.41 2.8711 217.793 2.8711 curveto
216.172 2.8711 215.238 3.90625 215.176 5.21094 curveto
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225.938 12.6289 lineto
227.32 12.6289 lineto
230.457 4.19531 lineto
230.484 4.19531 lineto
233.563 12.6289 lineto
234.934 12.6289 lineto
234.934 3.0625 lineto
234.027 3.0625 lineto
234.027 11.5898 lineto
234.004 11.5898 lineto
230.867 3.0625 lineto
230.02 3.0625 lineto
226.871 11.5898 lineto
226.848 11.5898 lineto
226.848 3.0625 lineto
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237.418 6.98047 lineto
241.914 6.98047 lineto
241.914 8.32422 241.172 9.41016 239.734 9.41016 curveto
238.324 9.41016 237.582 8.28125 237.418 6.98047 curveto
237.422 6.3164 lineto
237.41 4.82422 238.211 3.58984 239.738 3.58984 curveto
240.773 3.58984 241.586 4.16016 241.82 5.17188 curveto
242.715 5.17188 lineto
242.316 3.86719 241.492 2.8711 239.738 2.8711 curveto
237.535 2.8711 236.574 4.4375 236.574 6.47266 curveto
236.574 8.48047 237.77 10.1289 239.738 10.1289 curveto
241.625 10.1289 242.781 8.78906 242.766 6.3164 curveto
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246.555 2.9961 246.211 2.875 245.828 2.875 curveto
245.043 2.875 244.605 3.21875 244.605 4.2461 curveto
244.605 9.28125 lineto
243.637 9.28125 lineto
243.637 9.94922 lineto
244.605 9.94922 lineto
244.605 11.8594 lineto
245.402 11.8594 lineto
245.402 9.94922 lineto
246.691 9.94922 lineto
246.691 9.28125 lineto
245.402 9.28125 lineto
245.402 4.5664 lineto
245.402 3.89063 245.426 3.59766 246.09 3.59766 curveto
246.301 3.59766 246.531 3.63672 246.742 3.6914 curveto
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248.063 3.0625 lineto
248.063 9.94531 lineto
248.859 9.94531 lineto
248.859 8.65625 lineto
248.887 8.65625 lineto
249.324 9.75781 249.973 10.1289 251.133 10.1289 curveto
251.133 9.26953 lineto
249.34 9.30469 248.863 7.98047 248.863 6.4375 curveto
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251.758 8.51563 252.82 10.1328 254.945 10.1328 curveto
257.09799 10.1328 258.137 8.52344 258.137 6.50781 curveto
258.137 4.32813 256.871 2.8789 254.945 2.8789 curveto
254.945 3.59375 lineto
256.621 3.59375 257.285 5.03125 257.285 6.50781 curveto
257.26999 8.125 256.633 9.41406 254.945 9.41406 curveto
254.945 9.41406 lineto
253.273 9.41406 252.609 7.99219 252.609 6.50781 curveto
252.609 4.79297 253.418 3.59375 254.945 3.59375 curveto
254.945 2.8789 lineto
253.191 2.90625 251.758 4.10156 251.758 6.50781 curveto
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260.51599 12.6289 lineto
260.51599 3.0625 lineto
259.719 3.0625 lineto
closepath fill
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262.10199 8.51563 263.164 10.1328 265.289 10.1328 curveto
267.44101 10.1328 268.47699 8.52344 268.47699 6.50781 curveto
268.47699 4.32813 267.211 2.8789 265.289 2.8789 curveto
265.289 3.59375 lineto
266.965 3.59375 267.629 5.03125 267.629 6.50781 curveto
267.617 8.125 266.97699 9.41406 265.289 9.41406 curveto
265.289 9.41406 lineto
263.617 9.41406 262.953 7.99219 262.953 6.50781 curveto
262.953 4.79297 263.762 3.59375 265.289 3.59375 curveto
265.289 2.8789 lineto
263.539 2.90625 262.10199 4.10156 262.10199 6.50781 curveto
closepath fill
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276.055 9.94922 lineto
276.055 3.72656 lineto
276.055 1.88281 275.445 0.2461 272.824 0.2461 curveto
270.801 0.2461 269.969 1.39844 269.914 2.22266 curveto
270.762 2.22266 lineto
271.004 1.1875 271.879 0.96094 272.824 0.96094 curveto
275.004 0.96094 275.297 2.57813 275.254 4.16016 curveto
274.75 3.32031 273.76599 2.8711 272.797 2.8711 curveto
270.695 2.8711 269.72699 4.58594 269.72699 6.51172 curveto
269.72699 8.54297 270.621 10.125 272.84 10.125 curveto
272.93399 9.41406 lineto
271.594 9.41406 270.594 8.44531 270.582 6.71875 curveto
270.51599 4.99219 271.285 3.59375 272.93399 3.59375 curveto
274.379 3.59375 275.258 4.92188 275.258 6.48047 curveto
275.258 8.14063 274.43399 9.41406 272.93399 9.41406 curveto
272.93399 9.41406 lineto
272.84 10.125 lineto
273.715 10.125 274.76599 9.63281 275.23001 8.73047 curveto
275.254 8.73047 lineto
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278.98401 9.94531 lineto
278.98401 3.0625 lineto
278.18799 3.0625 lineto
closepath fill
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279.02301 12.625 lineto
279.02301 11.4414 lineto
278.14801 11.4414 lineto
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281.508 6.98047 lineto
286.004 6.98047 lineto
286.004 8.32422 285.262 9.41016 283.82 9.41016 curveto
282.414 9.41016 281.668 8.28125 281.508 6.98047 curveto
281.512 6.3164 lineto
281.496 4.82422 282.297 3.58984 283.824 3.58984 curveto
