import torch import sys from import TensorDataset, random_split total_number_of_datapoints = 2000 input_range = [-1,1] slope = 1.0 intercept = 0.0 x_noise_strength = 0.05 y_noise_strength = 0.1 def get_normalization(*args): """ Returns the mean and standard deviations (in tuples) of the tensors in *args. """ normalization_collection = [] for t in args: t_mean = torch.mean(t, dim=0, keepdim=True) t_std = torch.std(t, dim=0, keepdim=True) normalization_collection.append((t_mean, t_std)) return tuple(normalization_collection) def load_data(seed=0, splitting_part=0.8, normalize=True, return_ground_truth=False): """ Loads one-dimensional data :param seed: Seed for drawing and splitting the data. :param splitting_part: Which fraction of the data to use as training data. Defaults to 0.8. :param normalize: Whether to normalize the data, defaults to True. :param return_ground_truth: Boolean. If True, the unnoisy ground truth will also be returned. Defaults to False. :returns: linear_trainset, linear_testset if return_ground_truth is False, else linear_trainset, linear_testset, (true_x, true_y) """ random_generator = torch.Generator().manual_seed(seed) # draw different seeds for noise and splitting seeds = torch.randint(0,sys.maxsize,(4,), generator=random_generator) # create new generators from tensor seeds create_generator = lambda tensor_seed:\ torch.Generator().manual_seed(tensor_seed.item()) true_x = input_range[0] + (input_range[1]-input_range[0])\ * torch.rand((total_number_of_datapoints,1), generator=create_generator(seeds[0])) true_y = slope * true_x**2 + intercept noisy_x = true_x + x_noise_strength * \ torch.randn((total_number_of_datapoints,1), generator=create_generator(seeds[1])) noisy_y = true_y + y_noise_strength * \ torch.randn((total_number_of_datapoints,1), generator=create_generator(seeds[2])) if normalize: normalization_x, normalization_y = get_normalization(noisy_x, noisy_y) noisy_x = (noisy_x-normalization_x[0])/normalization_x[1] true_x = (true_x-normalization_x[0])/normalization_x[1] noisy_y = (noisy_y-normalization_y[0])/normalization_y[1] true_y = (true_y-normalization_y[0])/normalization_y[1] linear_dataset = TensorDataset(noisy_x, noisy_y) dataset_len = len(linear_dataset) train_len = int(dataset_len*splitting_part) test_len = dataset_len - train_len linear_trainset, linear_testset = random_split(linear_dataset, lengths=[train_len, test_len], generator=create_generator(seeds[3])) if not return_ground_truth: return linear_trainset, linear_testset else: return linear_trainset, linear_testset, (true_x, true_y)