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  • vaclab/ptb-latex
  • andre.waehlisch/ptb-latex
2 results
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Showing with 788 additions and 269 deletions
\ProvidesPackage{ptbposter-tcb}[2020/02/28 v0.1f ptbposter/tcolorbox (RN)]
\ProvidesPackage{ptbposter-tcb}[2021/09/21 1.0.1 ptbposter/tcolorbox (RN)]
......@@ -77,13 +78,13 @@
adjusted title/.style={title={\raisebox{0pt}[\height][0pt]{#1}}}
% Rolf Niepraschk,
% Rolf Niepraschk,
\setcounter{errorcontextlines}{100} \listfiles
\ProvidesClass{ptbposter}[2020/10/13 v1.0b PTB-Poster (RN)]
\ProvidesClass{ptbposter}[2025/03/12 1.1.1 PTB-Poster (RN)]
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\RequirePackage{hyphsubst}% Trennregeln austauschen
% Ohne Sprachangabe "deutsch" verwenden. Bessere Lösung?
Deine Version von KOMA-Script ist ungeeignet (vermutlich stark veraltet)!
Your version of KOMA-Script is unsuitable\MessageBreak
(probably very outdated)!
Installiere die aktuelle Version von KOMA-Script.
Install the latest version of KOMA-Script.
\ifx\PTB@target@size\@empty\else % Sheet scaling is necessary
Scaling the sheet from size `a0' to size `\PTB@target@size'}%
You need version `2022/09/19' or newer of the \MessageBreak
`blowup' package to scale the document, but only \MessageBreak
version `\csname ver@blowup.sty\endcsname' \MessageBreak
is available
Install the latest version of `blowup'.
\iftutex% LuaTeX oder XeTeX
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%%% TODO: eso-pic ändern?
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\title{Poster-Test (\texttt{tcolorbox}) -- Nr.~1}
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Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
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Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
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Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla Blabla
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Wählt unterschiedliche Arten von Boxen aus.
\verb|\posterSet|: Setzt Parameter zur Boxenpositionierung:
\item \verb|showframe=true\|false| % zur Orientierung
\item \verb|columns=n|: Anzahl der Spalten
\item \verb|rows=n|: Anzahl der Zeilen
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\item \verb!showframe=true|false! (Informationen zur Orientierung)
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[adjusted title=Blabla,text fill]%
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\item "`\verb|adjusted title=|"': Titel
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\item "`\verb|column=x,row=y|"': Position auf dem Raster
\item "`\verb|span=m,rowspan=n|"': Breite und Höhe
Näheres siehe Dokumentation zu "`tcolorbox"'.
\item "`\verb!adjusted title=!"': Titel
\item "`\verb!text fill!"': Verhalten wie "`\verb!minipage!
\item "`\verb!name=!"': Knotenname als Bezug bei Positionierung
\item "`\verb!column=x,row=y!"': Position auf dem Raster
\item "`\verb!span=m,rowspan=n!"': Breite und Höhe
Näheres siehe Dokumentation zu "`tcolorbox"'~\cite{TCOLORBOX}.
For all natural number $n$ it holds:
\tcbhighmath{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n i = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}.}
{name=F,column=2,between=D and bottom,span=2}
\fbox{\texttt{column=2,between=D and bottom,span=2}}\par\bigskip
\item Thomas F.~Sturm: The tcolorbox package, Library poster,
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% =======================================================================================
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\begin{figure} \centering
\caption{Ein Bild}
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=\cmd{tcbhighmath}]%
For all natural number $n$ it holds:
\tcbhighmath{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n i = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}.}
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=table-Umgebung (nicht gleitend),%
valign=center]{name=B3,column=2,between=B2 and A3}
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letter & 216 & 279 \\
legal & 216 & 356 \\
executive & 184 & 267 \\
A8 & 52 & 74 \\
A7 & 74 & 105 \\
A6 & 105 & 148 \\
A5 & 148 & 210 \\
A4 & 210 & 297 \\
