diff --git a/issue.md b/issue.md
index f9e0ba7d6b0968752308b1493c97226e25466d86..d3fdd59e9cc96e4f9744fcecf60973f7433afbcc 100644
--- a/issue.md
+++ b/issue.md
@@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
 There was an issue with the following unit conversion:
-- Left unit: {}
-- Right unit: {}
+| Which unit | User entered input | Parsed input |
+| ---------- | ------------------ | ------------ |
+| Left unit  | {}                 | {}           |
+| Right unit | {}                 | {}           |
 ### Result/Expectation: 
 | Calculation | Result | Expectation | Did match |
-| Base unit   | {}     |             | []        |
-| factor * left = right | {} |       | [] |
-| factor * right = left | {} |       | [] |
-| factor * left = base | {} |        | [] |
-| factor * base = left | {} |        | [] |
-| factor * right = base | {} |       | [] |
-| factor * base = right | {} |       | [] |
+| Base unit   | {}     |             | [ ]       |
+| factor * left = right | {} |       | [ ] |
+| factor * right = left | {} |       | [ ] |
+| factor * left = base | {} |        | [ ] |
+| factor * base = left | {} |        | [ ] |
+| factor * right = base | {} |       | [ ] |
+| factor * base = right | {} |       | [ ] |
 If there was an error with the calculation, please fill out the table above. Feel free to also add additional info here: 
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 6b72452c0e06062c99fa1953411a6341dbdb5154..4e8d65869044cd74cb74cfd01ad5667e5e3ae353 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import warnings
 import itertools
 import math
 import bokehCssPTB
+from urllib.parse import quote
 from dsiParser import dsiParser
 from bokeh.plotting import curdoc,figure
 from bokeh.layouts import column, row
@@ -190,6 +191,10 @@ class page():
+        self.createIssueButton = Button(label="Report conversion error", disabled=True)
+        # self.createIssueButton.on_click(self.createIssueUrl)
+        curdoc().add_root(self.dsiCompGraphGen.widget)
+        curdoc().add_root(self.createIssueButton)
     def compare(self):
@@ -211,4 +216,21 @@ class page():
             self.compaReresult.text = "The two units are not equal"
             self.compaReresult.css_classes = ["msg-negative"]
+        self.createIssueButton.disabled=False
+        self.createIssueButton.button_type="danger"
+        self.createIssueButton.js_on_event("button_click",CustomJS(code=f"window.open('{self.createIssueUrl()}', '_blank');"))
+    def createIssueUrl(self):
+        quantitiesToAdd=[self.dsiInput1.dsiInput.value,str(self.dsiInput1.dsiTree),self.dsiInput2.dsiInput.value,str(self.dsiInput2.dsiTree),str(self.dsiCompGraphGen.baseUnit),self.dsiCompGraphGen.scalfactorAB,self.dsiCompGraphGen.scalfactorBA,self.dsiCompGraphGen.scalfactorABase,self.dsiCompGraphGen.scalfactorBaseA,self.dsiCompGraphGen.scalfactorBBase,self.dsiCompGraphGen.scalfactorBaseB]
+        templateStr=open('./issue.md').read()
+        filledResult=templateStr.format(*quantitiesToAdd)
+        filledTitle = f'Unexpected comparison result: {self.dsiInput1.dsiInput.value} to {self.dsiInput2.dsiInput.value}'
+        issueUrl = r'https://gitlab1.ptb.de/digitaldynamicmeasurement/dsi-parser-frontend/-/issues/new?'
+        title = quote(filledTitle)
+        body = quote(filledResult)
+        url = issueUrl + 'issue[title]=' + title + '&issue[description]=' + body
+        return url
 thisPage = page()