284.863 3.58984 285.676 4.16016 285.91 5.17188 curveto
286.801 5.17188 lineto
286.40201 3.86719 285.578 2.8711 283.824 2.8711 curveto
281.621 2.8711 280.664 4.4375 280.664 6.47266 curveto
280.664 8.48047 281.85901 10.1289 283.824 10.1289 curveto
285.715 10.1289 286.867 8.78906 286.85501 6.3164 curveto
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289.328 9.94531 lineto
289.328 3.0625 lineto
288.531 3.0625 lineto
closepath fill
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289.371 12.625 lineto
289.371 11.4414 lineto
288.492 11.4414 lineto
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291.363 3.0625 lineto
291.363 9.94531 lineto
292.16 9.94531 lineto
292.16 8.98438 lineto
292.797 9.66406 293.418 10.1289 294.379 10.1289 curveto
295.215 10.1289 295.988 9.86328 296.47699 9.14844 curveto
296.80899 8.65625 296.824 8.13672 296.824 7.5664 curveto
296.824 3.0625 lineto
296.02701 3.0625 lineto
296.02701 7.55078 lineto
296.02701 8.78906 295.52301 9.41016 294.246 9.41016 curveto
293.262 9.41016 292.582 8.77344 292.332 8.07031 curveto
292.176 7.63281 292.16 7.2461 292.16 6.76563 curveto
closepath fill
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299.47299 4.03125 300.082 3.58984 301.27701 3.58984 curveto
302.43399 3.58984 302.98001 4.20313 302.98001 4.86719 curveto
302.98001 6.85547 298.56601 5.44922 298.56601 8.16406 curveto
298.56601 9.30469 299.457 10.1289 300.98401 10.1289 curveto
302.47699 10.1289 303.445 9.51563 303.64499 7.96484 curveto
302.836 7.96484 lineto
302.69101 9.02734 301.97299 9.41016 300.97699 9.41016 curveto
299.965 9.41016 299.426 8.9336 299.426 8.22656 curveto
299.426 6.35547 303.836 7.52344 303.836 4.8789 curveto
303.836 3.5664 302.65201 2.8711 301.031 2.8711 curveto
299.41 2.8711 298.48001 3.90625 298.418 5.21094 curveto
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307.637 2.9961 307.293 2.875 306.906 2.875 curveto
306.121 2.875 305.68399 3.21875 305.68399 4.2461 curveto
305.68399 9.28125 lineto
304.715 9.28125 lineto
304.715 9.94922 lineto
305.68399 9.94922 lineto
305.68399 11.8594 lineto
306.48001 11.8594 lineto
306.48001 9.94922 lineto
307.76999 9.94922 lineto
307.76999 9.28125 lineto
306.48001 9.28125 lineto
306.48001 4.5664 lineto
306.48001 3.89063 306.508 3.59766 307.172 3.59766 curveto
307.383 3.59766 307.613 3.63672 307.824 3.6914 curveto
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310.01599 9.94531 lineto
310.01599 3.0625 lineto
309.219 3.0625 lineto
closepath fill
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310.05899 12.625 lineto
310.05899 11.4414 lineto
309.18 11.4414 lineto
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314.281 2.9961 313.93799 2.875 313.551 2.875 curveto
312.76999 2.875 312.332 3.21875 312.332 4.2461 curveto
312.332 9.28125 lineto
311.363 9.28125 lineto
311.363 9.94922 lineto
312.332 9.94922 lineto
312.332 11.8594 lineto
313.129 11.8594 lineto
313.129 9.94922 lineto
314.418 9.94922 lineto
314.418 9.28125 lineto
313.129 9.28125 lineto
313.129 4.5664 lineto
313.129 3.89063 313.15201 3.59766 313.82 3.59766 curveto
314.031 3.59766 314.262 3.63672 314.47299 3.6914 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 320.41 9.94531 moveto
321.207 9.94531 lineto
321.207 3.0625 lineto
320.41 3.0625 lineto
320.41 4.01563 lineto
319.98401 3.53906 319.39801 2.875 318.19101 2.875 curveto
316.35901 2.875 315.746 3.97656 315.746 5.41406 curveto
315.746 9.94922 lineto
316.543 9.94922 lineto
316.543 5.42969 lineto
316.543 4.2461 317.06299 3.59375 318.31299 3.59375 curveto
319.629 3.59375 320.41 4.6836 320.41 6.19922 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 325.55899 3.03516 moveto
325.371 2.9961 325.02301 2.875 324.64099 2.875 curveto
323.85501 2.875 323.422 3.21875 323.422 4.2461 curveto
323.422 9.28125 lineto
322.453 9.28125 lineto
322.453 9.94922 lineto
323.422 9.94922 lineto
323.422 11.8594 lineto
324.219 11.8594 lineto
324.219 9.94922 lineto
325.508 9.94922 lineto
325.508 9.28125 lineto
324.219 9.28125 lineto
324.219 4.5664 lineto
324.219 3.89063 324.242 3.59766 324.91 3.59766 curveto
325.121 3.59766 325.35199 3.63672 325.56299 3.6914 curveto
closepath fill
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159.469 36.4375 lineto
159.469 45.97661 lineto
163.828 45.97661 lineto
165.68 45.97661 166.793 44.793 166.793 42.9219 curveto
166.793 42.0586 166.313 39.8789 163.75 39.8789 curveto
161.465 39.8789 lineto
161.469 41.5273 lineto
163.316 41.5273 lineto
163.313 41.5273 lineto
164.805 41.5273 164.805 42.5898 164.805 43.0156 curveto
164.805 43.9453 164.285 44.3281 163.051 44.3281 curveto
161.469 44.3281 lineto
