diff --git a/kalibrierschein/Adler.pdf b/kalibrierschein/Adler.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index d18335bc29c034c95e3fb09e08b57e0194d39579..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/kalibrierschein/Adler.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/CIPM-MRA.png b/kalibrierschein/CIPM-MRA.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d0a99744a8be3c00df3fd85ef94dc38eeffff7b9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/kalibrierschein/CIPM-MRA.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/IK-0000.clo b/kalibrierschein/IK-0000.clo
deleted file mode 100644
index ea7ba5a1db6fafd47269ed5d7036895150b7dc02..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/kalibrierschein/IK-0000.clo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-\ProvidesFile{IK-0000.clo}[2015/12/10 v1.0c class option (RN/PTB)]
-Definitionen, die bis Dezember 2014 gültig waren.
-  \unitlength=1bp %
-  \AtPageLowerLeft{%
-    %------------- Kopf ------------
-    \put(69,783){\parbox{\textwidth}{\huge\bfseries\ks@PTB}}
-    \put(69,760){\parbox{\textwidth}{\large\bfseries\ks@BSuB}}
-    %%%\put(287,700){\includegraphics[width=62bp]{Adler.pdf}}
-    \put(252,690){\normalfont\huge Kalibrierschein}
-    \put(260,672){\normalfont\itshape\large Calibration Certificate}
-    %-----------Mittelteil ---------
-    \ks@put@main
-    %------------- Fuss ------------
-    %%%\put(-18bp,38bp){\rotatebox{90}{\xscriptsize 391~00B~k}}
-    \put(62,83){\linethickness{1.3bp}\line(1,0){506}}
-    \normalfont\scriptsize
-    \put(68,68){\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{%
-       Kalibrierscheine ohne Unterschrift haben keine G\"ultigkeit.
-       Dieser Kalibrierschein darf nur unver\"andert weiterverbreitet\\
-       werden. Ausz\"uge bed\"urfen der Genehmigung der
-       Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt. \\
-       \normalfont\itshape
-       Calibration certificates without signature are not valid.
-       This calibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in
-       full. \\ Extracts may be taken only with permission of the
-       Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.
-    }}
-  }
-  \normalfont\normalsize
-  \@tempdima=68bp %
-  \@tempdimb=670bp %
-  \@tempdimd=207bp %
-  %--------------------------------
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-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Gegenstand:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@object}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Object:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-60bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Hersteller:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@printDevicesTable{348bp}{46bp}{29bp}}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Manufacturer:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-60bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Typ:}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Type:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \@tempdimb=478bp %
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Kennnummer:}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Serial number:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Auftraggeber:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@applicant@table}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Applicant:}
-  \@tempdimb=377bp %
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Anzahl der Seiten:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ztotpages}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Number of pages:}
-  %--------------------------------
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-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Gesch\"aftszeichen:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@refNo}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Reference No.:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Pr\"ufmittelnummer:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@referenceMark}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Reference No.:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Kalibrierzeichen:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@calibMark}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Calibration mark:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Datum der Kalibrierung:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@calibDate}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Date of calibration:}%
-  %--------------------------------
-  \@tempdime=\@tempdimd \advance\@tempdime185bp %
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@location, \ks@certificateDate}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimb){Bearbeiter:}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Examiner:}
-  \advance\@tempdimb-24bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-41bp %
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimb){\ks@examiner}%
-  %--------------------------------
-  %%\put(52bp,170bp){\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{\tiny 391~00B~k}}%
-  \begin{picture}(0,0)
-    \unitlength=1bp %
-    \put(-1,28){\parbox{\textwidth}{\normalfont\huge\bfseries\ks@PTB}}
-    \put(-1,2){\parbox{\textwidth}{%
-      \normalfont\small
-      Seite~\thepage\ zum Kalibrierschein vom~\ks@certificateDate,
-      Kalibrierzeichen:~\ks@calibMark \\
-      \scriptsize\itshape
-      Page~\thepage\ of calibration certificate of~\ks@certificateDate,
-      calibration mark:~\ks@calibMark
-    }}
-  \end{picture}
-  \large
-  \textbf{\Large Die Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt} (PTB) in
-  Braunschweig und Berlin ist das nationale Metrologieinstitut und die
-  technische Oberbeh\"orde der Bundesrepublik Deutschland f\"ur das
-  Messwesen und Teile der Sicherheitstechnik. Die PTB geh\"ort zum
-  Dienstbereich des Bundesministeriums f\"ur Wirtschaft und Energie.
-  Sie erf\"ullt die Anforderungen an Kalibrier- und Pr\"uflaboratorien
-  auf der Grundlage der DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
-  Zentrale Aufgabe der PTB ist es, die gesetzlichen Einheiten in
-  \"Ubereinstimmung mit dem Internationalen Einheitensystem (SI)
-  darzustellen, zu bewahren und -- insbesondere im Rahmen des
-  gesetzlichen und industriellen Messwesens -- weiterzugeben. Die PTB
-  steht damit an oberster Stelle der metrologischen Hierarchie in
-  Deutschland. Kalibrierscheine der PTB dokumentieren die
-  R\"uckf\"uhrung des Kalibriergegenstandes auf nationale Normale.
-  Dieser Ergebnisbericht ist in \"Ubereinstimmung mit den Kalibrier- und
-  Messm\"oglichkeiten (CMCs), wie sie im Anhang C des gegenseitigen
-  Abkommens (MRA) des Internationalen Komitees f\"ur Ma\ss e und
-  Gewichte enthalten sind. Im Rahmen des MRA wird die G\"ultigkeit der
-  Ergebnisberichte von allen teilnehmenden Instituten f\"ur die im
-  Anhang C spezifizierten Messgr\"o\ss en, Messbereiche und
-  Messunsicherheiten gegenseitig anerkannt (n\"ahere Informationen unter
-  http://www.bipm.org).
-  \begingroup
-    \vspace{1.6\baselineskip}
-    \centering
-    \includegraphics[width=68bp]{CIPM-MRA.png}\par
-    \vspace{1.6\baselineskip}
-  \endgroup
-  \itshape
-  \textbf{\Large The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt} (PTB) in
-  Braunschweig and Berlin is the National Metrology Institute and the
-  highest technical authority of the Federal Republic of Germany for the
-  field of metrology and certain sectors of safety engineering. The PTB
-  comes under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy.
-  It meets the requirements for calibration and testing
-  laboratories as defined in the EN ISO/IEC 17025.
-  It is fundamental task of the PTB to realize and maintain the legal
-  units in compliance with the International System of Units (SI) and to
-  disseminate them, above all within the framework of legal and
-  industrial metrology. The PTB thus is on top of the metrological
-  hierarchy in Germany. Calibration certificates issued by it document
-  that the object calibrated is traceable to national standards.
-  This certificate is consistent with Calibration and Measurement
-  Capabilities (CMCs) that are included in Appendix C of the Mutual
-  Recognition Arrangement (MRA) drawn up by the International Committee
-  for Weights and Measures (CIPM). Under the MRA, all participating
-  institutes recognize the validity of each other's calibration and
-  measurement certificates for the quantities, ranges and measurements
-  uncertainties specified in Appendix C (for details see
-  http://www.bipm.org).
-  \vfill \mbox{}
-  \begin{picture}(0,0)
-    \unitlength=1bp %
-    \put(-7,23){\linethickness{1.3bp}\line(1,0){506}}
-    \normalfont\small
-    \put(-1,9){Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt}
-    \scriptsize
-    \put(-1,-3){\parbox[t]{.25\textwidth}{%
-       Bundesallee 100 \\
-       38116 Braunschweig \\
-    }}
-    \put(280,-3){\parbox[t]{.25\textwidth}{%
-       Abbestra\ss e 2--12 \\
-       10587 Berlin \\
-    }}
-  \end{picture}
-%% End of file `IK-0000.clo'.
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/IK-2015.clo b/kalibrierschein/IK-2015.clo
deleted file mode 100644
index 400c3d2e8957517ce06a4d1f96c9f403d0d15611..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/kalibrierschein/IK-2015.clo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-\ProvidesFile{IK-2015.clo}[2015/12/10 v1.0c class option (RN/PTB)]
-Definitionen, die ab Januar 2015 gültig sind.