A3 & 297 & 420 \\
A2 & 420 & 594 \\
A1 & 594 & 841 \\
A0 & 841 & 1189 \\
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=\refname]%
\bibitem{TCOLORBOX} Thomas F.~Sturm: The tcolorbox package, Library poster,
\bibitem{TIKZ} Till Tantau: TikZ \& PGF Manual,
\bibitem{TIKZ.MINI} Jacques~Crémer: A very minimal introduction to TikZ,
No preview for this file type
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
boxlayout=2 % 0, 1, 2, 3 # default: 2
boxlayout=2 % 0, 1, 2, 3 -- default: 2
......@@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ boxlayout=2 % 0, 1, 2, 3 # default: 2
\title{Poster-Test (\texttt{tcolorbox}, \textup{Ti\textit{k}Z}) -- Nr.~2}
\title{Poster-Test (\texttt{ptbposter-tcb.sty}) -- Nr.~2}
\begin{posterboxenv}[title=John Lennon]{name=John,column=1}
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=John Lennon]{name=John,column=1}
\begin{posterboxenv}[title=Paul McCartney]{name=Paul,column=3}
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Paul McCartney]{name=Paul,column=3}
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\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=George Harrison]{name=George,column=1,above=bottom}
\begin{posterboxenv}[title=Ringo Starr]{name=Ringo,column=3,above=bottom}
\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Ringo Starr]{name=Ringo,column=3,above=bottom}
......@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@ sollte man sich an ähnlichen schon vorhandenen orientieren. Für einige der
international bekannten Zeitschriften wurden Kürzel definiert und verwendet
(z.B. »JPE« für »Journal of Physics E«). Sie sind in der benutzten Datei
[`journal-short-names.bib`](journal-short-names.bib) enthalten und führen zu
den standardisierten Abkürzungen der Zeitschriftennamen (z.B. »J. Phys. E«).
Alternativ dazu könnte im LaTeX-Dokument auch die Datei
[`journal-long-names.bib`](journal-long-names.bib) ausgewählt werden, um die
den standardisierten Abkürzungen der Zeitschriftennamen (z.B. »J. Phys. E«). Um
nur eine einzige in sich konsistente bib-Datei Interessenten anzubieten, wurde
der Inhalt von `journal-short-names.bib` in diese direkt eingefügt. Alternativ
dazu könnte auch der Inhalt von
[`journal-long-names.bib`](journal-long-names.bib) genommen werden, um die
langen Zeitschriftennamen zu erhalten.
## Erzeugung der pdf-Ausgabedatei
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
@STRING{JJAP=Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}}
@STRING{JJAP={Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}}
@STRING{JPB={Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics}}
@STRING{JPD={Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics}}
@STRING{JPE={Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments}}
% Encoding: UTF-8
@comment{======= Content of "journal-short-names.bib" =======}
@comment{Commonly used names of journals -- Abbreviations}
@STRING{ZFAP={Z. Angew. Phys}}
@STRING{JJAP={Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.}}
@STRING{JPB={J. Phys. B}}
@STRING{JPD={J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.}}
@STRING{JPE={J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum.}}
@STRING{JPCS={J. Phys. Conf. Ser.}}
@STRING{PBL={Phys. Bl.}}
@STRING{JVT={J. Vac. Sci. Technol.}}
@STRING{JVTA={J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A}}
@STRING{PRA={Phys. Rev. A}}
@STRING{JVSJ={J. Vac. Soc. Japan}}
@STRING{JKPS={J. Korean Phys. Soc.}}
@STRING{IEEE_J_IM={{IEEE} Trans. Instrum. Meas.}}
@STRING{JCP={J. Chem. Phys.}}
@STRING{MT={Meas. Tech.}}
@STRING{APCP={AIP Conf. Proc.}}
@STRING{IJHMT={Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.}}
@STRING{NP={Nat. Phys.}}
@STRING{VIPR={Vak. Forschung und Prax.}}
@STRING{MEASEN={Meas.: Sens.}}
@STRING{ZFPA={Z. Phys. A}}
@STRING{ZFPB={Z. Phys. B}}
@STRING{ZFPC={Z. Phys. C}}
@STRING{ZFPD={Z. Phys. D}}
@STRING{PRLT={Phys. Rev. Lett.}}
author = {Messer, G. and Moliere, K.},
title = {Energieaustausch von Edelgasen mit Wolfram"=Oberflächen},
......@@ -20,6 +55,7 @@
date = {1968},
pages = {78},
volume = {109},
issn = {0016-4909},
langid = {ngerman}
......@@ -88,7 +124,8 @@
author = {Bierhals, J. and Grosse, G.},
title = {Thermische Akkommodationskoeffizienten von Edelgasen am Wolfram},