161.469 41.5273 lineto
161.465 39.8789 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 174.586 36.4336 moveto
172.727 36.4336 lineto
172.727 40.72661 lineto
172.727 41.2422 172.703 42.1211 171.52 42.1211 curveto
170.695 42.1211 170.059 41.5586 170.059 40.4883 curveto
170.059 36.4336 lineto
168.199 36.4336 lineto
168.199 45.9727 lineto
170.059 45.9727 lineto
170.059 42.58589 lineto
170.082 42.58589 lineto
170.32 43.1719 171.117 43.6875 172.129 43.6875 curveto
173.508 43.6875 174.586 42.8789 174.586 41.3203 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 179.918 36.5547 moveto
179.039 33.9375 178.801 33.5898 177.18 33.5898 curveto
176.926 33.5898 176.609 33.6055 176.34 33.6211 curveto
176.34 35.1094 lineto
176.422 35.0938 176.539 35.08589 176.699 35.08589 curveto
177.379 35.08589 177.75 35.1797 177.922 36.14839 curveto
175.32 43.5078 lineto
177.395 43.5078 lineto
178.91 38.3008 lineto
178.934 38.3008 lineto
180.383 43.5078 lineto
182.352 43.5078 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 187.176 41.3477 moveto
187.094 41.8008 186.938 42.2773 185.922 42.2773 curveto
184.914 42.2773 184.781 41.8945 184.781 41.5898 curveto
184.781 40.4727 189.207 41.2813 189.207 38.6797 curveto
189.207 36.6211 187.215 36.2461 186.113 36.2461 curveto
184.504 36.2461 182.762 36.8086 182.711 38.6914 curveto
184.621 38.6914 lineto
184.621 38.0938 184.996 37.6563 186.164 37.6563 curveto
187.125 37.6563 187.348 38.1211 187.348 38.3828 curveto
187.348 39.5664 182.961 38.6758 182.961 41.3203 curveto
182.961 42.3594 183.613 43.6875 185.82 43.6875 curveto
187.203 43.6875 188.848 43.3438 188.996 41.3477 curveto
closepath fill
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190.621 36.4336 lineto
190.621 43.5 lineto
192.484 43.5 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 192.484 44.3398 moveto
190.621 44.3398 lineto
190.621 46.0703 lineto
192.484 46.0703 lineto
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194.32 36.4336 lineto
194.32 45.9727 lineto
196.18 45.9727 lineto
196.18 40.8164 lineto
198.52 43.5 lineto
200.805 43.5 lineto
198.309 40.7656 lineto
200.871 36.4336 lineto
198.641 36.4336 lineto
196.953 39.46089 lineto
196.18 38.66411 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 207.387 37.8164 moveto
207.387 36.9805 207.574 36.793 207.797 36.7148 curveto
207.797 36.4375 lineto
205.789 36.4375 lineto
205.684 36.7695 205.656 36.875 205.617 37.2773 curveto
205.191 36.83589 204.594 36.25 203.332 36.25 curveto
202.27 36.25 201.18 36.85161 201.18 38.3125 curveto
201.18 39.6953 202.059 40.39839 203.242 40.5703 curveto
204.914 40.8203 lineto
205.563 39.8789 lineto
205.566 39.8789 lineto
205.379 39.7344 205.07 39.6133 204.301 39.4922 curveto
203.609 39.375 203.035 39.2031 203.035 38.4297 curveto
203.035 37.7773 203.543 37.5781 203.898 37.5781 curveto
204.723 37.5781 205.563 38.1094 205.563 38.9727 curveto
205.563 39.8789 lineto
204.914 40.8203 lineto
205.207 40.8594 205.566 40.9805 205.566 41.3828 curveto
205.566 42.168 204.824 42.207 204.344 42.207 curveto
203.414 42.207 203.254 41.6367 203.199 41.2227 curveto
201.406 41.2227 lineto
201.617 43.3906 203.121 43.6953 204.57 43.6953 curveto
205.566 43.6953 207.387 43.3906 207.387 41.64839 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 209.102 45.9727 moveto
210.961 45.9727 lineto
210.961 36.4336 lineto
209.102 36.4336 lineto
closepath fill
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212.805 36.4336 lineto
212.805 43.5 lineto
214.66 43.5 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 214.66 44.3398 moveto
212.805 44.3398 lineto
212.805 46.0703 lineto
214.66 46.0703 lineto
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220.359 41.8008 220.203 42.2773 219.191 42.2773 curveto
218.18 42.2773 218.047 41.8945 218.047 41.5898 curveto
218.047 40.4727 222.477 41.2813 222.477 38.6797 curveto
222.477 36.6211 220.48 36.2461 219.379 36.2461 curveto
217.77 36.2461 216.031 36.8086 215.977 38.6914 curveto
217.891 38.6914 lineto
217.891 38.0938 218.262 37.6563 219.43 37.6563 curveto
220.391 37.6563 220.617 38.1211 220.617 38.3828 curveto
220.617 39.5664 216.23 38.6758 216.23 41.3203 curveto
216.23 42.3594 216.883 43.6875 219.086 43.6875 curveto
220.469 43.6875 222.117 43.3438 222.262 41.3477 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 229.922 39.0117 moveto
229.852 38.2773 229.281 36.2461 226.691 36.2461 curveto
224.031 36.2461 223.422 38.2773 223.422 39.7695 curveto
223.422 42.0547 224.418 43.6875 226.809 43.6875 curveto
227.93 43.6875 229.762 43.1836 229.934 40.97661 curveto
228.047 40.97661 lineto
227.965 41.4258 227.703 42.1211 226.902 42.1211 curveto