-  \unitlength=1bp %
-  \AtPageLowerLeft{%
-    %------------- Kopf ------------
-    %%%\put(69,783){\parbox{\textwidth}{\huge\bfseries\ks@PTB}}
-    %%%\put(69,760){\parbox{\textwidth}{\large\bfseries\ks@BSuB}}
-    \put(68,754){\includegraphics[width=308bp]{PTB-logo-2015.pdf}}
-    %%%\put(287,680){\includegraphics[width=62bp]{Adler.pdf}}
-    \put(252,640){\normalfont\huge Kalibrierschein}
-    \put(260,622){\normalfont\itshape\large Calibration Certificate}
-    %-----------Mittelteil ---------
-    \ks@put@main
-    %------------- Fuss ------------
-    %%%\put(-18bp,38bp){\rotatebox{90}{\xscriptsize 391~00B~k}}
-    %%%\put(62,83){\linethickness{1.3bp}\line(1,0){506}}
-    \normalfont\scriptsize
-    \put(68,68){\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{%
-       Kalibrierscheine ohne Unterschrift und Siegel haben keine G\"ultigkeit.
-       Dieser Kalibrierschein darf nur unver\"andert weiterverbreitet\\
-       werden. Ausz\"uge bed\"urfen der Genehmigung der
-       Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt. \\
-       \normalfont\itshape
-       Calibration certificates without signature and seal are not valid.
-       This calibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in
-       full. \\ Extracts may be taken only with permission of the
-       Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.
-    }}
-  }
-  \normalfont\normalsize
-  \@tempdima=68bp %
-  \@tempdimb=648bp %
-  \@tempdimd=207bp %
-  %--------------------------------
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-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@object}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Object:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-60bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Hersteller:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@printDevicesTable{348bp}{46bp}{29bp}}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Manufacturer:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-60bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Typ:}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Type:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  %%%\@tempdimb=478bp %
-  \@tempdimb=455bp %
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Kennnummer:}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Serial No.:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Auftraggeber:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@applicant@table}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Applicant:}
-  \@tempdimb=377bp %
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-53bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Anzahl der Seiten:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ztotpages}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Number of pages:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Gesch\"aftszeichen:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@refNo}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Reference No.:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Kalibrierzeichen:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@calibMark}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Calibration mark:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Datum der Kalibrierung:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@calibDate}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Date of calibration:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \@tempdime=\@tempdimd \advance\@tempdime185bp %
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  %%%\@tempdimb=204bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Im Auftrag}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape On behalf of PTB}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@location, \ks@certificateDate}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimb){Im Auftrag}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape On behalf of PTB}
-  \advance\@tempdimb-24bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){Siegel}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Seal}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-40bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){\ks@byOrder}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimb){\ks@examiner}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \put(46bp,178bp){\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{\tiny 391~00B~n}}
-  \begin{picture}(0,0)
-    \unitlength=1bp %
-    %%%\put(-1,28){\parbox{\textwidth}{\normalfont\huge\bfseries\ks@PTB}}
-    \put(-1,-5){\includegraphics[width=308bp]{PTB-logo-2015.pdf}}
-    \put(-1,-35){\parbox{\textwidth}{%
-      \normalfont\small
-      Seite~\thepage\ zum Kalibrierschein vom~\ks@certificateDate,
-      Kalibrierzeichen:~\ks@calibMark \\
-      \scriptsize\itshape
-      Page~\thepage\ of the Calibration Certificate dated~\ks@certificateDate,
-      calibration mark:~\ks@calibMark
-    }}
-  \end{picture}
-  \large
-  \begin{otherlanguage}{ngerman}
-  \textbf{\Large Die Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt} (PTB) in
-  Braunschweig und Berlin ist das nationale Metrologieinstitut und die
-  technische Oberbeh\"orde der Bundesrepublik Deutschland f\"ur das
-  Messwesen. Die PTB geh\"ort zum Gesch\"aftsbereich des Bundesministeriums
-  f\"ur Wirtschaft und Energie. Sie erf\"ullt die Anforderungen an Kalibrier-
-  und Pr\"uflaboratorien auf der Grundlage der DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
-  Zentrale Aufgabe der PTB ist es, die gesetzlichen Einheiten in
-  \"Ubereinstimmung mit dem Internationalen Einheitensystem (SI) darzustellen,
-  zu bewahren und weiterzugeben. Die PTB steht damit an oberster Stelle der
-  metrologischen Hierarchie in Deutschland. Die Kalibrierscheine der PTB
-  dokumentieren eine auf nationale Normale r\"uckgef\"uhrte Kalibrierung.
-  Dieser Ergebnisbericht ist in \"Ubereinstimmung mit den Kalibrier- und
-  Messm\"oglichkeiten (CMCs), wie sie im Anhang~C des gegenseitigen
-  Abkommens (MRA) des Internationalen Komitees f\"ur Ma\ss e und
-  Gewichte enthalten sind. Im Rahmen des MRA wird die G\"ultigkeit der
-  Ergebnisberichte von allen teilnehmenden Instituten f\"ur die im
-  Anhang~C spezifizierten Messgr\"o\ss en, Messbereiche und
-  Messunsicherheiten gegenseitig anerkannt (n\"ahere Informationen unter
-  http://www.bipm.org).
-  \end{otherlanguage}
-  \begingroup
-    \vspace{1.6\baselineskip}
-    \centering
-    \includegraphics[width=68bp]{CIPM-MRA.png}\par
-    \vspace{1.6\baselineskip}
-  \endgroup
-  \itshape
-  \begin{otherlanguage}{english}
-  \textbf{\Large The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt} (PTB) in
-  Braunschweig and Berlin is the National Metrology Institute and the
-  supreme technical authority of the Federal Republic of Germany for metrology.
-  The PTB comes under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Economics and
-  Energy. It meets the requirements for calibration and testing laboratories as
-  defined in DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
-  The central task of PTB is to realize, to maintain and to disseminate the
-  legal units in compliance with the International System of Units (SI). PTB
-  thus is at the top of the metrological hierarchy in Germany. The calibration
-  certificates issued by PTB document a calibration traceable to national
-  measurement standards.
-  This certificate is consistent with the Calibration and Measurement
-  Capabilities (CMCs) that are included in Appendix~C of the Mutual
-  Recognition Arrangement (MRA) drawn up by the International Committee for
-  Weights and Measures (CIPM). Under the MRA, all participating institutes
-  recognize the validity of each other’s calibration and measurement
-  certificates for the quantities, ranges and measurement uncertainties
-  specified in Appendix~C (for details, see http://www.bipm.org).
-  \end{otherlanguage}
-  \vfill \mbox{}
-  \begin{picture}(0,0)
-    \unitlength=1bp %
-    %%%\put(-7,23){\linethickness{1.3bp}\line(1,0){506}}
-    \normalfont\small
-    \put(-1,9){Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt}
-    \scriptsize
-    \put(-1,-3){\parbox[t]{.25\textwidth}{%
-       Bundesallee 100 \\
-       38116 Braunschweig \\
-    }}
-    \put(280,-3){\parbox[t]{.25\textwidth}{%
-       Abbestra\ss e 2--12 \\
-       10587 Berlin \\
-    }}
-  \end{picture}
-%% End of file `IK-2015.clo'.
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/IK-2019.clo b/kalibrierschein/IK-2019.clo
deleted file mode 100644
index 551ed6849734c843c59d08f57faccaad0a418703..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/kalibrierschein/IK-2019.clo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-\ProvidesFile{IK-2019.clo}[2019/03/07 v1.0d class option (RN/PTB)]
-% Interne Kalibrierung
-%% End of file `IK-2019.clo'.
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/KK-0000.clo b/kalibrierschein/KK-0000.clo
deleted file mode 100644
index d404e2b4acbc419b6a1cbbc08dda2225eeff8a7e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/kalibrierschein/KK-0000.clo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-\ProvidesFile{KK-0000.clo}[2015/12/10 v1.0c class option (RN/PTB)]
-Definitionen, die bis Dezember 2014 gültig waren.