title = {Thermische Akkommodationskoeffizienten von Edelgasen
am Wolfram},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1973},
pages = {205},
......@@ -109,7 +146,8 @@
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Einfluß thermomolekularer Druckdifferenzen auf die Anzeige
von Glühkathoden-Ionisationsvakuummetern im Druckbereich $10^{-4}$\,Pa bis 10\,Pa},
von Glühkathoden-Ionisationsvakuummetern im Druckbereich $10^{-4}$\,Pa
bis 10\,Pa},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1975},
pages = {279},
......@@ -117,7 +155,7 @@
author = {Messer, G.},
title = {Vakuummeter-Kalibrierungsvergleich zwischen. dem NPL (UK)
title = {Vakuummeter"=Kalibrierungsvergleich zwischen dem NPL (UK)
und der PTB},
journaltitle = PTB_J,
date = {1975},
......@@ -164,8 +202,8 @@
author = {Messer, G.},
editor = {Dobrozemsky, R.},
title = {Calibration of vacuum gauges in the range $10^{-7}$\,Pa to 10\,Pa
with fundamental methods},
title = {Calibration of vacuum gauges in the range $10^{-7}$\,Pa to
10\,Pa with fundamental methods},
booktitle = {Proc. 7th Int. Vac. Congr.},
venue = {Vienna},
date = {1977},
......@@ -364,7 +402,7 @@
author = {Grosse, G. and Messer, G.},
title = {Outgassing poperties of stainless steel, copper and AlMg3
title = {Outgassing properties of stainless steel, copper and AlMg3
during pretreatment and application},
journaltitle = {Le Vide},
journalsubtitle = {Suppl.},
......@@ -607,7 +645,7 @@
langid = {english},
author = {Jitschin, W.},
author = {Jitschin, W. and Werner, U.},
title = {X-ray and Auger-electron yields for quantitative element
journaltitle = JVTA,
......@@ -859,7 +897,7 @@
author = {Jitschin, W. and Migwi, J. K. and Grosse, G.},
title = {Pressure in the high and medium vacuum, range generated by
title = {Pressure in the high and medium vacuum range generated by
a series expansion standard},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1990},
......@@ -910,7 +948,7 @@
author = {Jitschin, W. and Jousten, K. and Wandrey, D.},
title = {Design and evaluation of a primary highvacuum standard},
title = {Design and evaluation of a primary high-vacuum standard},
journaltitle = JVTA,
date = {1992},
volume = {10},
......@@ -1214,7 +1252,8 @@
author = {Jousten, K. and Röhl, P. and Aranda Contreras, V.},
title = {Partial pressure measurement by means of infrared laser absorption spectroscopy},
title = {Volume ratio determination in static expansion systems by
means of a spinning rotor gauge},
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {1999},
pages = {491-499},
......@@ -1356,11 +1395,12 @@
langid = {english}
author = {Hong, S. S. and Shin, Y. H. and Chung, K. H. and Jousten, K.},
author = {Hong, Seungsoo and Shin, Y. H. and Chung, K. H. and
Jousten, Karl},
title = {Bilateral comparison of medium vacuum standards between PTB
and KRISS},
journaltitle = JKPS,
date = {2003},
date = {2004},
volume = {44},
number = {6},
pages = {1364-1367},
......@@ -1452,8 +1492,8 @@
author = {Torres-Guzman, J. C. and Santander, L. A. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Realization of the medium and high vacuum primary standard in
{CENAM}, Mexico},
title = {Realization of the medium and high vacuum primary standard
in {CENAM}, Mexico},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2005},
volume = {42},
......@@ -1463,12 +1503,12 @@
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Bock, Th. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Offset scatter reduction of spinning rotor gauges by vibration
journaltitle = {Vacuum},
date = {2004},
date = {2006},
pages = {106-113},
number = {1},
volume = {81},
......@@ -1476,7 +1516,7 @@
issn = {0042-207X},
langid = {english}
author = {Bock, Th. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Experimental verification of a Monte-Carlo simulation of the
gas density in a vacuum chamber},
......@@ -1884,9 +1924,9 @@
langid = {english}
author = {Fedchak, James A. and Bock, Th. and Jousten, Karl},
author = {Fedchak, James A. and Bock, Th. and Jousten, K.},
title = {Bilateral key comparison CCM.P-K3.1 for absolute pressure
measurements from $3 \times 10^{-6}$\,Pa to $9 × 10^{-4}$\,Pa},
measurements from $3 \times 10^{-6}$\,Pa to $9 \times 10^{-4}$\,Pa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2014},