226.809 42.1211 lineto
225.641 42.1211 225.336 40.9531 225.336 40.0742 curveto
225.336 39.3047 225.363 37.77339 226.773 37.77339 curveto
227.715 37.77339 228.031 38.6797 228.031 39.0117 curveto
closepath fill
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235.625 36.4336 lineto
235.625 40.72661 lineto
235.625 41.2422 235.602 42.1211 234.418 42.1211 curveto
233.594 42.1211 232.957 41.5586 232.957 40.4883 curveto
232.957 36.4336 lineto
231.098 36.4336 lineto
231.098 45.9727 lineto
232.957 45.9727 lineto
232.957 42.58589 lineto
232.984 42.58589 lineto
233.227 43.1719 234.02 43.6875 235.031 43.6875 curveto
236.414 43.6875 237.488 42.8789 237.488 41.3203 curveto
closepath fill
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242.418 41.02339 lineto
242.418 39.293 lineto
238.715 39.293 lineto
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245.848 36.4336 lineto
245.848 44.2852 lineto
242.965 44.2852 lineto
242.965 45.9727 lineto
250.723 45.9727 lineto
250.723 44.2852 lineto
247.84 44.2852 lineto
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newpath 257.047 38.5078 moveto
256.551 36.8047 255.145 36.25 253.938 36.25 curveto
251.945 36.25 250.414 37.207 250.414 40.1172 curveto
250.414 40.9688 250.707 43.6914 253.801 43.6914 curveto
255.195 43.6914 257.125 43.02339 257.125 39.7969 curveto
257.125 39.4648 lineto
252.273 39.4648 lineto
252.324 40.6719 lineto
255.211 40.6719 lineto
255.105 41.8164 254.371 42.16411 253.773 42.16411 curveto
252.898 42.16411 252.434 41.6055 252.324 40.6719 curveto
252.273 39.4648 lineto
252.324 38.9336 252.434 37.7383 253.938 37.7383 curveto
254.453 37.7383 254.984 38 255.133 38.5078 curveto
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264.383 38.2773 263.81299 36.2461 261.219 36.2461 curveto
258.55899 36.2461 257.949 38.2773 257.949 39.7695 curveto
257.949 42.0547 258.949 43.6875 261.34 43.6875 curveto
262.457 43.6875 264.289 43.1836 264.465 40.97661 curveto
262.574 40.97661 lineto
262.496 41.4258 262.23001 42.1211 261.43 42.1211 curveto
261.34 42.1211 lineto
260.172 42.1211 259.863 40.9531 259.863 40.0742 curveto
259.863 39.3047 259.887 37.77339 261.297 37.77339 curveto
262.238 37.77339 262.55899 38.6797 262.55899 39.0117 curveto
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270.156 36.4336 lineto
270.156 40.72661 lineto
270.156 41.2422 270.133 42.1211 268.949 42.1211 curveto
268.125 42.1211 267.488 41.5586 267.488 40.4883 curveto
267.488 36.4336 lineto
265.625 36.4336 lineto
265.625 45.9727 lineto
267.488 45.9727 lineto
267.488 42.58589 lineto
267.51599 42.58589 lineto
267.754 43.1719 268.551 43.6875 269.56299 43.6875 curveto
270.945 43.6875 272.01999 42.8789 272.01999 41.3203 curveto
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278.27701 40.72661 lineto
278.27701 41.2422 278.254 42.1211 277.07 42.1211 curveto
276.246 42.1211 275.60901 41.5586 275.60901 40.4883 curveto
275.60901 36.4336 lineto
273.746 36.4336 lineto
273.746 43.5 lineto
275.531 43.5 lineto
275.531 42.4648 lineto
275.555 42.4648 lineto
275.80899 42.8945 276.34 43.6875 277.68399 43.6875 curveto
279.06601 43.6875 280.14099 42.8789 280.14099 41.3203 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 283.781 36.4336 moveto
281.922 36.4336 lineto
281.922 43.5 lineto
283.781 43.5 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 283.781 44.3398 moveto
281.922 44.3398 lineto
281.922 46.0703 lineto
283.781 46.0703 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 289.56601 41.3477 moveto
289.48401 41.8008 289.324 42.2773 288.31299 42.2773 curveto
287.305 42.2773 287.168 41.8945 287.168 41.5898 curveto
287.168 40.4727 291.59799 41.2813 291.59799 38.6797 curveto
291.59799 36.6211 289.60199 36.2461 288.5 36.2461 curveto
286.89499 36.2461 285.15201 36.8086 285.09799 38.6914 curveto
287.012 38.6914 lineto
287.012 38.0938 287.383 37.6563 288.555 37.6563 curveto
289.512 37.6563 289.738 38.1211 289.738 38.3828 curveto
289.738 39.5664 285.35199 38.6758 285.35199 41.3203 curveto
285.35199 42.3594 286.004 43.6875 288.207 43.6875 curveto
289.59 43.6875 291.238 43.3438 291.387 41.3477 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 299.043 39.0117 moveto
298.97299 38.2773 298.40201 36.2461 295.81299 36.2461 curveto
293.15201 36.2461 292.543 38.2773 292.543 39.7695 curveto
292.543 42.0547 293.539 43.6875 295.93399 43.6875 curveto
297.047 43.6875 298.883 43.1836 299.055 40.97661 curveto
297.168 40.97661 lineto
297.09 41.4258 296.82 42.1211 296.02701 42.1211 curveto
295.93399 42.1211 lineto
294.762 42.1211 294.457 40.9531 294.457 40.0742 curveto
294.457 39.3047 294.48001 37.77339 295.89099 37.77339 curveto
