\ProvidesFile{ptb-confirm-en.lco}[2015/05/26 v0.1a (ptb-confirm.cls, englisch)] \makeatletter \opening{} According to your order of \vl@DateOfApplication{}, received here via \vl@KindOfEnquiry{} on \vl@DateOfEnquiry{}, PTB will carry out the following calibration: \medskip\noindent \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{~~}l@{}} Device: & \vl@Device \\ Calibration conditions: & \vl@Condition \\ Scheduled date: & \vl@ScheduleDate \\ Calibration fee: & \vl@Fee\,€ \\ \end{tabular} \medskip\noindent Your order will be settled with a separate invoice that uses fixed calibration fees according to the decree of the Ministry of Commerce of Germany. If the working time for your device~/ devices will exceed more than 25\,\% of the working time used for the determination of the fee, the actual costs have to be charged. The procedure of PTB keeps to German laws. General terms of business of the customer cannot be accepted. Please, consider that for safety reasons and for protection of our primary standards, we cannot start a calibration before we have not received the enclosed declaration. \closing{\MFg} \noindent Per procura \par\medskip\noindent\usekomavar{handledby} \makeatother \endinput