-  \unitlength=1bp %
-  \AtPageLowerLeft{%
-    %------------- Kopf ------------
-    \put(69,783){\parbox{\textwidth}{\huge\bfseries\ks@PTB}}
-    \put(69,760){\parbox{\textwidth}{\large\bfseries\ks@BSuB}}
-    \put(287,700){\includegraphics[width=62bp]{Adler.pdf}}
-    \put(252,660){\normalfont\huge Kalibrierschein}
-    \put(260,642){\normalfont\itshape\large Calibration Certificate}
-    %-----------Mittelteil ---------
-    \ks@put@main
-    %------------- Fuss ------------
-    %%%\put(-18bp,38bp){\rotatebox{90}{\xscriptsize 391~00B~k}}
-    \put(62,83){\linethickness{1.3bp}\line(1,0){506}}
-    \normalfont\scriptsize
-    \put(68,68){\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{%
-       Kalibrierscheine ohne Unterschrift und Siegel haben keine G\"ultigkeit.
-       Dieser Kalibrierschein darf nur unver\"andert weiterverbreitet\\
-       werden. Ausz\"uge bed\"urfen der Genehmigung der
-       Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt. \\
-       \normalfont\itshape
-       Calibration certificates without signature and seal are not valid.
-       This calibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in
-       full. \\ Extracts may be taken only with permission of the
-       Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.
-    }}
-  }
-  \normalfont\normalsize
-  \@tempdima=68bp %
-  \@tempdimb=670bp %
-  \@tempdimd=207bp %
-  %--------------------------------
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-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@object}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Object:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-60bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Hersteller:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@printDevicesTable{348bp}{46bp}{29bp}}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Manufacturer:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-60bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Typ:}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Type:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \@tempdimb=478bp %
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Kennnummer:}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Serial number:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Auftraggeber:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@applicant@table}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Applicant:}
-  \@tempdimb=377bp %
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Anzahl der Seiten:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ztotpages}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Number of pages:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Gesch\"aftszeichen:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@refNo}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Reference No.:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Kalibrierzeichen:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@calibMark}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Calibration mark:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Datum der Kalibrierung:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@calibDate}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Date of calibration:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \@tempdime=\@tempdimd \advance\@tempdime185bp %
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Im Auftrag:}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape By order:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@location, \ks@certificateDate}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimb){Bearbeiter:}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Examiner:}
-  \advance\@tempdimb-24bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){Siegel}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Seal}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-41bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){\ks@byOrder}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimb){\ks@examiner}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \put(52bp,170bp){\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{\tiny 391~00B~k}}
-  \begin{picture}(0,0)
-    \unitlength=1bp %
-    \put(-1,28){\parbox{\textwidth}{\normalfont\huge\bfseries\ks@PTB}}
-    \put(-1,2){\parbox{\textwidth}{%
-      \normalfont\small
-      Seite~\thepage\ zum Kalibrierschein vom~\ks@certificateDate,
-      Kalibrierzeichen:~\ks@calibMark \\
-      \scriptsize\itshape
-      Page~\thepage\ of calibration certificate of~\ks@certificateDate,
-      calibration mark:~\ks@calibMark
-    }}
-  \end{picture}
-  \large
-  \textbf{\Large Die Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt} (PTB) in
-  Braunschweig und Berlin ist das nationale Metrologieinstitut und die
-  technische Oberbeh\"orde der Bundesrepublik Deutschland f\"ur das
-  Messwesen und Teile der Sicherheitstechnik. Die PTB geh\"ort zum
-  Dienstbereich des Bundesministeriums f\"ur Wirtschaft und Energie.
-  Sie erf\"ullt die Anforderungen an Kalibrier- und Pr\"uflaboratorien
-  auf der Grundlage der DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
-  Zentrale Aufgabe der PTB ist es, die gesetzlichen Einheiten in
-  \"Ubereinstimmung mit dem Internationalen Einheitensystem (SI)
-  darzustellen, zu bewahren und -- insbesondere im Rahmen des
-  gesetzlichen und industriellen Messwesens -- weiterzugeben. Die PTB
-  steht damit an oberster Stelle der metrologischen Hierarchie in
-  Deutschland. Kalibrierscheine der PTB dokumentieren die
-  R\"uckf\"uhrung des Kalibriergegenstandes auf nationale Normale.
-  Dieser Ergebnisbericht ist in \"Ubereinstimmung mit den Kalibrier- und
-  Messm\"oglichkeiten (CMCs), wie sie im Anhang C des gegenseitigen
-  Abkommens (MRA) des Internationalen Komitees f\"ur Ma\ss e und
-  Gewichte enthalten sind. Im Rahmen des MRA wird die G\"ultigkeit der
-  Ergebnisberichte von allen teilnehmenden Instituten f\"ur die im
-  Anhang C spezifizierten Messgr\"o\ss en, Messbereiche und
-  Messunsicherheiten gegenseitig anerkannt (n\"ahere Informationen unter
-  http://www.bipm.org).
-  \begingroup
-    \vspace{1.6\baselineskip}
-    \centering
-    \includegraphics[width=68bp]{CIPM-MRA.png}\par
-    \vspace{1.6\baselineskip}
-  \endgroup
-  \itshape
-  \textbf{\Large The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt} (PTB) in
-  Braunschweig and Berlin is the National Metrology Institute and the
-  highest technical authority of the Federal Republic of Germany for the
-  field of metrology and certain sectors of safety engineering. The PTB
-  comes under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy.
-  It meets the requirements for calibration and testing
-  laboratories as defined in the EN ISO/IEC 17025.
-  It is fundamental task of the PTB to realize and maintain the legal
-  units in compliance with the International System of Units (SI) and to
-  disseminate them, above all within the framework of legal and
-  industrial metrology. The PTB thus is on top of the metrological
-  hierarchy in Germany. Calibration certificates issued by it document
-  that the object calibrated is traceable to national standards.
-  This certificate is consistent with Calibration and Measurement
-  Capabilities (CMCs) that are included in Appendix C of the Mutual
-  Recognition Arrangement (MRA) drawn up by the International Committee
-  for Weights and Measures (CIPM). Under the MRA, all participating
-  institutes recognize the validity of each other's calibration and
-  measurement certificates for the quantities, ranges and measurements
-  uncertainties specified in Appendix C (for details see
-  http://www.bipm.org).
-  \vfill \mbox{}
-  \begin{picture}(0,0)
-    \unitlength=1bp %
-    \put(-7,23){\linethickness{1.3bp}\line(1,0){506}}
-    \normalfont\small
-    \put(-1,9){Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt}
-    \scriptsize
-    \put(-1,-3){\parbox[t]{.25\textwidth}{%
-       Bundesallee 100 \\
-       38116 Braunschweig \\
-    }}
-    \put(280,-3){\parbox[t]{.25\textwidth}{%
-       Abbestra\ss e 2--12 \\
-       10587 Berlin \\
-    }}
-  \end{picture}
-%% End of file `KK-0000.clo'.
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/KK-2015.clo b/kalibrierschein/KK-2015.clo
deleted file mode 100644
index f4914f0b0447e8736a76160510b51e0fa123027e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/kalibrierschein/KK-2015.clo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-\ProvidesFile{KK-2015.clo}[2015/12/10 v1.0c class option (RN/PTB)]
-Definitionen, die ab Januar 2015 gültig sind.
-  \unitlength=1bp %
-  \AtPageLowerLeft{%
-    %------------- Kopf ------------
-    %%%\put(69,783){\parbox{\textwidth}{\huge\bfseries\ks@PTB}}
-    %%%\put(69,760){\parbox{\textwidth}{\large\bfseries\ks@BSuB}}
-    \put(68,754){\includegraphics[width=308bp]{PTB-logo-2015.pdf}}
-    \put(287,680){\includegraphics[width=62bp]{Adler.pdf}}
-    \put(252,640){\normalfont\huge Kalibrierschein}
-    \put(260,622){\normalfont\itshape\large Calibration Certificate}
-    %-----------Mittelteil ---------
-    \ks@put@main
-    %------------- Fuss ------------
-    %%%\put(-18bp,38bp){\rotatebox{90}{\xscriptsize 391~00B~k}}
-    %%%\put(62,83){\linethickness{1.3bp}\line(1,0){506}}
-    \normalfont\scriptsize
-    \put(68,68){\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{%
-       Kalibrierscheine ohne Unterschrift und Siegel haben keine G\"ultigkeit.