296.832 37.77339 297.15201 38.6797 297.15201 39.0117 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 306.60501 36.4336 moveto
304.746 36.4336 lineto
304.746 40.72661 lineto
304.746 41.2422 304.72299 42.1211 303.539 42.1211 curveto
302.715 42.1211 302.078 41.5586 302.078 40.4883 curveto
302.078 36.4336 lineto
300.219 36.4336 lineto
300.219 45.9727 lineto
302.078 45.9727 lineto
302.078 42.58589 lineto
302.10199 42.58589 lineto
302.34 43.1719 303.137 43.6875 304.14801 43.6875 curveto
305.52701 43.6875 306.60501 42.8789 306.60501 41.3203 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 314.41 38.5078 moveto
313.918 36.8047 312.512 36.25 311.301 36.25 curveto
309.30899 36.25 307.781 37.207 307.781 40.1172 curveto
307.781 40.9688 308.074 43.6914 311.168 43.6914 curveto
312.56299 43.6914 314.492 43.02339 314.492 39.7969 curveto
314.492 39.4648 lineto
309.64099 39.4648 lineto
309.695 40.6719 lineto
312.582 40.6719 lineto
312.578 40.6719 lineto
312.47299 41.8164 311.738 42.16411 311.14499 42.16411 curveto
310.26999 42.16411 309.805 41.6055 309.695 40.6719 curveto
309.64099 39.4648 lineto
309.69101 38.9336 309.801 37.7383 311.301 37.7383 curveto
311.82 37.7383 312.35199 38 312.496 38.5078 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 319.574 45.9727 moveto
324.215 45.9727 lineto
326.551 45.9727 327.14801 44.5117 327.14801 43.5313 curveto
327.14801 42.1602 326.379 41.7773 325.98001 41.5742 curveto
327.14801 41.1367 327.457 40.207 327.457 39.2617 curveto
327.457 38.5039 327.137 37.7852 326.633 37.293 curveto
326.086 36.7617 325.57 36.4297 323.617 36.4297 curveto
323.93 38.082 lineto
324.89801 38.082 325.461 38.5078 325.461 39.47661 curveto
325.461 40.3125 324.742 40.6289 324.02301 40.6289 curveto
321.488 40.6289 lineto
321.488 42.2422 lineto
323.824 42.2422 lineto
324.60901 42.2422 325.23401 42.5469 325.23401 43.3047 curveto
325.23401 44.0898 324.672 44.3281 323.77301 44.3281 curveto
321.488 44.3281 lineto
321.488 42.2422 lineto
321.488 40.6289 lineto
321.488 38.0781 lineto
321.488 38.082 lineto
323.93 38.082 lineto
323.617 36.4297 lineto
319.578 36.4297 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 335.406 36.4336 moveto
333.625 36.4336 lineto
333.625 37.4297 lineto
333.60199 37.4297 lineto
333.172 36.6719 332.43 36.2461 331.449 36.2461 curveto
330.051 36.2461 329.043 37.0469 329.043 38.85161 curveto
329.043 43.5039 lineto
330.90201 43.5039 lineto
330.90201 39.1211 lineto
330.90201 38.0313 331.539 37.8164 332.10901 37.8164 curveto
332.719 37.8164 333.543 38.16411 333.543 39.4258 curveto
333.543 43.5039 lineto
335.40201 43.5039 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 343.543 36.4336 moveto
341.68399 36.4336 lineto
341.68399 40.72661 lineto
341.68399 41.2422 341.66 42.1211 340.47699 42.1211 curveto
339.65201 42.1211 339.01599 41.5586 339.01599 40.4883 curveto
339.01599 36.4336 lineto
337.156 36.4336 lineto
337.156 43.5 lineto
338.93799 43.5 lineto
338.93799 42.4648 lineto
338.965 42.4648 lineto
339.219 42.8945 339.75 43.6875 341.094 43.6875 curveto
342.47699 43.6875 343.551 42.8789 343.551 41.3203 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 351.73401 36.4375 moveto
349.914 36.4375 lineto
349.914 37.3281 lineto
349.89099 37.3281 lineto
349.44101 36.5313 348.613 36.25 347.844 36.25 curveto
345.746 36.25 344.867 38.1094 344.867 40.0508 curveto
344.867 42.4922 346.246 43.6914 347.805 43.6914 curveto
349.004 43.6914 349.55899 43.03911 349.85199 42.5898 curveto
348.35901 42.082 lineto
347.176 42.082 346.77701 41.0313 346.77701 39.91411 curveto
346.77701 39.0781 347.10501 37.7773 348.305 37.7773 curveto
348.305 37.7773 lineto
349.488 37.7773 349.953 38.7617 349.953 39.8125 curveto
349.953 40.9414 349.633 42.082 348.35901 42.082 curveto
349.85199 42.5898 lineto
349.875 42.5898 lineto
349.875 45.97661 lineto
351.73401 45.97661 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 359.469 38.5078 moveto
358.97699 36.8047 357.56601 36.25 356.35901 36.25 curveto
354.367 36.25 352.836 37.207 352.836 40.1172 curveto
352.836 40.9688 353.133 43.6914 356.22699 43.6914 curveto
357.621 43.6914 359.547 43.02339 359.547 39.7969 curveto
359.547 39.4648 lineto
354.699 39.4648 lineto
354.75 40.6719 lineto
357.633 40.6719 lineto
357.52701 41.8164 356.797 42.16411 356.199 42.16411 curveto
355.32 42.16411 354.85501 41.6055 354.75 40.6719 curveto
354.699 39.4648 lineto
354.75 38.9336 354.85501 37.7383 356.35901 37.7383 curveto
356.879 37.7383 357.41 38 357.55899 38.5078 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 364.785 41.3477 moveto
364.707 41.8008 364.547 42.2773 363.535 42.2773 curveto
362.52701 42.2773 362.39499 41.8945 362.39499 41.5898 curveto
