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PTB's UPPAAL code regarding the "broadcast time sync with TESLA" analysis
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Slides from the talk about Data Analysis Using Modern Python
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The Isabelle source files for PTB's framework for proofs about security in synchronization as well as the two-way NTS protocol model plus proofs and the one-way TESLA-protected synchronization protocol model plus proofs.
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The source code of the testbed implementation used in Gregor Hildermeier's work oin TESLA-protected one-way time synchronization
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For Fourier transforming BW images and working with them
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We implemented a Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting.
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Information and support files for dealing with proprietary binary files:
examples of how to communicate with vendors to convince them to open the data files help for reverse engineering of your own proprietary binary filesUpdated -
Matlab Code for vGRAPPA decomposition after multi-banded two voxel acquisition for MRS.
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additional code for the publication
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R code and xls files to generate the results for the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) analyis python code and npy files to generate Bland-Altman plots of the spectral shape spectral data of each volunteer, session and pulse sequence variantUpdated