-       Dieser Kalibrierschein darf nur unver\"andert weiterverbreitet\\
-       werden. Ausz\"uge bed\"urfen der Genehmigung der
-       Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt. \\
-       \normalfont\itshape
-       Calibration certificates without signature and seal are not valid.
-       This calibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in
-       full. \\ Extracts may be taken only with permission of the
-       Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.
-    }}
-  }
-  \normalfont\normalsize
-  \@tempdima=68bp %
-  \@tempdimb=648bp %
-  \@tempdimd=207bp %
-  %--------------------------------
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-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@object}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Object:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-60bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Hersteller:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@printDevicesTable{348bp}{46bp}{29bp}}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Manufacturer:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-60bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Typ:}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Type:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  %%%\@tempdimb=478bp %
-  \@tempdimb=455bp %
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Kennnummer:}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Serial No.:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Auftraggeber:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@applicant@table}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Applicant:}
-  \@tempdimb=377bp %
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-53bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Anzahl der Seiten:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ztotpages}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Number of pages:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Gesch\"aftszeichen:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@refNo}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Reference No.:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Kalibrierzeichen:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@calibMark}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Calibration mark:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Datum der Kalibrierung:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@calibDate}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Date of calibration:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \@tempdime=\@tempdimd \advance\@tempdime185bp %
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  %%%\@tempdimb=204bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Im Auftrag}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape On behalf of PTB}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@location, \ks@certificateDate}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimb){Im Auftrag}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape On behalf of PTB}
-  \advance\@tempdimb-24bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){Siegel}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Seal}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-40bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){\ks@byOrder}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimb){\ks@examiner}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \put(46bp,178bp){\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{\tiny 391~00B~n}}
-  \begin{picture}(0,0)
-    \unitlength=1bp %
-    %%%\put(-1,28){\parbox{\textwidth}{\normalfont\huge\bfseries\ks@PTB}}
-    \put(-1,-5){\includegraphics[width=308bp]{PTB-logo-2015.pdf}}
-    \put(-1,-35){\parbox{\textwidth}{%
-      \normalfont\small
-      Seite~\thepage\ zum Kalibrierschein vom~\ks@certificateDate,
-      Kalibrierzeichen:~\ks@calibMark \\
-      \scriptsize\itshape
-      Page~\thepage\ of the Calibration Certificate dated~\ks@certificateDate,
-      calibration mark:~\ks@calibMark
-    }}
-  \end{picture}
-  \large
-  \begin{otherlanguage}{ngerman}
-  \textbf{\Large Die Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt} (PTB) in
-  Braunschweig und Berlin ist das nationale Metrologieinstitut und die
-  technische Oberbeh\"orde der Bundesrepublik Deutschland f\"ur das
-  Messwesen. Die PTB geh\"ort zum Gesch\"aftsbereich des Bundesministeriums
-  f\"ur Wirtschaft und Energie. Sie erf\"ullt die Anforderungen an Kalibrier-
-  und Pr\"uflaboratorien auf der Grundlage der DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
-  Zentrale Aufgabe der PTB ist es, die gesetzlichen Einheiten in
-  \"Ubereinstimmung mit dem Internationalen Einheitensystem (SI) darzustellen,
-  zu bewahren und weiterzugeben. Die PTB steht damit an oberster Stelle der
-  metrologischen Hierarchie in Deutschland. Die Kalibrierscheine der PTB
-  dokumentieren eine auf nationale Normale r\"uckgef\"uhrte Kalibrierung.
-  Dieser Ergebnisbericht ist in \"Ubereinstimmung mit den Kalibrier- und
-  Messm\"oglichkeiten (CMCs), wie sie im Anhang~C des gegenseitigen
-  Abkommens (MRA) des Internationalen Komitees f\"ur Ma\ss e und
-  Gewichte enthalten sind. Im Rahmen des MRA wird die G\"ultigkeit der
-  Ergebnisberichte von allen teilnehmenden Instituten f\"ur die im
-  Anhang~C spezifizierten Messgr\"o\ss en, Messbereiche und
-  Messunsicherheiten gegenseitig anerkannt (n\"ahere Informationen unter
-  http://www.bipm.org).
-  \end{otherlanguage}
-  \begingroup
-    \vspace{1.6\baselineskip}
-    \centering
-    \includegraphics[width=68bp]{CIPM-MRA.png}\par
-    \vspace{1.6\baselineskip}
-  \endgroup
-  \itshape
-  \begin{otherlanguage}{english}
-  \textbf{\Large The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt} (PTB) in
-  Braunschweig and Berlin is the National Metrology Institute and the
-  supreme technical authority of the Federal Republic of Germany for metrology.
-  The PTB comes under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Economics and
-  Energy. It meets the requirements for calibration and testing laboratories as
-  defined in DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
-  The central task of PTB is to realize, to maintain and to disseminate the
-  legal units in compliance with the International System of Units (SI). PTB
-  thus is at the top of the metrological hierarchy in Germany. The calibration
-  certificates issued by PTB document a calibration traceable to national
-  measurement standards.
-  This certificate is consistent with the Calibration and Measurement
-  Capabilities (CMCs) that are included in Appendix~C of the Mutual
-  Recognition Arrangement (MRA) drawn up by the International Committee for
-  Weights and Measures (CIPM). Under the MRA, all participating institutes
-  recognize the validity of each other’s calibration and measurement
-  certificates for the quantities, ranges and measurement uncertainties
-  specified in Appendix~C (for details, see http://www.bipm.org).
-  \end{otherlanguage}
-  \vfill \mbox{}
-  \begin{picture}(0,0)
-    \unitlength=1bp %
-    %%%\put(-7,23){\linethickness{1.3bp}\line(1,0){506}}
-    \normalfont\small
-    \put(-1,9){Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt}
-    \scriptsize
-    \put(-1,-3){\parbox[t]{.25\textwidth}{%
-       Bundesallee 100 \\
-       38116 Braunschweig \\
-    }}
-    \put(280,-3){\parbox[t]{.25\textwidth}{%
-       Abbestra\ss e 2--12 \\
-       10587 Berlin \\
-    }}
-  \end{picture}
-%% End of file `KK-2015.clo'.
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/KK-2019.clo b/kalibrierschein/KK-2019.clo
deleted file mode 100644
index 251f8ed401a63c71386b8610c6895328786ece41..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/kalibrierschein/KK-2019.clo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-\ProvidesFile{KK-2019.clo}[2019/03/07 v1.0d class option (RN/PTB)]
-% Kundenkalibrierung
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Im Auftrag}%
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape On behalf of PTB}%
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){\ks@byOrder}%
-%% End of file `KK-2019.clo'.
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/PTB-Logo.pdf b/kalibrierschein/PTB-Logo.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 9be9ee4ded54f8c9ddf135ebbb48e1cf8b798a6e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/kalibrierschein/PTB-Logo.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/README.md b/kalibrierschein/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/kalibrierschein/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-## Kalibrierschein
-Das Projekt enthält eine LaTeX-Dokumentenklasse und andere Komponenten zur Erzeugung eines PTB-konformen Kalibrierscheins.
-Zur Erzeugung eines Kalibrierscheins als PDF-Datei ist Folgendes zu tun:
-xelatex test-ks-KK.tex # oder: xelatex test-ks-IK.tex
-xelatex test-ks-KK.tex # oder: xelatex test-ks-IK.tex
-(KK=Kundenkalibrierung und IK=Interne kalibrierung)
-Es sind zwei LaTeX-Läufe nötig, um alle Referenzen (z.B. Anzahl der Seiten) aufzulösen. Der TeX-Compiler muss Zugriff zu den Grafikdateien "Adler.pdf", PTB-logo-KS-2015.pdf und "CIPM-MRA.png" haben.
-### Testdateien
-* `test-ks-IK.tex`. Interne Kalibrierungen. Die Klassenoption `IK` wählt die Datei `IK.tex` mit angepassten Definitionen der Titelseite aus. Mit der Klassenoption `2015` wird das neue seit dem Jahre 2015 gültige Layout ausgewählt.
-* `test-ks-KK.tex`. Kundenkalibrierung. Die Klassenoption `KK` wählt die Datei `KK.tex` mit angepassten Definitionen der Titelseite aus. Mit der Klassenoption `2015` wird das neue seit dem Jahre 2015 gültige Layout ausgewählt.