362.39499 40.4727 366.82 41.2813 366.82 38.6797 curveto
366.82 36.6211 364.824 36.2461 363.72299 36.2461 curveto
362.113 36.2461 360.375 36.8086 360.32 38.6914 curveto
362.23401 38.6914 lineto
362.23401 38.0938 362.60501 37.6563 363.77701 37.6563 curveto
364.73401 37.6563 364.961 38.1211 364.961 38.3828 curveto
364.961 39.5664 360.574 38.6758 360.574 41.3203 curveto
360.574 42.3594 361.22699 43.6875 363.43 43.6875 curveto
364.81299 43.6875 366.457 43.3438 366.60901 41.3477 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 373.91 37.8164 moveto
373.91 36.9805 374.09799 36.793 374.324 36.7148 curveto
374.324 36.4375 lineto
372.31299 36.4375 lineto
372.207 36.7695 372.18399 36.875 372.14499 37.2773 curveto
371.719 36.83589 371.117 36.25 369.85501 36.25 curveto
368.793 36.25 367.703 36.85161 367.703 38.3125 curveto
367.703 39.6953 368.582 40.39839 369.76599 40.5703 curveto
371.44101 40.8203 lineto
372.086 39.8789 lineto
372.09 39.8789 lineto
371.90201 39.7344 371.59799 39.6133 370.824 39.4922 curveto
370.137 39.375 369.56299 39.2031 369.56299 38.4297 curveto
369.56299 37.7773 370.06299 37.5781 370.426 37.5781 curveto
371.246 37.5781 372.086 38.1094 372.086 38.9727 curveto
372.086 39.8789 lineto
371.44101 40.8203 lineto
371.73001 40.8594 372.09 40.9805 372.09 41.3828 curveto
372.09 42.168 371.34799 42.207 370.867 42.207 curveto
369.93799 42.207 369.77701 41.6367 369.72299 41.2227 curveto
367.93 41.2227 lineto
368.14099 43.3906 369.64801 43.6953 371.094 43.6953 curveto
372.09 43.6953 373.91 43.3906 373.91 41.64839 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 381.965 36.4336 moveto
380.10501 36.4336 lineto
380.10501 40.72661 lineto
380.10501 41.2422 380.082 42.1211 378.89801 42.1211 curveto
378.074 42.1211 377.43399 41.5586 377.43399 40.4883 curveto
377.43399 36.4336 lineto
375.578 36.4336 lineto
375.578 43.5 lineto
377.35901 43.5 lineto
377.35901 42.4648 lineto
377.383 42.4648 lineto
377.637 42.8945 378.168 43.6875 379.512 43.6875 curveto
380.89099 43.6875 381.969 42.8789 381.969 41.3203 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 387.695 41.3477 moveto
387.613 41.8008 387.457 42.2773 386.445 42.2773 curveto
385.43399 42.2773 385.301 41.8945 385.301 41.5898 curveto
385.301 40.4727 389.72699 41.2813 389.72699 38.6797 curveto
389.72699 36.6211 387.73401 36.2461 386.633 36.2461 curveto
385.02301 36.2461 383.281 36.8086 383.23001 38.6914 curveto
385.14099 38.6914 lineto
385.14099 38.0938 385.51599 37.6563 386.68399 37.6563 curveto
387.64499 37.6563 387.871 38.1211 387.871 38.3828 curveto
387.871 39.5664 383.48401 38.6758 383.48401 41.3203 curveto
383.48401 42.3594 384.137 43.6875 386.34 43.6875 curveto
387.719 43.6875 389.367 43.3438 389.51599 41.3477 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 393.176 43.5039 moveto
394.328 43.5039 lineto
394.328 42.1758 lineto
393.176 42.1758 lineto
393.176 38.3398 lineto
393.176 37.9258 393.19101 37.7695 393.945 37.7695 curveto
394.06601 37.7695 394.199 37.7813 394.328 37.7969 curveto
394.328 36.3867 lineto
394.039 36.375 393.746 36.3594 393.453 36.3594 curveto
393.215 36.3594 lineto
391.60199 36.3594 391.31299 36.9727 391.31299 37.8867 curveto
391.31299 42.1797 lineto
390.35199 42.1797 lineto
390.35199 43.5078 lineto
391.31299 43.5078 lineto
391.31299 45.4219 lineto
393.172 45.4219 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 401.242 37.8164 moveto
401.242 36.9805 401.43 36.793 401.65201 36.7148 curveto
401.65201 36.4375 lineto
399.64499 36.4375 lineto
399.539 36.7695 399.51599 36.875 399.47699 37.2773 curveto
399.051 36.83589 398.453 36.25 397.18799 36.25 curveto
396.125 36.25 395.039 36.85161 395.039 38.3125 curveto
395.039 39.6953 395.914 40.39839 397.09799 40.5703 curveto
398.77301 40.8203 lineto
399.418 39.8789 lineto
399.422 39.8789 lineto
399.23401 39.7344 398.93 39.6133 398.156 39.4922 curveto
397.469 39.375 396.89499 39.2031 396.89499 38.4297 curveto
396.89499 37.7773 397.39801 37.5781 397.758 37.5781 curveto
398.578 37.5781 399.418 38.1094 399.418 38.9727 curveto
399.418 39.8789 lineto
398.77301 40.8203 lineto
399.06299 40.8594 399.422 40.9805 399.422 41.3828 curveto
399.422 42.168 398.68 42.207 398.199 42.207 curveto
397.26999 42.207 397.10901 41.6367 397.055 41.2227 curveto
395.262 41.2227 lineto
395.47299 43.3906 396.98001 43.6953 398.426 43.6953 curveto
399.422 43.6953 401.242 43.3906 401.242 41.64839 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 402.965 45.9727 moveto
404.824 45.9727 lineto
404.824 36.4336 lineto
402.965 36.4336 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 408.69101 43.5039 moveto
409.844 43.5039 lineto
