# This file is part of dsiUnitsFrontend (https://gitlab1.ptb.de/digitaldynamicmeasurement/dsi-parser-frontend) # Copyright 2024 [Benedikt Seeger(PTB), Vanessa Stehr(PTB)] #This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public #License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either #version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU #Lesser General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public #License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import warnings import itertools import math import bokehCssPTB from urllib.parse import quote from dsiUnits import dsiUnit from bokeh.plotting import curdoc, figure from bokeh.layouts import column, row from bokeh.models import FileInput, Div, CustomJS, Button, TabPanel, Tabs, TextInput, Label, Arrow, NormalHead, CheckboxGroup from bokeh.palettes import Category10 from bokeh.events import ValueSubmit import numpy as np from base64 import b64decode import XMLUnitExtractor colors = Category10[10] VERSION = "0.1.0" import socket def get_local_ip(): try: # Creates a socket connection to Google's public DNS server to determine the internal network IP with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as s: s.connect(("", 80)) # Using Google DNS, and connecting via dummy request local_ip = s.getsockname()[0] # Returns the IP where the socket is connected return local_ip except Exception as e: return f"Unable to get IP: {e}" issueTemplate="""There was an issue with the following unit conversion: | Which unit | User entered input | Parsed input | | ---------- | ------------------ | ------------ | | Left unit | {} | {} | | Right unit | {} | {} | ### Result/Expectation: | Calculation | Result | Expectation | Did match | |-------------|--------|-------------|-----------| | Base unit | {} | | [ ] | | factor * left = right | {} | | [ ] | | factor * right = left | {} | | [ ] | | factor * left = base | {} | | [ ] | | factor * base = left | {} | | [ ] | | factor * right = base | {} | | [ ] | | factor * base = right | {} | | [ ] | If there was an error with the calculation, please fill out the table above. Feel free to also add additional info here: *Free text comment*""" labelOffsetX = [0.0, 0.0, -0.02, 0.07, 0.02, -0.07] labelOffsetY = [-0.02, 0.09, 0, 0.07, 0, 0.07] class dsiparserInput(): def __init__(self, defaultInput="", additionalComparisonCallbacks=[]): self.additionalComparisonCallbacks = additionalComparisonCallbacks self.dsiInput = TextInput(value=defaultInput, title="DSI unit string:", width=500) self.dsiInput.on_event(ValueSubmit, self.parseInput) self.dsiSubmitButton = Button(label="Convert", button_type="primary") self.dsiSubmitButton.on_click(self.parseInput) self.inputRow = row(children=[self.dsiInput, self.dsiSubmitButton], css_classes=["textInputRow"]) self.results = column(children=[]) self.widget = column(children=[self.inputRow, self.results], css_classes=["doubleColumn"]) self.valideUnit = False self.dsiTree = None def parseInpuitWithCallbacls(self): self.parseInput() for callback in self.additionalComparisonCallbacks: callback() def parseInput(self): self.results.children = [] input = self.dsiInput.value resultTree = dsiUnit(input) parsingMessages = [] if resultTree.valid: parsingMessages.append( Div( text = "DSI string parsed without warnings", css_classes = ["msg-positive"], ) ) else: for message in resultTree.warnings: parsingMessages.append( Div( text = message, css_classes = ["msg-negative"] ) ) self.resultErrors = column(children = parsingMessages) # latexOutput = TextInput(value=resultTree.toLatex(), title="DSI unit string:") # latexOutput.js_on_change() latexOutput = row(children=[ Div(text = "$$\mathrm{\LaTeX{}}$$ code:"), Div(text = "<pre><code>"+resultTree.toLatex()+"</code></pre>", disable_math=True) ]) p = figure(width=500, height=100, x_range=(0, 1), y_range=(0, 1), tools="save") p.xaxis.visible = False p.yaxis.visible = False p.grid.visible = False p.add_layout(Label( x=0.5, y=0.5, text=resultTree.toLatex(), text_font_size="30px", text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", )) imageOutput = row(children = [ Div(text = "$$\mathrm{\LaTeX{}}$$ output:"), p ], css_classes = ["latexImageRow"]) self.results.children = [self.resultErrors, latexOutput, imageOutput] self.dsiTree = resultTree if resultTree.valid: self.valideUnit = True def removeArrowsAndLabelsFromPlot(plot): for location in ['left', 'right', 'above', 'below', 'center']: for plotObj in [plot,plot.plot]: for layout in plotObj.__getattr__(location): if isinstance(layout, Arrow) or isinstance(layout, Label): plotObj.__getattr__(location).remove(layout) class dsiCompGraphGen: def flush(self): # Assuming 'plot' is your Bokeh figure renderers = self.plot.renderers for r in renderers: self.plot.renderers.remove(r) removeArrowsAndLabelsFromPlot(self.plot) removeArrowsAndLabelsFromPlot(self.plot)# only second call removes the three arrows generated last self.widget = row(self.plot) self.unitLabels = {} self.arrows = {} self.scalFactorLables = {} def __init__(self,treeA=None,treeB=None): self.treeA=treeA self.treeB=treeB self.plot = figure(width=1000, height=500, x_range=(-2, 2), y_range=(0, 1), tools="save") self.plot.xaxis.visible = False self.plot.yaxis.visible = False self.plot.grid.visible = False self.flush() self.widget=row(self.plot) def reDraw(self,treeA=None,treeB=None,complete=False): self.treeA=treeA self.treeB=treeB self.scalfactorAB, self.baseUnit = self.treeA.isScalablyEqualTo(self.treeB,complete=complete) self.scalfactorABase, baseUnitABase = self.treeA.isScalablyEqualTo(self.baseUnit,complete=complete) self.scalfactorBaseA, baseUnitBaseA = self.baseUnit.isScalablyEqualTo(self.treeA,complete=complete) self.scalfactorBaseB, baseUnitbaseB = self.baseUnit.isScalablyEqualTo(self.treeB,complete=complete) self.scalfactorBA, baseUnitBA = self.treeB.isScalablyEqualTo(self.treeA,complete=complete) self.scalfactorBBase, baseUnitBBase = self.treeB.isScalablyEqualTo(self.baseUnit,complete=complete) self.coordinatList = [{'coords':(-0.8, 0.8),'baseUnit':self.treeA,'name':'A','text_baseLine':'middle','text_align':"right"}, {'coords': (0.8, 0.8), 'baseUnit': self.treeB,'name':'B','text_baseLine':'middle','text_align':"left"}, {'coords': (0.0, 0.2), 'baseUnit': self.baseUnit,'name':'Base','text_baseLine':'top','text_align':"center"},] for unitToDraw in self.coordinatList: x=unitToDraw['coords'][0] y = unitToDraw['coords'][1] tree=unitToDraw['baseUnit'] name=unitToDraw['name'] if not name in self.unitLabels: self.unitLabels[name]=Label(x=x, y=y, text=tree.toLatex(), text_font_size="24px", text_baseline=unitToDraw['text_baseLine'], text_align=unitToDraw['text_align'],) self.plot.add_layout(self.unitLabels[name]) else: self.unitLabels[name].text=tree.toLatex() colIDX=0 for quant1, quant2 in itertools.combinations(self.coordinatList, 2): x1 = quant1['coords'][0] y1 = quant1['coords'][1] name1 = quant1['name'] x2 = quant2['coords'][0] y2 = quant2['coords'][1] name2 = quant2['name'] if not name1 + '_' + name2 in self.arrows: nh = NormalHead(fill_color=colors[colIDX], fill_alpha=0.5, line_color=colors[colIDX]) self.arrows[name1 + '_' + name2] = Arrow(end=nh, line_color=colors[colIDX], line_dash=[15, 5], x_start=x1, y_start=y1, x_end=x2, y_end=y2) self.plot.add_layout(self.arrows[name1 + '_' + name2]) scale12, baseUnit = quant1['baseUnit'].isScalablyEqualTo(quant2['baseUnit'], complete=complete) isSpecial = False Latex = "" if isSpecial: text = "{:.4g}".format(scale12) + " = " + Latex else: text = "{:.4g}".format(scale12) if not name1 + '_' + name2 in self.scalFactorLables: angle_deg = -1 * np.arctan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) if abs(angle_deg) > np.pi / 8: angle_deg += -np.pi / 2 self.scalFactorLables[name1 + '_' + name2] = Label(x=np.abs(x1 - x2) / 2 + np.min([x1, x2]) + labelOffsetX[colIDX], y=np.abs(y1 - y2) / 2 + np.min([y1, y2]) + labelOffsetY[colIDX], text=text, text_font_size="24px", text_baseline=unitToDraw['text_baseLine'], text_align=unitToDraw['text_align'], text_color=colors[colIDX], angle=angle_deg) self.plot.add_layout(self.scalFactorLables[name1 + '_' + name2]) else: self.scalFactorLables[name1 + '_' + name2].text = text if not name2 + '_' + name1 in self.arrows: nh = NormalHead(fill_color=colors[colIDX + 1], fill_alpha=0.5, line_color=colors[colIDX + 1]) self.arrows[name2 + '_' + name1] = Arrow(end=nh, line_color=colors[colIDX + 1], line_dash=[15, 5], x_start=x2, y_start=y2 + 0.05, x_end=x1, y_end=y1 + 0.05) self.plot.add_layout(self.arrows[name2 + '_' + name1]) scale21, baseUnit = quant2['baseUnit'].isScalablyEqualTo(quant1['baseUnit'], complete=complete) isSpecial = False Latex = "" if isSpecial: text = "{:.4g}".format(scale21) + " = " + Latex else: text = "{:.4g}".format(scale21) if not name2 + '_' + name1 in self.scalFactorLables: angle_deg = -1 * np.arctan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) if abs(angle_deg) > np.pi / 8: angle_deg += -np.pi / 2 self.scalFactorLables[name2 + '_' + name1] = Label(x=np.abs(x1 - x2) / 2 + np.min([x1, x2]) + labelOffsetX[colIDX + 1], y=np.abs(y1 - y2) / 2 + np.min([y1, y2]) + labelOffsetY[colIDX + 1], text=text, text_font_size="24px", text_baseline=unitToDraw['text_baseLine'], text_align=unitToDraw['text_align'], text_color=colors[colIDX + 1], angle=angle_deg) self.plot.add_layout(self.scalFactorLables[name2 + '_' + name1]) else: self.scalFactorLables[name2 + '_' + name1].text = text colIDX += 2 class page(): def __init__(self): curdoc().template_variables["VERSION"] = VERSION curdoc().title = "DSI to Latex" curdoc().add_root(bokehCssPTB.getStyleDiv()) curdoc().theme = bokehCssPTB.getTheme() # Tab 1: DSI Parser and Comparator self.dsiInput1 = dsiparserInput(defaultInput="\\milli\\newton\\metre", additionalComparisonCallbacks=[self.clearComparison, self.tryComparison]) self.dsiInput2 = dsiparserInput(defaultInput="\\kilo\\joule", additionalComparisonCallbacks=[self.clearComparison, self.tryComparison]) self.inputs = row([self.dsiInput1.widget, self.dsiInput2.widget]) self.comapreButton = Button(label="Compare", button_type="primary") self.comapreButton.on_click(self.compare) LABELS = ['Complete Comparison'] self.completeComCBGPR = CheckboxGroup(labels=LABELS, active=[]) self.compaReresult = Div(text="", css_classes=["msg-positive"], visible=False) self.compareRow = row(children=[self.comapreButton, self.completeComCBGPR, self.compaReresult], css_classes=["textInputRow"]) self.dsiCompGraphGen = dsiCompGraphGen(self.dsiInput1, self.dsiInput2) self.createIssueButton = Button(label="Report conversion error", disabled=True) tab1_layout = column(self.inputs, self.compareRow, self.dsiCompGraphGen.widget, self.createIssueButton) tab1 = TabPanel(child=tab1_layout, title="DSI Parser and Comparator") # Tab 2: XML Unit Validator self.upload_widget = FileInput(accept=".xml") self.upload_widget.on_change('value', self.process_xml) self.valid_units_message = Div(text="Upload an XML file to validate units", css_classes=["msg-neutral"]) self.invalid_units_message = Div(text="", css_classes=["msg-neutral"]) self.invalid_units_column = column() tab2_layout = column(self.upload_widget, self.valid_units_message, self.invalid_units_message, self.invalid_units_column) tab2 = TabPanel(child=tab2_layout, title="XML Unit