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/kalibrierschein.cls b/kalibrierschein/kalibrierschein.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index 3015bdb283b768d0494c1afbfe53cf0844406ec2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/kalibrierschein/kalibrierschein.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
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-% (Ulrike): )als letztes immer einen
-% richtiger Mathfont, damit diverse Werte korrekt gesetzt werden.
-% Wirklich nötig?
-%%%\RequirePackage{firamath-otf} % passt doch nicht gut zu Helvetica (Arial))
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-% Abstandskorrektur; Bug-Report an Autor von "mathastext"?  
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-\newcommand*\ks@PTB{Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt}
-\newcommand*\ks@BSuB{Braunschweig und Berlin}
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-  Typ des Ger\"ates}
-\newcommand*\ks@manufacturer{Namen der Hersteller}
-  \xdef\ks@manufacturer{\trim@spaces{\detokenize{#1}}}%
-  Name des Ger\"ates, kurze Charakterisierung}
-  Name des Auftraggebers, Stra\ss e, Firmensitz}
-  \xdef\ks@serialNo{\trim@spaces{\detokenize{#1}}}%
-\newcommand*\ks@byOrder{Peter Silie}
-\newcommand*\ks@examiner{Ellen Bogen}
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-      \resizebox{157bp}{!}{Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt}}
-    \put(67,739){\footnotesize 
-      \resizebox{117bp}{!}{Nationales Metrologieinstitut}}
-    \put(252,655){\normalfont\huge Kalibrierschein}
-    \put(266,637){\normalfont\itshape\normalsize Calibration Certificate}
-    %-----------Mittelteil ---------
-    \ks@put@main
-    %------------- Fuss ------------
-    \normalfont\scriptsize
-    \put(68,86){\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{%
-      Kalibrierscheine ohne Unterschrift und Siegel haben keine G\"ultigkeit.
-      Dieser Kalibrierschein darf nur unver\"andert weiterverbreitet\\
-      werden. Ausz\"uge bed\"urfen der Genehmigung der
-      Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt. 
-      Die dargestellten Ergebnisse beziehen\\
-      sich nur auf die kalibrierten Gegenstände.\\[.2ex]
-      \normalfont\itshape
-      Calibration certificates without signature and seal are not valid.
-      This calibration certificate may not be reproduced other than in
-      full. \\ Extracts may be taken only with permission of the
-      Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt. 
-      The presented results relate only to\\
-      the items calibrated.
-    }}
-  }
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-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Manufacturer:}
-  %--------------------------------
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-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Typ:}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Type:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \@tempdimb=452bp %
-  %--------------------------------
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Kennnummer:}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Serial No.:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Auftraggeber:}
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-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Applicant:}
-  \@tempdimb=377bp %
-  %--------------------------------
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-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Gesch\"aftszeichen:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@refNo}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Reference No.:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Kalibrierzeichen:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@calibMark}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Calibration mark:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Ort der Kalibrierung:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){PTB~\ks@location}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Location of calibration:}
-  %--------------------------------
-  \advance\@tempdimb-30bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimb){Datum der Kalibrierung:}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@calibDate}
-  \put(\@tempdima,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Date of calibration:}
-  %--------------------------------
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-  %%%\@tempdimb=204bp %
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-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){\ks@location, \ks@certificateDate}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimb){Im Auftrag}
-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape On behalf of PTB}
-  \advance\@tempdimb-24bp %
-  \@tempdimc=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempdimc-10bp %
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimb){Siegel}
-  \put(\@tempdimd,\@tempdimc){\scriptsize\itshape Seal}
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-  \put(\@tempdime,\@tempdimb){\ks@examiner} 
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-      Seite~\thepage\ zum Kalibrierschein vom~\ks@certificateDate,
-      Kalibrierzeichen:~\ks@calibMark \\
-      \scriptsize\itshape
-      Page~\thepage\ of the Calibration Certificate dated~\ks@certificateDate,
-      calibration mark:~\ks@calibMark
-    }}
-  \end{picture}
-  \begin{otherlanguage}{ngerman}
-  \textbf{\Large Die Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt} (PTB) in
-  Braunschweig und Berlin ist das nationale Metrologieinstitut und die
-  technische Oberbeh\"orde der Bundesrepublik Deutschland f\"ur das
-  Messwesen. Die PTB geh\"ort zum Gesch\"aftsbereich des Bundesministeriums
-  f\"ur Wirtschaft und Energie. Sie erf\"ullt die Anforderungen an Kalibrier-
-  und Pr\"uflaboratorien auf der Grundlage der DIN~EN ISO/IEC~17025.
-  Zentrale Aufgabe der PTB ist es, die gesetzlichen Einheiten in
-  \"Ubereinstimmung mit dem Internationalen Einheitensystem (SI) darzustellen,
-  zu bewahren und weiterzugeben. Die PTB steht damit an oberster Stelle der
-  metrologischen Hierarchie in Deutschland. Die Kalibrierscheine der PTB
-  dokumentieren eine auf nationale Normale r\"uckgef\"uhrte Kalibrierung.
-  Dieser Ergebnisbericht ist in \"Ubereinstimmung mit den Kalibrier- und
-  Messm\"oglichkeiten (CMCs), wie sie im Anhang~C des gegenseitigen
-  Abkommens (MRA) des Internationalen Komitees f\"ur Ma\ss e und
-  Gewichte enthalten sind. Im Rahmen des MRA wird die G\"ultigkeit der
-  Ergebnisberichte von allen teilnehmenden Instituten f\"ur die im
-  Anhang~C spezifizierten Messgr\"o\ss en, Messbereiche und
-  Messunsicherheiten gegenseitig anerkannt (n\"ahere Informationen unter
-  http://www.bipm.org).
-  Diese Aussage und das CIPM-MRA-Logo beziehen sich nur auf die Messergebnisse 
-  in diesem Kalibrierschein.
-  \end{otherlanguage}
-  \begingroup
-    \vspace{1.6\baselineskip}
-    \centering
-    \includegraphics[width=68bp]{CIPM-MRA.png}\par
-    \vspace{1.6\baselineskip}
-  \endgroup
-  \itshape
-  \begin{otherlanguage}{english}
-  \textbf{\Large The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt} (PTB) in
-  Braunschweig and Berlin is the National Metrology Institute and the
-  supreme technical authority of the Federal Republic of Germany for metrology.
-  The PTB comes under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Economics and
-  Energy. It meets the requirements for calibration and testing laboratories as
-  defined in DIN~EN ISO/IEC 17025.
-  The central task of PTB is to realize, to maintain and to disseminate the
-  legal units in compliance with the International System of Units (SI). PTB
-  thus is at the top of the metrological hierarchy in Germany. The calibration
-  certificates issued by PTB document a calibration traceable to national
-  measurement standards.
-  This certificate is consistent with the Calibration and Measurement
-  Capabilities (CMCs) that are included in Appendix~C of the Mutual
-  Recognition Arrangement (MRA) drawn up by the International Committee for
-  Weights and Measures (CIPM). Under the MRA, all participating institutes
-  recognize the validity of each other’s calibration and measurement
-  certificates for the quantities, ranges and measurement uncertainties
-  specified in Appendix~C (for details, see http://www.bipm.org).
-  The CIPM MRA Logo and this statement attest only to the measurement component 
-  of the certificate.
-  \end{otherlanguage}
-  \vfill
-  \normalfont
-  \begin{tabular}{@{}p{.5\textwidth}@{\hspace{36bp}}p{.5\textwidth}@{}}
-  \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{ \small Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt } 
-  \tabularnewline[.3ex]
-  \parbox[b]{\linewidth}{
-    \scriptsize Bundesallee 100 \\ 
-    38116~Braunschweig \\
-  } &
-  \parbox[b]{\linewidth}{
-    \scriptsize Abbestra\ss e 2--12 \\
-    10587~Berlin \\
-  } 
-  \end{tabular}
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-      \resizebox{303bp}{!}{%
-        \textcolor{PTBcolor}{PTB}~|~Physikalisch-Technische 
-        Bundesanstalt~|~Nationales Metrologieinstitut}}
-  \end{picture}
-%% End of file `ks-common.clo'.