409.844 42.1758 lineto
408.69101 42.1758 lineto
408.69101 38.3398 lineto
408.69101 37.9258 408.707 37.7695 409.461 37.7695 curveto
409.582 37.7695 409.715 37.7813 409.844 37.7969 curveto
409.844 36.3867 lineto
409.551 36.375 409.262 36.3594 408.969 36.3594 curveto
408.72699 36.3594 lineto
407.117 36.3594 406.828 36.9727 406.828 37.8867 curveto
406.828 42.1797 lineto
405.867 42.1797 lineto
405.867 43.5078 lineto
406.828 43.5078 lineto
406.828 45.4219 lineto
408.68799 45.4219 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 159.395 29.3203 moveto
164.035 29.3203 lineto
166.371 29.3203 166.973 27.8594 166.973 26.875 curveto
166.973 25.5039 166.199 25.1211 165.801 24.918 curveto
166.973 24.4805 167.277 23.5508 167.277 22.6055 curveto
167.277 21.8477 166.957 21.1289 166.453 20.6406 curveto
165.906 20.1094 165.391 19.7773 163.434 19.7773 curveto
163.75 21.4258 lineto
164.719 21.4258 165.281 21.85161 165.281 22.8203 curveto
165.281 23.6563 164.563 23.97661 163.848 23.97661 curveto
161.309 23.97661 lineto
161.309 25.58589 lineto
163.645 25.58589 lineto
164.43 25.58589 165.055 25.8906 165.055 26.64839 curveto
165.055 27.4336 164.492 27.6719 163.594 27.6719 curveto
161.309 27.6719 lineto
161.309 25.58589 lineto
161.309 23.97661 lineto
161.309 21.4258 lineto
163.75 21.4258 lineto
163.434 19.7773 lineto
159.395 19.7773 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 168.836 26.8438 moveto
170.617 26.8438 lineto
170.617 25.6211 lineto
170.645 25.6211 lineto
171.027 26.3438 171.453 27.0313 172.586 27.0313 curveto
172.707 27.0313 172.824 27.0156 172.945 27.0078 curveto
172.945 25.1172 lineto
172.785 25.14839 172.586 25.14839 172.414 25.14839 curveto
170.969 25.14839 170.699 24.2422 170.699 23.46089 curveto
170.699 19.7813 lineto
168.84 19.7813 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 179.48 21.1563 moveto
179.48 20.3203 179.668 20.1367 179.891 20.0547 curveto
179.891 19.7773 lineto
177.887 19.7773 lineto
177.777 20.1094 177.754 20.2188 177.711 20.6133 curveto
177.285 20.1758 176.688 19.5938 175.426 19.5938 curveto
174.363 19.5938 173.273 20.1953 173.273 21.6523 curveto
173.273 23.0352 174.152 23.7383 175.336 23.9102 curveto
177.012 24.16411 lineto
177.66 23.2188 lineto
177.473 23.0703 177.168 22.9531 176.395 22.832 curveto
175.703 22.71089 175.133 22.53911 175.133 21.7656 curveto
175.133 21.1133 175.637 20.918 175.996 20.918 curveto
176.82 20.918 177.66 21.4492 177.66 22.3125 curveto
177.66 23.2188 lineto
177.012 24.16411 lineto
177.305 24.2031 177.664 24.3242 177.664 24.7227 curveto
177.664 25.5078 176.918 25.5469 176.441 25.5469 curveto
175.512 25.5469 175.352 24.97661 175.297 24.5625 curveto
173.504 24.5625 lineto
173.715 26.7305 175.219 27.0352 176.668 27.0352 curveto
177.664 27.0352 179.484 26.7305 179.484 24.9883 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 187.523 19.7773 moveto
185.742 19.7773 lineto
185.742 20.77339 lineto
185.719 20.77339 lineto
185.293 20.0156 184.547 19.5898 183.566 19.5898 curveto
182.172 19.5898 181.16 20.3867 181.16 22.1914 curveto
181.16 26.8438 lineto
183.02 26.8438 lineto
183.02 22.46089 lineto
183.02 21.375 183.656 21.1563 184.227 21.1563 curveto
184.836 21.1563 185.66 21.5039 185.66 22.7656 curveto
185.66 26.8438 lineto
187.52 26.8438 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 195.66 19.7773 moveto
193.801 19.7773 lineto
193.801 24.0703 lineto
193.801 24.58589 193.773 25.4648 192.594 25.4648 curveto
191.77 25.4648 191.133 24.9102 191.133 23.832 curveto
191.133 19.7773 lineto
189.273 19.7773 lineto
189.273 26.8438 lineto
191.055 26.8438 lineto
191.055 25.8125 lineto
191.078 25.8125 lineto
191.332 26.2344 191.863 27.0313 193.207 27.0313 curveto
194.59 27.0313 195.664 26.2227 195.664 24.668 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 201.395 24.6914 moveto
201.313 25.1445 201.152 25.6211 200.145 25.6211 curveto
199.133 25.6211 199 25.2383 199 24.9336 curveto
199 23.8164 203.422 24.625 203.422 22.02339 curveto
203.422 19.9648 201.43 19.5938 200.328 19.5938 curveto
198.719 19.5938 196.98 20.1523 196.926 22.03911 curveto
198.84 22.03911 lineto
198.84 21.4414 199.211 21 200.383 21 curveto
201.34 21 201.563 21.4648 201.563 21.7305 curveto
201.563 22.918 197.18 22.02339 197.18 24.668 curveto
197.18 25.7031 197.832 27.0313 200.035 27.0313 curveto
201.418 27.0313 203.066 26.6875 203.215 24.6914 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 210.867 22.3555 moveto
210.801 21.625 210.23 19.5898 207.641 19.5898 curveto
204.98 19.5898 204.371 21.6211 204.371 23.1133 curveto
204.371 25.39839 205.367 27.0313 207.758 27.0313 curveto
208.875 27.0313 210.711 26.5273 210.883 24.3203 curveto