volume = {51},
......@@ -1990,13 +2030,13 @@
isbn = {978-2-36233-164-0},
langid = {english}
author = {Ricker, Jacob and Hendricks, Jay and Bock, Thomas and Pražák,
Dominik and Kobata, Tokihiko and Torres, Jorge and Sadkovskaya, Irina},
title = {Final report on the key comparison {CCM}.P-K4.2012 in
absolute pressure from 1\,Pa to 10\,kPa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2016},
date = {2017},
volume = {54},
number = {1A},
pages = {07002},
......@@ -2004,14 +2044,14 @@
issn = {0026-1394},
langid = {english}
author = {Wuethrich, Christian and Arai, Kenta and Bergoglio, Mercede
and Fedchak, James A. and Jousten, Karl and Hong, Seung Soo and
Torres Guzman, Jorge},
title = {Final report on the key comparison, {CCM}.P-K15 in the
pressure range from $1.0 \times 10^{-4}$\,Pa to 1.0\,Pa},
journaltitle = {Metrologia},
date = {2016},
date = {2017},
volume = {54},
number = {1A},
pages = {07003},
......@@ -2236,8 +2276,9 @@
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten K.},
author = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Calibrations and Standards},
chapter = {12},
booktitle = {Foundations of Vacuum Science and Technology},
editor = {Lafferty, James M.},
publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
......@@ -2389,7 +2430,7 @@
pages = {33-34},
langid = {english}
editor = {Jousten, K.},
title = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
pagetotal = {1050},
......@@ -2432,35 +2473,88 @@
doi = {10.1002/chemv.201900076},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Werner, U. and Materlik, G. and
Doolen, G. D.},
title = {Electron correlations in the L-shell photoionization of heavy
author = {Bernien, Matthias and Götz, Martin and Illgen, Claus and
Drung, Dietmar and Krause, Christian and Bock, Thomas and Jousten, Karl},
title = {Traceable low-current measurements for a novel ionization
gauge suitable as reference standard},
journaltitle = MEASEN,
date = {2021},
volume = {18},
pages = {100202},
doi = {10.1016/j.measen.2021.100202},
issn = {2665-9174},
langid = {english}
author = {Zakrisson, Johan and Silander, Isak and Forssén, Clayton and
Silvestri, Zacceri and Mari, Domenico and Pasqualin, Stefano and
Kussicke, André and Asbahr, Patrick and Rubin, Tom and Axner, Ove},
title = {Simulation of pressure-induced cavity deformation –
the 18SIB04 Quantumpascal EMPIR project},
journaltitle = {Acta IMEKO},
date = {2020},
volume = {9},
number = {5},
pages = {281-286},
doi = {10.21014/acta_imeko.v9i5.985},
issn = {2221-870X},
langid = {english}
author = {Messer, Günter},
title = {Grundbegriffe und Einheiten (Vakuum, Druck)},
pages = {129-149},
booktitle = {Praktische Physik},
volume = {1},
editor = {Kohlrausch, Friedrich},
edition = {23},
publisher = {Teubner},
date = {1985},
location = {Stuttgart},
isbn = {3-519-13001-7},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Osimitsch, S. and Reihl, H. and
Mueller, D. W. and Kleinpoppen, H. and Lutz, H. O.},
title = {Spin exchange in the excitation of spin-polarized Na atoms by
${\mathrm{Ne}}^{+}$-ion impact},
journaltitle = PRA,
date = {1987},
pages = {5038-5045},
number = {12},
volume = {35},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.35.5038},
date = {1986},
pages = {3684-3691},
number = {5},
volume = {34},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.34.3684},
issn = {1050-2947},
langid = {english}
author = {Harten, U. and Toennies, J. P. and Wöll, Ch.},
title = {Observation of a 10-meV Einstein Oscillator Mode on the
Si(111) ($2\times 1$) Surface},
journaltitle = PRLT,
author = {Jitschin, W. and Osimitsch, S. and Mueller, D. W. and Reihl, H. and
Allan, R. J. and Schöller, O. and Lutz, H. O.},
title = {Excitation of the Na 3p state by proton impact},
journaltitle = JPB,
date = {1986},
volume = {57},
number = {23},
pages = {2947-2950},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.57.2947},
issn = {0031-9007},
volume = {19},
number = {15},
pages = {2299-2309},
doi = {10.1088/0022-3700/19/15/011},
issn = {0953-4075},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W.},
title = {Spin-depolarisation in energetic atomic collisions by the
exchange of electrons},
journaltitle = ZFPD,
date = {1986},
volume = {1},
number = {1},
pages = {135-136},
doi = {},