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/siunitx-PTB.sty b/kalibrierschein/siunitx-PTB.sty
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@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-% Rolf Niepraschk, PTB, Rolf.Niepraschk@ptb.de
-\ProvidesPackage{siunitx-PTB}[2018/05/28 v0.1c Additions to `siunitx'' (PTB/RN)]
-\DeclareSIUnit\mbar{\milli bar}
-\DeclareSIUnit\sccm{sccm}% Standard Cubic Centimeters per Minute
-  %%%,exponent-product = \ensuremath { \cdot }     % wird per "locale" gesetzt
-  %%%,inter-unit-product = \ensuremath{{}\cdot{}}  % wird per "locale" gesetzt
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-  %%%,table-figures-decimal = 3
-  %%%,table-figures-exponent = 2
-  %%%,input-uncertainty-signs = +-
-  %%%,output-open-uncertainty =
-  %%%,output-close-uncertainty =
-  %%,separate-uncertainty = true
-  ,bracket-numbers = true
-  %,per-mode = symbol
-  ,per-mode = reciprocal
-  %,per-mode=symbol-or-fraction
-  ,mode = text % !!!
-  ,tight-spacing = false
-  ,separate-uncertainty
-  %%%,inter-unit-product = \ensuremath{{}\cdot{}}
-  % weil default ( {}^{\circ} ) manchmal problematisch ("firamath"!?) 
-  ,text-degree = \textdegree
-  ,math-degree = \textdegree  
-  ,math-celsius = \textdegree\text{C}
-  ,text-celsius = \textdegree\text{C}
-  \sisetup{%
-    ,inter-unit-product=\ensuremath{{}\cdot{}}
-  }%
-\renewcommand*\SI[2][]{% tolerant gegenüber "?" statt Zahl
-  \def\vl@tempa{#1}%
-  \edef\vl@tempb{\trim@spaces{#2}}%
-  \ks@SI@i
-  \def\vl@tempc{?}%
-  \ifx\vl@tempb\vl@tempc
-    \ensuremath{\textbf{??}}\,\si[#1]{#2}%
-  \else
-    \edef\vl@tempe{\noexpand\ke@orig@SI[\vl@tempa]{\vl@tempb}[#1]{#2}}%
-    \vl@tempe
-  \fi
-\renewcommand*\num[1]{% tolerant gegenüber "?" statt Zahl
-  \edef\vl@tempb{\trim@spaces{#1}}%
-  \def\vl@tempc{?}%
-  \ifx\vl@tempb\vl@tempc
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-  \else
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-  \fi
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-    \sisetup{locale=DE}
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-    \sisetup{locale=UK}
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-\resultTable{ 6 }{%
-{\(p_{cal}\)}&{\(p_{ind}\)}&{\(p_r\)}&{\(p_{ind} - p_r\)}&{\(e\)}&{\(U(k=2)\)}\\
-\missingEntries{ 16 }
-\object{ Stabil Ion Gauge }
-\manufacturer{ Granville-Phillips }
-\type{ EXT-Y | Stabil Ion Controler 370B }
-\serialNo{ YEA06800 | 1449 }
-\applicant{  { BOC EDWARDS }  { Marshall Road }  { EASTBOURNE, EAST SUSSEX }  { BN22 9BA } }
-\refNo{ ? }
-\calibMark{ QS 21/13  }
-\referenceMark{ 7.5-4003 }
-\calibDate{ 2013-11-26 }
-\examiner{ Th.\,Bock }
-\certificateDate{ 2013-12-18 }
-   \section{ Description of the calibration device }
-       The device was shipped under atmospheric pressure kept in the producers plastic shell.
-       A memory module belonging to the stabil ion gauge (serial 06800) was provided. It was active during calibration.
-     \section{ Calibration procedure }
-       The device was installed in a vertical orientation. Before calibration the gauge head was baked at \(?\) °C for \(?\) h. During the cool down phase the head was degassed for \(?\) minutes. At room temperature it was exposed for \(?\) h at \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar argon for sputtering the ion collector.
-       The sensitivity factor was kept at an value of  \(?\) mbar\(^{-1}\) during the calibration. The calibration was carried out with the following device settings:
-       \begin{itemize}\item display: mbar\item filament: F1\item emission: L\item channel: A\end{itemize}
-       Before each calibration point the residual pressure indication \(p_r\)  was checked.
-       The temperature \(θ\)  during the calibration was \(?\) °C and varied from this value within \(\pm?\) °C.
-       The device was calibrated with ? in the pressure range \(?⋅ 10^{?}\) mbar to \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar by comparing its reading with the calibration pressure that was established by the primary standard CE3 of PTB applying the continuous expansion method.
-     \section{ Relative error of indication }
-       The correction factor \(CF\) given in the table below was calculated from the indicated pressure \(p_{ind}\) as follows:\[CF =\frac{p_{cal}}{p_{ind} - p_{r}}\] where \(p_{cal}\) denotes the calibration pressure as generated in the primary standard and \(p_{r}\) the reading at residual pressure. From this, the corrected pressure \(p\) can be calculated from the residual pressure indication and the indicated pressure by:\[p = CF (p_{ind} - p_{r})\]
-       The uncertainty \(U\) of \(CF\) at the time of calibration is given in the last column of the table below. It includes the repeatability of \(p_{ind}\) for otherwise identical conditions (\(p_{cal}\), \(θ\)).\printResultTable
-     \section{ Uncertainty of Calibration }
-       The uncertainty \(U\) stated is the expanded measurement uncertainty obtained by multiplying the standard measurement uncertainty by the coverage factor \(k = 2\). It has been determined in accordance with the  “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM)”. The value of the measurand then normally lies, with a probability of approximately \(95\) \%. within the attributed coverage interval.\par \(95\)\,\%  95\,\% 95~\% \(95\) \%  \par
-       95 \% 95 \%
-   \printLastPage
-\(95\)\,\%  95\,\% 95~\%
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-\resultTable{ 6 }{%
-{\(p_{cal}\)}&{\(p_{ind}\)}&{\(p_r\)}&{\(p_{ind} - p_r\)}&{\(e\)}&{\(U(k=2)\)}\\
-\missingEntries{ 16 }
-\object{ Stabil Ion Gauge }
-\manufacturer{ Granville-Phillips }
-\type{ EXT-Y | Stabil Ion Controler 370B }
-\serialNo{ YEA06800 | 1449 }
-\applicant{  { BOC EDWARDS }  { Marshall Road }  { EASTBOURNE, EAST SUSSEX }  { BN22 9BA } }
-\refNo{ ? }
-\calibMark{ QS 21/13  }
-\referenceMark{ 7.5-4003 }
-\calibDate{ 2013-11-26 }
-\examiner{ Th.\,Bock }
-\certificateDate{ 2013-12-18 }
-   \section{ Description of the calibration device }
-       The device was shipped under atmospheric pressure kept in the producers plastic shell.
-       A memory module belonging to the stabil ion gauge (serial 06800) was provided. It was active during calibration.
-     \section{ Calibration procedure }
-       The device was installed in a vertical orientation. Before calibration the gauge head was baked at \(?\) °C for \(?\) h. During the cool down phase the head was degassed for \(?\) minutes. At room temperature it was exposed for \(?\) h at \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar argon for sputtering the ion collector.
-       The sensitivity factor was kept at an value of  \(?\) mbar\(^{-1}\) during the calibration. The calibration was carried out with the following device settings:
-       \begin{itemize}\item display: mbar\item filament: F1\item emission: L\item channel: A\end{itemize}
-       Before each calibration point the residual pressure indication \(p_r\)  was checked.
-       The temperature \(θ\)  during the calibration was \(?\) °C and varied from this value within \(\pm?\) °C.
-       The device was calibrated with ? in the pressure range \(?⋅ 10^{?}\) mbar to \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar by comparing its reading with the calibration pressure that was established by the primary standard CE3 of PTB applying the continuous expansion method.
