diff --git a/arbeitsanweisung/7.5-AA-DIR.pdf b/arbeitsanweisung/7.5-AA-DIR.pdf
index ef5fdbb2a62840aa4b8254210dbbb3e28ebead25..ee08174c2ce181e159edb191ff0fe16d287acc0b 100644
Binary files a/arbeitsanweisung/7.5-AA-DIR.pdf and b/arbeitsanweisung/7.5-AA-DIR.pdf differ
diff --git a/arbeitsanweisung/ltablex2.sty b/arbeitsanweisung/ltablex2.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 782ca8609b3b4266fbba5c792f6161eb9b8cc1f7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/arbeitsanweisung/ltablex2.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file ltablex.sty  (v1.0, November 1995)
-%% Author: Anil K. Goel (akgoel@uwaterloo.ca)
-%% Patches to solves the caption issue:
-%%   Rolf Niepraschk (Rolf.Niepraschk@gmx.de), 2014/08/12
-%% Copyright (C) QNX Software Systems Ltd. 1995
-%%               All rights reserved.
-%% Please send any comments/suggetions to:   latex@qnx.com
-%% This system is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
-%% to others,  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-%% The file modifies the tabularx environment to
-%% combine the features of the tabularx package
-%% (auto-sized columns in a fixed width table)
-%% with those of the longtable package
-%% (multi-page tables).
-%% The tables are typeset using the tabularx environment
-%% and the longtable environment is used internally to
-%% handle multi-page tables. The \setlongtables feature
-%% is used, and, therefore, the document should be
-%% run through latex twice.
-%% Another feature that has been added is to treat the X
-%% columns like 'l' columns if the table contents would allow
-%% that to happen without exceeding the specified width of
-%% the table. In other words, the specified width is
-%% treated as the maximum allowed and not the exact width
-%% of the table. This feature is the default but can be
-%% disabled (or enabled) with \keepXColumns (or \convertXColumns).
-%% Caveats:
-%%   . The document needs to be latexed a couple times in general.
-%%   . In general, it is necessary to remove the .aux file before
-%%     the first latex run on the document.
-%%   . The table should not be larger than TeX's memory capacity
-%% Here is a a simple usage example:
-%% \documentclass{article}
-%% \usepackage{ltablex}
-%% \textheight=4in
-%% \begin{document}
-%% % we want a table that is \textwidth long, has 4 columns, columns 1
-%% % and 3 are auto sized with the 3rd columns being 3 times wider than
-%% % the first column.
-%% %
-%% \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}%
-%%  {|>{\setlength{\hsize}{.5\hsize}\raggedright\arraybackslash}X| % col 1; auto-sized ragged right
-%%     c|                                                        % col 2; default    centered
-%%     >{\setlength{\hsize}{1.5\hsize}\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X|% col 3; auto-sized ragged left
-%%     l|}                                                       % col 4; default    left-justified
-%% \caption*{The Table Caption}\\
-%% \hline
-%% F-Head1 & F-Head2 & F-Head3 & F-Head4\\
-%% \hline
-%% \hline
-%% \endfirsthead
-%% \hline
-%% Head1 & Head2 & Head3 & Head4\\
-%% \hline
-%% \hline
-%% \endhead
-%% \hline
-%% \hline
-%% Foot1 & Foot2 & Foot3 & Foot4\\
-%% \hline
-%% \endfoot
-%% \hline
-%% \hline
-%% L-Foot1 & L-Foot2 & L-Foot3 & L-Foot4\\
-%% \hline
-%% \endlastfoot
-%% This is a very long sentence not likely to fit&
-%% not too long&
-%% This is another  very long sentence not likely to fit&
-%% not long\\
-%% \hline
-%% filler & filler & filler & filler\\
-%% \hline
-%% This is a very long sentence not likely to fit&
-%% not too long&
-%% This is another  very long sentence not likely to fit&
-%% not long\\
