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Schema files and instance examples for a XML implementation the D-SI data model (D-SI = the Digital System of Units).
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Ingredients for conversion of a DCC xml structure to a printable pdf file
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particle flow simulation in explosion protection.
Start with the user guide located in 'documentation/userGuide/pafiX_userGuide.pdf'.
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Enwicklung Gehäuse für GUI-Testumgebung, welches HQ-Kameramodul, RPi4 und Display in einem integriert. Entwicklungsumgebung: OpenSCAD
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HTTP-Server written in Python for validation of xml (e.g. DCC xml) against a XML Schema.
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This is a Python module for handling the SI units as objects in Python, parsing them from strings and converting them to Latex and Unicode, as well as performing math operations and calculating scale factors.
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