-     \section{ Relative error of indication }
-       The correction factor \(CF\) given in the table below was calculated from the indicated pressure \(p_{ind}\) as follows:\[CF =\frac{p_{cal}}{p_{ind} - p_{r}}\] where \(p_{cal}\) denotes the calibration pressure as generated in the primary standard and \(p_{r}\) the reading at residual pressure. From this, the corrected pressure \(p\) can be calculated from the residual pressure indication and the indicated pressure by:\[p = CF (p_{ind} - p_{r})\]
-       The uncertainty \(U\) of \(CF\) at the time of calibration is given in the last column of the table below. It includes the repeatability of \(p_{ind}\) for otherwise identical conditions (\(p_{cal}\), \(θ\)).\printResultTable
-     \section{ Uncertainty of Calibration }
-       The uncertainty \(U\) stated is the expanded measurement uncertainty obtained by multiplying the standard measurement uncertainty by the coverage factor \(k = 2\). It has been determined in accordance with the  “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM)”. The value of the measurand then normally lies, with a probability of approximately \(95\) \%. within the attributed coverage interval.\par \(95\)\,\%  95\,\% 95~\% \(95\) \%  \par
-       95 \% 95 \%
-   \printLastPage
-\(95\)\,\%  95\,\% 95~\%
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/test-ks-IK.tex b/kalibrierschein/test-ks-IK.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index b98a0c54c6ce31cc78830523387979257f3dcae6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/kalibrierschein/test-ks-IK.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-\resultTable{ 6 }{%
-{\(p_{cal}\)}&{\(p_{ind}\)}&{\(p_r\)}&{\(p_{ind} - p_r\)}&{\(e\)}&{\(U(k=2)\)}\\
-\missingEntries{ 16 }
-\object{ Stabil Ion Gauge }
-\manufacturer{ Granville-Phillips }
-\type{ EXT-Y | Stabil Ion Controler 370B }
-\serialNo{ YEA06800 | 1449 }
-\applicant{  { BOC EDWARDS }  { Marshall Road }  { EASTBOURNE, EAST SUSSEX }  { BN22 9BA } }
-\refNo{ ? }
-\calibMark{ QS 21/13  }
-\referenceMark{ 7.5-4003 }
-\calibDate{ 2013-11-26 }
-\examiner{ Th.\,Bock }
-\certificateDate{ 2013-12-18 }
-   \section{ Description of the calibration device }
-       The device was shipped under atmospheric pressure kept in the producers plastic shell.
-       A memory module belonging to the stabil ion gauge (serial 06800) was provided. It was active during calibration.
-     \section{ Calibration procedure }
-       The device was installed in a vertical orientation. Before calibration the gauge head was baked at \(?\) °C for \(?\) h. During the cool down phase the head was degassed for \(?\) minutes. At room temperature it was exposed for \(?\) h at \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar argon for sputtering the ion collector.
-       The sensitivity factor was kept at an value of  \(?\) mbar\(^{-1}\) during the calibration. The calibration was carried out with the following device settings:
-       \begin{itemize}\item display: mbar\item filament: F1\item emission: L\item channel: A\end{itemize}
-       Before each calibration point the residual pressure indication \(p_r\)  was checked.
-       The temperature \(θ\)  during the calibration was \(?\) °C and varied from this value within \(\pm?\) °C.
-       The device was calibrated with ? in the pressure range \(?⋅ 10^{?}\) mbar to \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar by comparing its reading with the calibration pressure that was established by the primary standard CE3 of PTB applying the continuous expansion method.
-     \section{ Relative error of indication }
-       The correction factor \(CF\) given in the table below was calculated from the indicated pressure \(p_{ind}\) as follows:\[CF =\frac{p_{cal}}{p_{ind} - p_{r}}\] where \(p_{cal}\) denotes the calibration pressure as generated in the primary standard and \(p_{r}\) the reading at residual pressure. From this, the corrected pressure \(p\) can be calculated from the residual pressure indication and the indicated pressure by:\[p = CF (p_{ind} - p_{r})\]
-       The uncertainty \(U\) of \(CF\) at the time of calibration is given in the last column of the table below. It includes the repeatability of \(p_{ind}\) for otherwise identical conditions (\(p_{cal}\), \(θ\)).\printResultTable
-     \section{ Uncertainty of Calibration }
-       The uncertainty \(U\) stated is the expanded measurement uncertainty obtained by multiplying the standard measurement uncertainty by the coverage factor \(k = 2\). It has been determined in accordance with the  “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM)”. The value of the measurand then normally lies, with a probability of approximately \(95\) \%. within the attributed coverage interval.\par \(95\)\,\%  95\,\% 95~\% \(95\) \%  \par
-       95 \% 95 \%
-   \printLastPage
-\(95\)\,\%  95\,\% 95~\%
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/test-ks-KK-2015.tex b/kalibrierschein/test-ks-KK-2015.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 899e1cfb77bf31922569c3f583cc62db234b6f1b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/kalibrierschein/test-ks-KK-2015.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-\resultTable{ 6 }{%
-{\(p_{cal}\)}&{\(p_{ind}\)}&{\(p_r\)}&{\(p_{ind} - p_r\)}&{\(e\)}&{\(U(k=2)\)}\\
-\missingEntries{ 16 }
-\object{ Stabil Ion Gauge }
-\manufacturer{ Granville-Phillips }
-\type{ EXT-Y, Stabil Ion Controler 370B }
-\serialNo{ YEA06800, # & _ ^ 1449 } 
-  { Customer.Name } 
-  { Customer.Address.Street } 
-  { Customer.Address.Zipcode Customer.Address.Town }
-  { Customer.Address.District } 
-\refNo{ ? }
-\calibMark{ 75120 PTB 13 }
-\calibDate{ 2013-11-26 }
-\byOrder{ Dr. K. Jousten }
-\examiner{ ? }
-\certificateDate{ 2013-12-18 }
-   \section{ Description of the calibration device }
-   \IfLanguageName{ngerman}{DEUTSCH}{ENGLISH}
-   %\num{9.99E-7 +- 9E-9} \par \bigskip
-   \num{9.99 +- 0.09} \par \bigskip
-       The device was shipped under atmospheric pressure kept in the producers plastic shell.
-       A memory module belonging to the stabil ion gauge (serial 06800) was provided. It was active during calibration.
-     \section{ Calibration procedure }
-       The device was installed in a vertical orientation. Before calibration the gauge head was baked at \(?\) °C for \(?\) h. During the cool down phase the head was degassed for \(?\) minutes. At room temperature it was exposed for \(?\) h at \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar argon for sputtering the ion collector.
-       The sensitivity factor was kept at an value of  \(?\) mbar\(^{-1}\) during the calibration. The calibration was carried out with the following device settings:
-       \begin{itemize}\item display: mbar\item filament: F1\item emission: L\item channel: A\end{itemize}
-       Before each calibration point the residual pressure indication \(p_r\)  was checked.
-       The temperature \(θ\)  during the calibration was \(?\) °C and varied from this value within \(\pm?\) °C.
-       The device was calibrated with ? in the pressure range \(?⋅ 10^{?}\) mbar to \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar by comparing its reading with the calibration pressure that was established by the primary standard CE3 of PTB applying the continuous expansion method.
-     \section{ Relative error of indication }
-       The correction factor \(CF\) given in the table below was calculated from the indicated pressure \(p_{ind}\) as follows:\[CF =\frac{p_{cal}}{p_{ind} - p_{r}}\] where \(p_{cal}\) denotes the calibration pressure as generated in the primary standard and \(p_{r}\) the reading at residual pressure. From this, the corrected pressure \(p\) can be calculated from the residual pressure indication and the indicated pressure by:\[p = CF (p_{ind} - p_{r})\]
-       The uncertainty \(U\) of \(CF\) at the time of calibration is given in the last column of the table below. It includes the repeatability of \(p_{ind}\) for otherwise identical conditions (\(p_{cal}\), \(θ\)).\printResultTable
-     \section{ Uncertainty of Calibration }
-       The uncertainty \(U\) stated is the expanded measurement uncertainty obtained by multiplying the standard measurement uncertainty by the coverage factor \(k = 2\). It has been determined in accordance with the  “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM)”. The value of the measurand then normally lies, with a probability of approximately \(95\) \%. within the attributed coverage interval.\par \(95\)\,\%  95\,\% 95~\% \(95\) \%  \par
-       95 \% 95 \%
-   \printLastPage
-\(95\)\,\%  95\,\% 95~\%
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/test-ks-KK-2019.tex b/kalibrierschein/test-ks-KK-2019.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index c8a3a9fecfc4ab53059da5bfa0e82f4deb00d921..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/kalibrierschein/test-ks-KK-2019.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-\resultTable[Gas:~N$_2$]{ 6 }{%
-{\(p_{cal}\)}&{\(p_{ind}\)}&{\(p_r\)}&{\(p_{ind} - p_r\)}&{\(e\)}&{\(U(k=2)\)}\\
-\resultTable{ 6 }{%
-{\(p_{cal}\)}&{\(p_{ind}\)}&{\(p_r\)}&{\(p_{ind} - p_r\)}&{\(e\)}&{\(U(k=2)\)}\\
-%%%\missingEntries{ 16 }
-\object{ Stabil Ion Gauge }
-\manufacturer{ Granville-Phillips }
-\type{ EXT-Y, Stabil Ion Controler 370B }
-% Anzahl Kommas bei \type gibt die Spaltenzahl vor. 