208.996 24.3203 lineto
208.914 24.7695 208.648 25.46089 207.852 25.46089 curveto
207.758 25.46089 lineto
206.59 25.46089 206.281 24.293 206.281 23.41411 curveto
206.281 22.6445 206.309 21.1133 207.719 21.1133 curveto
208.66 21.1133 208.98 22.0195 208.98 22.35161 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 218.434 19.7773 moveto
216.574 19.7773 lineto
216.574 24.0703 lineto
216.574 24.58589 216.547 25.4648 215.367 25.4648 curveto
214.543 25.4648 213.906 24.9102 213.906 23.832 curveto
213.906 19.7773 lineto
212.047 19.7773 lineto
212.047 29.3164 lineto
213.906 29.3164 lineto
213.906 25.9297 lineto
213.93 25.9297 lineto
214.168 26.5156 214.965 27.0313 215.977 27.0313 curveto
217.359 27.0313 218.434 26.2227 218.434 24.668 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 227.488 19.7773 moveto
225.574 19.7773 lineto
224.473 24.9336 lineto
224.441 24.9336 lineto
223.344 19.7773 lineto
221.43 19.7773 lineto
219.438 26.8438 lineto
221.414 26.8438 lineto
222.516 21.7695 lineto
222.543 21.7695 lineto
223.539 26.8438 lineto
225.414 26.8438 lineto
226.477 21.7695 lineto
226.5 21.7695 lineto
227.602 26.8438 lineto
229.512 26.8438 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 236.316 21.8477 moveto
235.824 20.14839 234.418 19.5898 233.207 19.5898 curveto
231.215 19.5898 229.688 20.543 229.688 23.457 curveto
229.688 24.3047 229.98 27.0313 233.074 27.0313 curveto
234.469 27.0313 236.395 26.3672 236.395 23.1406 curveto
236.395 22.8086 lineto
231.543 22.8086 lineto
231.602 24.0156 lineto
234.484 24.0156 lineto
234.48 24.0156 lineto
234.375 25.1602 233.645 25.5039 233.051 25.5039 curveto
232.172 25.5039 231.707 24.9414 231.602 24.0156 curveto
231.543 22.8086 lineto
231.598 22.2773 231.703 21.082 233.207 21.082 curveto
233.727 21.082 234.258 21.3477 234.402 21.8555 curveto
closepath fill
newpath 239.551 19.7773 moveto
237.691 19.7773 lineto
237.691 26.8477 lineto
239.551 26.8477 lineto
closepath fill
newpath 239.551 27.6836 moveto
237.691 27.6836 lineto
237.691 29.41411 lineto
239.551 29.41411 lineto
closepath fill
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Installiere die aktuelle Version von KOMA-Script.
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Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt\\
Braunschweig und Berlin\\
Nationales Metrologieinstitut
% == Emulieren einiger eso-pic-Befehle, um den Inhalt skalierbar zu machen ==
%%% TODO: eso-pic ändern?
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% hier wird \@thanks gefüllt
% blauer Rahmen
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Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt \\
Braunschweig und Berlin \\[\f@baselineskip]
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% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% ===== Behandlung der Autoren (siehe ptb-abstracts.sty ) =====
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Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
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Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
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Wählt unterschiedliche Arten von Boxen aus.
\verb|\posterSet|: Setzt Parameter zur Boxenpositionierung:
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\item "`\verb!adjusted title=!"': Titel
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\item "`\verb!column=x,row=y!"': Position auf dem Raster
\item "`\verb!span=m,rowspan=n!"': Breite und Höhe
Näheres siehe Dokumentation zu "`tcolorbox"'~\cite{TCOLORBOX}.
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% =======================================================================================
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=figure-Umgebung (nicht gleitend)]%
\begin{figure} \centering
\caption{Ein Bild}
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=\cmd{tcbhighmath}]%
For all natural number $n$ it holds:
\tcbhighmath{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n i = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}.}
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letter & 216 & 279 \\
legal & 216 & 356 \\
executive & 184 & 267 \\
A8 & 52 & 74 \\
A7 & 74 & 105 \\
A6 & 105 & 148 \\
A5 & 148 & 210 \\
A4 & 210 & 297 \\
A3 & 297 & 420 \\
A2 & 420 & 594 \\
A1 & 594 & 841 \\
A0 & 841 & 1189 \\
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=\refname]%
\bibitem{TCOLORBOX} Thomas F.~Sturm: The tcolorbox package, Library poster,
\bibitem{TIKZ} Till Tantau: TikZ \& PGF Manual,
\bibitem{TIKZ.MINI} Jacques~Crémer: A very minimal introduction to TikZ,