issn = {0178-7683},
langid = {english}
author = {Harten, U. and Toennies, J. P. and Wöll, Ch.},
title = {Molecular beam translational spectroscopy of physisorption
......@@ -2475,89 +2569,324 @@
issn = {0021-9606},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W.},
title = {Spin-depolarisation in energetic atomic collisions by the
exchange of electrons},
journaltitle = ZFPD,
date = {1986},
volume = {1},
number = {1},
pages = {135-136},
doi = {},
issn = {0178-7683},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Osimitsch, S. and Mueller, D. W. and Reihl, H. and
Allan, R. J. and Schöller, O. and Lutz, H. O.},
title = {Excitation of the Na 3p state by proton impact},
journaltitle = JPB,
author = {Harten, U. and Toennies, J. P. and Wöll, Ch.},
title = {Observation of a 10-meV Einstein Oscillator Mode on the
Si(111) ($2\times 1$) Surface},
journaltitle = PRLT,
date = {1986},
volume = {19},
number = {15},
pages = {2299-2309},
doi = {10.1088/0022-3700/19/15/011},
issn = {0953-4075},
volume = {57},
number = {23},
pages = {2947-2950},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.57.2947},
issn = {0031-9007},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, W. and Osimitsch, S. and Reihl, H. and
Mueller, D. W. and Kleinpoppen, H. and Lutz, H. O.},
title = {Spin exchange in the excitation of spin-polarized Na atoms by
${\mathrm{Ne}}^{+}$-ion impact},
author = {Jitschin, W. and Werner, U. and Materlik, G. and
Doolen, G. D.},
title = {Electron correlations in the $L$-shell photoionization of
heavy elements},
journaltitle = PRA,
date = {1986},
pages = {3684-3691},
number = {5},
volume = {34},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.34.3684},
date = {1987},
pages = {5038-5045},
number = {12},
volume = {35},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.35.5038},
issn = {1050-2947},
langid = {english}
author = {Messer, Günter},
title = {Grundbegriffe und Einheiten (Vakuum, Druck)},
pages = {129-149},
booktitle = {Praktische Physik},
volume = {1},
editor = {Kohlrausch, Friedrich},
edition = {23},
publisher = {Teubner},
date = {1985},
location = {Stuttgart},
isbn = {3-519-13001-7},
author = {Jitschin, Wolfgang},
title = {Inner-shell spectroscopy with hard synchrotron radiation},
pages = {295-345},
booktitle = {Progress in Atomic Spectroscopy},
booksubtitle = {Part D},
editor = {Beyer, H. J. and Kleinpoppen, H.},
publisher = {Springer},
date = {1987},
location = {Boston, MA},
doi = {10.1007/978-1-4613-1857-6_7},
isbn = {978-1-4612-9036-0},
langid = {english}
author = {Jitschin, Wolfgang},
title = {Inner-Shell Vacancy Creation},
subtitle = {Perturbative Approximations and Beyond},
pages = {171-228},
chapter = {6},
booktitle = {Coherence in atomic collision physics},
booksubtitle = {For Hans Kleinpoppen on His Sixtieth Birthday},
editor = {Beyer, H. J. and Blum, K. and Hippler, R.},
date = {1988},
publisher = {Springer},
location = {New York},
doi = {10.1007/978-1-4757-9745-9_6},
isbn = {978-1-4757-9747-3},
langid = {english}
author = {Werner, U. and Jitschin, W.},
journaltitle = {Journal de Physique: Colloque},
date = {1987},
note = {14th International Conference on X-Ray and Inner Shell
Processes, Paris, 14--18, September, 1987, France},
pages = {559-562},
issue = {C9},
volume = {48},
doi = {10.1051/jphyscol:1987994},
issn = {0449-1947},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Eichler, Thomas and Heitmann, Felix and
Juling, Markus and Kühn, Markus and Rose, Jürgen and Steinbock, Jonas},
title = {Dienstleistung und Forschung für die Wärmemessung in der PTB},
journaltitle = PTB_M,
issuetitle = {Metrologie im Fluss. Durchflussmessungen},
date = {2019},
volume = {129},
number = {1},
pages = {13-21},
issn = {0030-834X},
doi = {10.7795/310.20190199},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Zakrisson, Johan and Silander, Isak and Forssén, Clayton and
Silvestri, Zacceri and Mari, Domenico and Pasqualin, Stefano and
Kussicke, André and Asbahr, Patrick and Rubin, Tom and Axner, Ove},
title = {Simulation of pressure-induced cavity deformation –
the 18SIB04 Quantumpascal EMPIR project},
journaltitle = {Acta IMEKO},
date = {2020},
volume = {9},
number = {5},
pages = {281-286},
doi = {10.21014/acta_imeko.v9i5.985},
issn = {2221-870X},