Validator") tabs = Tabs(tabs=[tab1, tab2]) curdoc().add_root(tabs) def process_xml(self, attr, old, new): decoded = b64decode(new).decode('utf-8') result = XMLUnitExtractor.parse_and_process(decoded) valid_units = result['valid_units'] invalid_units = result['invalid_units'] # Update valid units message if valid_units: self.valid_units_message.text = f"{len(valid_units)} valid units found" self.valid_units_message.css_classes = ["msg-positive"] else: self.valid_units_message.text = "No valid units found" self.valid_units_message.css_classes = ["msg-negative"] # Update invalid units message if invalid_units: self.invalid_units_message.text = f"{len(invalid_units)} invalid units found" self.invalid_units_message.css_classes = ["msg-negative"] else: self.invalid_units_message.text = "" self.invalid_units_message.css_classes = ["msg-neutral"] # Update invalid units column self.invalid_units_column.children = [] for line_num, details in invalid_units.items(): warnings_div = column([Div(text=warning, css_classes=["msg-warning"]) for warning in details.get("warnings", [])]) unit_div = row([ Div(text=str(line_num), css_classes=["msg-neutral"]), Div(text=f"{dsiUnit(details['unit']).toLatex()}"), Div(text=details["unit"], css_classes=["msg-raw"]), warnings_div ]) self.invalid_units_column.children.append(unit_div) def compare(self): self.dsiInput1.parseInput() self.dsiInput2.parseInput() completeConversion = self.completeComCBGPR.active == [0] try: scalfactor, baseUnit = self.dsiInput1.dsiTree.isScalablyEqualTo(self.dsiInput2.dsiTree, complete=completeConversion) if not math.isnan(scalfactor): self.compaReresult.text = "The two units are equal up to a scaling factor of " + str(scalfactor) + " and a base unit of " + str(baseUnit) self.compaReresult.css_classes = ["msg-positive"] else: self.compaReresult.text = "The two units are not equal" self.compaReresult.css_classes = ["msg-negative"] if self.dsiInput1.valideUnit and self.dsiInput2.valideUnit: self.dsiCompGraphGen.reDraw(self.dsiInput1.dsiTree, self.dsiInput2.dsiTree, complete=completeConversion) else: self.dsiCompGraphGen.flush() except AttributeError as Ae: warnings.warn("AttributeError: " + str(Ae)) self.compaReresult.text = "The two units are not equal" self.compaReresult.css_classes = ["msg-negative"] self.dsiCompGraphGen.flush() self.compaReresult.visible = True self.createIssueButton.disabled = False self.createIssueButton.button_type = "danger" self.createIssueButton.js_on_event("button_click", CustomJS(code=f"window.open('{self.createIssueUrl()}', '_blank');")) def createIssueUrl(self): issueArgs = [self.dsiInput1.dsiInput.value, str(self.dsiInput1.dsiTree), self.dsiInput2.dsiInput.value, str(self.dsiInput2.dsiTree)] comGenAtrssFroIssue = ['baseUnit', 'scalfactorAB', 'scalfactorBA', 'scalfactorABase', 'scalfactorBaseA', 'scalfactorBBase', 'scalfactorBaseB'] for comGenAtrss in comGenAtrssFroIssue: try: issueArgs.append(str(getattr(self.dsiCompGraphGen, comGenAtrss))) except AttributeError as Ae: issueArgs.append("AttributeError: " + str(Ae)) filledResult = issueTemplate.format(*issueArgs) filledTitle = f'Unexpected comparison result: {self.dsiInput1.dsiInput.value} to {self.dsiInput2.dsiInput.value}' issueUrl = r'https://gitlab1.ptb.de/digitaldynamicmeasurement/dsi-parser-frontend/-/issues/new?' title = quote(filledTitle) body = quote(filledResult) url = issueUrl + 'issue[title]=' + title + '&issue[description]=' + body return url def clearComparison(self): self.dsiCompGraphGen.flush() self.compaReresult.text = "" self.createIssueButton.disabled = True self.createIssueButton.button_type = "primary" self.compaReresult.visible = False def tryComparison(self): if self.dsiInput1.valideUnit and self.dsiInput2.valideUnit: self.compare() thisPage = page()