-%% \hline
-%% This is a very long sentence not likely to fit&
-%% not too long&
-%% This is another  very long sentence not likely to fit&
-%% not long\\
-%% \hline
-%% This is a very long sentence not likely to fit&
-%% not too long&
-%% This is another  very long sentence not likely to fit&
-%% not long\\
-%% \end{tabularx}
-%% \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|c|X|c|}
-%% \hline
-%% a &convert X to l & b\\
-%% \hline
-%% \end{tabularx}
-%% \keepXColumns
-%% \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|c|X|c|}
-%% \hline
-%% a &retain X & b\\
-%% \hline
-%% \end{tabularx}
-%% \convertXColumns
-%% \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|c|X|c|}
-%% \hline
-%% a &convert X to l & b\\
-%% \hline
-%% \end{tabularx}
-%% \end{document}
-%\ProvidesPackage{ltablex}[1995/11/06 v1.0 Modified tabularx]
-\ProvidesPackage{ltablex2}[2014/08/11 v1.1 Modified tabularx]
-  \TX@convertX@false
-  \TX@convertX@true
-\newcommand*\TX@cap@gobble[2][]{\\}% RN, 2014/08/12
-  \expandafter\TX@newcol\expandafter{\tabularxcolumn{\TX@col@width}}%
-  \let\verb\TX@verb
-  \def\@elt##1{\global\value{##1}\the\value{##1}\relax}%
-  \edef\TX@ckpt{\cl@@ckpt}%
-  \let\@elt\relax
-  \TX@old@table=\maxdimen
-  \TX@col@width=\TX@target
-  \global\TX@cols=\@ne
-  \TX@typeout@
-    {\@spaces Table Width\@spaces Column Width\@spaces X Columns}%
-  %
-  % define \endhead, etc. to be \\ so that in this part
-  % of the process they are just rows
-  %
-  \let\savecaption\caption
-  \def\caption{% RN, 2014/08/12
-    \@ifstar\TX@cap@gobble\TX@cap@gobble
-  }
-  \let\saveendhead\endhead
-  \def\endhead{\\}
-  \let\saveendfirsthead\endfirsthead
-  \def\endfirsthead{\\}
-  \let\saveendfoot\endfoot
-  \def\endfoot{\\}
-  \let\saveendlastfoot\endlastfoot
-  \def\endlastfoot{\\}
-  %
-  %
-  \ifTX@convertX@
-    \TX@trial{\def\NC@rewrite@X{\NC@find l}}
-    \ifdim\wd\@tempboxa<\TX@target
-      \TX@newcol{l}
-    \else
-      \TX@convertX@false
-    \fi
-  \fi
-  \ifTX@convertX@
-    \relax
-  \else
-    \TX@trial{\def\NC@rewrite@X{%
-        \global\advance\TX@cols\@ne\NC@find p{\TX@col@width}}}%
-    \loop
-      \TX@arith
-      \ifTX@
-      \TX@trial{}%
-    \repeat
-  \fi
-  {\let\@footnotetext\TX@ftntext\let\@xfootnotenext\TX@xftntext
-    % we may as well set \LTchunksize to be \maxdimen as the whole
-    % thing is already in memory anyway so we may as well do it in one
-    % chunk. if it is too big for one chunk we are already dead..
-    \LTchunksize\maxdimen
-    %
-    % restore \endhead, etc.
-    %
-    \let\caption\savecaption
-    \let\endhead\saveendhead
-    \let\endfirsthead\saveendfirsthead
-    \let\endfoot\saveendfoot
-    \let\endlastfoot\saveendlastfoot
-    %
-    \expandafter\longtable
-      \the\toks@
-    \endlongtable
-    }%
-  \global\TX@ftn\expandafter{\expandafter}\the\TX@ftn
-  \ifnum0=`{\fi}%
-   \end{tabularx}
-% activate column width reading from the .aux file
-\usepackage{etoolbox}% http://ctan.org/pkg/etoolbox
-\patchcmd{\TX@endtabularx}% <cmd>
-  {\def\caption}% <search>
-  {\def\caption{\caption@withoptargs\TX@caption}%
-   \def\TX@caption##1##2}% <replace>
-  {}{}% <success><failure>
diff --git a/arbeitsanweisung/vl-arbeitsanweisung.cls b/arbeitsanweisung/vl-arbeitsanweisung.cls
index fd1c7d2d48bc8f5c45db5822ed7e90c0f4e0a660..b4fb6f13bb8bd31290b739e7997f4a2718fe0ca9 100644
--- a/arbeitsanweisung/vl-arbeitsanweisung.cls
+++ b/arbeitsanweisung/vl-arbeitsanweisung.cls
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-    [2014/08/08 v0.1d Dokumentenklasse (RN/PTB)]
+    [2014/08/14 v0.1d Dokumentenklasse (RN/PTB)]
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
+\let\ptb@endtabularx=\TX@endtabularx % nötig???