author = {Hashad, Ahmed and Sabuga, Wladimir and Ehlers, Sven and
Bock, Thomas},
title = {Experimental evaluation of a PTB force-balanced piston gauge},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the APMF 2019},
booksubtitle = {Asia Pacific Measurement Forum on Mechanical Quantities 2019,
Niigata, 17-21, November, 2019, Japan},
publisher = {The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE)},
date = {2020},
langid = {english}
author = {Bernien, Matthias and Götz, Martin and Illgen, Claus and
Drung, Dietmar and Krause, Christian and Bock, Thomas and Jousten, Karl},
title = {Traceable low-current measurements for a novel ionization
gauge suitable as reference standard},
journaltitle = MEASEN,
date = {2021},
volume = {18},
pages = {100202},
doi = {10.1016/j.measen.2021.100202},
issn = {2665-9174},
author = {Jousten, Karl and Meissner, Uwe},
title = {Operating vacuum systems},
pages = {843-905},
chapter = {18},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Materials},
pages = {747-775},
chapter = {16},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Calibrations and standards},
pages = {697-746},
chapter = {15},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Ellefson, Robert and Grosse-Bley, Werner},
title = {Partial pressure vacuum gauges and leak detectors},
pages = {643-695},
chapter = {14},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Total pressure vacuum gauges},
pages = {565-642},
chapter = {13},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Sorption pumps},
pages = {463-509},
chapter = {11},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Galda, Klaus},
title = {Jet and diffusion pumps},
pages = {383-418},
chapter = {9},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl and Dirscherl, Jürgen and Lachenmann, Rudolf
and Jünemann, Alfons and Friedrichsen, Uwe and Lippelt, Erik and
Kossek, Boris},
title = {Positive displacement pumps},
pages = {259-360},
chapter = {7},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Sorption and diffusion},
pages = {229-257},
chapter = {6},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Applications and scope of vacuum technology},
pages = {19-27},
chapter = {2},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {The history of vacuum science and vacuum technology},
pages = {1-17},
chapter = {1},
editor = {Jousten, Karl},
booktitle = {Handbook of Vacuum Technology},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Wiley-VCH},
date = {2016},
location = {Weinheim},
isbn = {978-3-527-41338-6},
doi = {10.1002/9783527688265},
langid = {english}
author = {Bierhals, Jürgen},
title = {Temperatur- und Druckabhängigkeit des thermischen Akkommodationskoeffizienten der Edelgase zwischen 300\,K und 370\,K an W-Proben verschiedener Oberflächenbeschaffenheit},
pagetotal = {77},
institution = {Technische Universität Berlin},
date = {1974},
type = {phdthesis},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Treitz, Norbert},
title = {Untersuchungen am System W(100)-O$_2$ mit SIMS und EID},
pagetotal = {64},
institution = {Universität Köln},
date = {1974},
type = {phdthesis},
langid = {ngerman}
author = {Jousten, Karl},
title = {Traceability To SI Units For Vacuum Measurement In
Industrial Applications},
booktitle = {3rd IMEKO TC16 International Conference on Pressure
Measurement 2007},
booksubtitle = {Merida, Mexico 27 November – 1 December 2007},
date = {2007},
publisher = {IMEKO},
url = {},
langid = {english}
author = {Padilla-Viquez, G. and Koelliker-Delgado, J. and Werhahn,
O. and Jousten, K. and Schiel, D.},
title = {Traceable molecular line strengths for gas analysis
pages = {692-693},
booktitle = {2006 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements},
booksubtitle = {Torino, 9-14 July},
date = {2006},
isbn = {88-7992-228-9},
langid = {english}
author = {Bergoglio, M. and Calcatelli, A. and Jousten, K. and
Redgrave, F.},
title = {The treatment of uncertainties of calibration pressures
in vacuum},
subtitle = {EUROMET project 323. Final report},
titleaddon = {IMGC technical report: 7},
type = {techreport},
pagetotal = {32},
institution = {Istituto di Metrologia Gustavo Colonnetti},
location = {Torino},
date = {1997},
langid = {english}
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