-% \manufacturer und \serialNo sollten dieselbe Anzahl Kommas haben.
-\serialNo{ YEA06800, 1449 }
-\applicant{  { BOC EDWARDS }  { Marshall Road }  { EASTBOURNE, EAST SUSSEX }  
-{ BN22 9BA } }
-\refNo{ ? }
-\calibMark{ 75120 PTB 13 }
-\calibDate{ 2013-11-26 }
-\byOrder{ Dr. K. Jousten }
-\examiner{ ? }
-\certificateDate{ 2013-12-18 }
-   \section{ Description of the calibration device }
-   %\num{9.99E-7 +- 9E-9} \par \bigskip
-   \num{9.99 +- 0.09} \par \bigskip
-       The device was shipped under atmospheric pressure kept in the producers plastic shell.
-       A memory module belonging to the stabil ion gauge (serial 06800) was provided. It was active during calibration.
-     \section{ Calibration procedure }
-       The device was installed in a vertical orientation. Before calibration the gauge head was baked at \(?\) °C for \(?\) h. During the cool down phase the head was degassed for \(?\) minutes. At room temperature it was exposed for \(?\) h at \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar argon for sputtering the ion collector.
-       The sensitivity factor was kept at an value of  \(?\) mbar\(^{-1}\) during the calibration. The calibration was carried out with the following device settings:
-       \begin{itemize}\item display: mbar\item filament: F1\item emission: L\item channel: A\end{itemize}
-       Before each calibration point the residual pressure indication \(p_r\)  was checked.
-       The temperature \(θ\)  during the calibration was \(?\) °C and varied from this value within \(\pm?\) °C.
-       The device was calibrated with ? in the pressure range \(?⋅ 10^{?}\) mbar to \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar by comparing its reading with the calibration pressure that was established by the primary standard CE3 of PTB applying the continuous expansion method.
-     \section{ Relative error of indication }
-       The correction factor \(CF\) given in the table below was calculated from the indicated pressure \(p_{ind}\) as follows:\[CF =\frac{p_{cal}}{p_{ind} - p_{r}}\] where \(p_{cal}\) denotes the calibration pressure as generated in the primary standard and \(p_{r}\) the reading at residual pressure. From this, the corrected pressure \(p\) can be calculated from the residual pressure indication and the indicated pressure by:\[p = CF (p_{ind} - p_{r})\]
-       The uncertainty \(U\) of \(CF\) at the time of calibration is given in the last column of the table below. It includes the repeatability of \(p_{ind}\) for otherwise identical conditions (\(p_{cal}\), \(θ\)).\printResultTable
-     \section{ Uncertainty of Calibration }
-       The uncertainty \(U\) stated is the expanded measurement uncertainty obtained by multiplying the standard measurement uncertainty by the coverage factor \(k = 2\). It has been determined in accordance with the  “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM)”. The value of the measurand then normally lies, with a probability of approximately \(95\) \%. within the attributed coverage interval.\par \(95\)\,\%  95\,\% 95~\% \(95\) \%  \par
-       95 \% 95 \%
-   \printLastPage
-\(95\)\,\%  95\,\% 95~\%
diff --git a/kalibrierschein/test-ks-KK.tex b/kalibrierschein/test-ks-KK.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 412925181f4ca922c96fe0991fdc8cec272fe5e7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/kalibrierschein/test-ks-KK.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-\resultTable[Gas:~N$_2$]{ 6 }{%
-{\(p_{cal}\)}&{\(p_{ind}\)}&{\(p_r\)}&{\(p_{ind} - p_r\)}&{\(e\)}&{\(U(k=2)\)}\\
-\resultTable{ 6 }{%
-{\(p_{cal}\)}&{\(p_{ind}\)}&{\(p_r\)}&{\(p_{ind} - p_r\)}&{\(e\)}&{\(U(k=2)\)}\\
-\missingEntries{ 16 }
-\object{ Stabil Ion Gauge }
-\manufacturer{ Granville-Phillips }
-\type{ EXT-Y, Stabil Ion Controler 370B }
-% Anzahl Kommas bei \type gibt die Spaltenzahl vor. 
-% \manufacturer und \serialNo sollten dieselbe Anzahl Kommas haben.
-\serialNo{ YEA06800, 1449 }
-\applicant{  { BOC EDWARDS }  { Marshall Road }  { EASTBOURNE, EAST SUSSEX }  { BN22 9BA } }
-\refNo{ ? }
-\calibMark{ 75120 PTB 13 }
-\calibDate{ 2013-11-26 }
-\byOrder{ Dr. K. Jousten }
-\examiner{ ? }
-\certificateDate{ 2013-12-18 }
-   \section{ Description of the calibration device }
-   %\num{9.99E-7 +- 9E-9} \par \bigskip
-   \num{9.99 +- 0.09} \par \bigskip
-       The device was shipped under atmospheric pressure kept in the producers plastic shell.
-       A memory module belonging to the stabil ion gauge (serial 06800) was provided. It was active during calibration.
-     \section{ Calibration procedure }
-       The device was installed in a vertical orientation. Before calibration the gauge head was baked at \(?\) °C for \(?\) h. During the cool down phase the head was degassed for \(?\) minutes. At room temperature it was exposed for \(?\) h at \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar argon for sputtering the ion collector.
-       The sensitivity factor was kept at an value of  \(?\) mbar\(^{-1}\) during the calibration. The calibration was carried out with the following device settings:
-       \begin{itemize}\item display: mbar\item filament: F1\item emission: L\item channel: A\end{itemize}
-       Before each calibration point the residual pressure indication \(p_r\)  was checked.
-       The temperature \(θ\)  during the calibration was \(?\) °C and varied from this value within \(\pm?\) °C.
-       The device was calibrated with ? in the pressure range \(?⋅ 10^{?}\) mbar to \(?⋅10^{?}\) mbar by comparing its reading with the calibration pressure that was established by the primary standard CE3 of PTB applying the continuous expansion method.
-     \section{ Relative error of indication }
-       The correction factor \(CF\) given in the table below was calculated from the indicated pressure \(p_{ind}\) as follows:\[CF =\frac{p_{cal}}{p_{ind} - p_{r}}\] where \(p_{cal}\) denotes the calibration pressure as generated in the primary standard and \(p_{r}\) the reading at residual pressure. From this, the corrected pressure \(p\) can be calculated from the residual pressure indication and the indicated pressure by:\[p = CF (p_{ind} - p_{r})\]
-       The uncertainty \(U\) of \(CF\) at the time of calibration is given in the last column of the table below. It includes the repeatability of \(p_{ind}\) for otherwise identical conditions (\(p_{cal}\), \(θ\)).\printResultTable
-     \section{ Uncertainty of Calibration }
-       The uncertainty \(U\) stated is the expanded measurement uncertainty obtained by multiplying the standard measurement uncertainty by the coverage factor \(k = 2\). It has been determined in accordance with the  “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM)”. The value of the measurand then normally lies, with a probability of approximately \(95\) \%. within the attributed coverage interval.\par \(95\)\,\%  95\,\% 95~\% \(95\) \%  \par
-       95 \% 95 \%
-   \printLastPage
-\(95\)\,\%  95\,\% 95~\%