From b2eb16c69e79b1fc8a466ccea46e2ce8f84cf2bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joerg Martin <>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2021 14:08:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] coverage and bias added to evaluate_tabular

The evaluate_tabular script was simplified to ease the analysis of more
quantities. Several coverage quantities and the bias were added to these
quantities. However, they perform rather poor.
 EIVPackage/EIVArchitectures/    |  25 ++++
 EIVPackage/EIVGeneral/ |  42 ++++++-
 Experiments/            | 133 ++++++++++-----------
 Experiments/        |   2 +
 Experiments/          |   2 +
 Experiments/            |   2 +
 Experiments/            |   2 +
 Experiments/               |   2 +
 Experiments/             |   2 +
 Experiments/             |   2 +
 Experiments/           |   2 +
 Experiments/              |   2 +
 Experiments/             |   2 +
 Experiments/     |   2 +
 Experiments/       |   2 +
 Experiments/         |   2 +
 Experiments/         |   2 +
 Experiments/            |   2 +
 Experiments/          |   2 +
 Experiments/          |   2 +
 Experiments/        |   2 +
 Experiments/           |   2 +
 Experiments/          |   2 +
 23 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/EIVPackage/EIVArchitectures/ b/EIVPackage/EIVArchitectures/
index a8f1200..56c7633 100644
--- a/EIVPackage/EIVArchitectures/
+++ b/EIVPackage/EIVArchitectures/
@@ -476,6 +476,31 @@ class FNNBer(nn.Module):
             return predictive_log_density_values
+    def predict_mean_and_unc(self, x, number_of_draws=100, 
+            remove_graph=True):
+        """
+        Take the mean and standard deviation over `number_of_draws` forward
+        passes and return them together with the predicted sigmas.
+        **Note**: This method does not touch the Dropout.
+        The corresponding setting is left to the user!
+        :param x: A torch.tensor, the input
+        :param number_of_draws: An integer or a list. If an integer
+        `number_of_draws`, will be converted internally to
+        `[number_of_draws,1]`.Numbers of draws to obtain from x via parameter
+        sampling (first element) and noise input sampling (second element).
+        :param remove_graph: If True (default) the output will 
+        be detached to save memory
+        :return: mean, std, sigmas
+        """
+        out, sigmas = self.predict(x=x,
+                number_of_draws=number_of_draws,
+                remove_graph=remove_graph,
+                take_average_of_prediction=False)
+        mean = torch.mean(out, dim=1)
+        std = torch.std(out, dim=1)
+        return mean, std, sigmas
 class SmallFNNBer(FNNBer):
diff --git a/EIVPackage/EIVGeneral/ b/EIVPackage/EIVGeneral/
index 7187648..1c6ea70 100644
--- a/EIVPackage/EIVGeneral/
+++ b/EIVPackage/EIVGeneral/
@@ -32,8 +32,31 @@ def multivariate_interval_length(dim, q=0.95):
     return scipy.stats.norm.ppf(univariate_quantile)
-def epistemic_coverage(mean_unc,  y, q=0.95, normalize_errors=False):
-    mean, epis_unc, aleat_unc = mean_unc
+def epistemic_coverage(prediction_triple,  y, q=0.95, normalize_errors=False):
+    """
+    Returns the average coverage of `y` by the interval 
+    "prefactor * (predictions + q-Interval)",
+    where "q-Interval" is the interval of measure `q` under the standard normal, 
+    "predictions" is the first component of `prediction_triple` and prefactor is either
+    the epistemic uncertainty, given by the second component of `prediction_triple`, if
+    `normalize_errors` is False, or 1 if it is true. The coverage is returned
+    as given by `y` and as a theoretical_coverage computed from the epistemic
+    uncertainty (second component of `prediction_triple`) and the aleatoric uncertainty
+    (third component of `prediction_triple`)
+    :param prediction_triple: A triple of tensors containing (in this order): the
+    predictions of the neural net (the average under the posterior), the
+    epistemic uncertainty (the standard deviation under the posterior) and
+    the aleatoric uncertainty. All tensors are expected to have two dimensions:
+    a batch and a feature dimension.
+    :param y: A `torch.tensor` of the same shape then the first two components
+    of `prediction_triple`. If the feature dimension is missing, it is added.
+    :param q: A float between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.95.
+    :param normalize_errors: If True, the deviations between predictions and
+    `y` are normalized by the total uncertainty, computed from the aleatoric
+    and epistemic uncertainty and the coverage w.r.t. q-interval is computed.
+    :returns: numerical_coverage, theoretical_coverage
+    """
+    mean, epis_unc, aleat_unc = prediction_triple
     assert epis_unc.shape == aleat_unc.shape
     assert mean.shape == epis_unc.shape
     # Add feature dimension to y if missing
@@ -65,8 +88,19 @@ def epistemic_coverage(mean_unc,  y, q=0.95, normalize_errors=False):
         theoretical_coverage = q
     return numerical_coverage, theoretical_coverage
-def normalized_std(mean_unc, y):
-    mean, epis_unc, aleat_unc = mean_unc
+def normalized_std(prediction_triple, y):
+    """
+    Returns the standard deviation of normalized residuals. In theory this
+    number should be equal to 1.0.
+    :param prediction_triple: A triple of tensors containing (in this order): the
+    predictions of the neural net (the average under the posterior), the
+    epistemic uncertainty (the standard deviation under the posterior) and
+    the aleatoric uncertainty.
+    :param y: A `torch.tensor` of the same shape then the first two components
+    of `prediction_triple`. If the feature dimension is missing, it is added.
+    :returns: numerical_coverage, theoretical_coverage
+    """
+    mean, epis_unc, aleat_unc = prediction_triple
     assert epis_unc.shape == aleat_unc.shape
     assert mean.shape == epis_unc.shape
     # Add feature dimension to y if missing
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index d74c553..cfa6664 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import importlib
 import os
-import matplotlib
 import numpy as np
 import torch
@@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ from tqdm import tqdm
 from EIVArchitectures import Networks
 from EIVTrainingRoutines import train_and_store
+from EIVGeneral.coverage_metrices import epistemic_coverage, normalized_std
 long_dataname = 'energy_efficiency'
 short_dataname = 'energy'
@@ -20,8 +19,6 @@ train_noneiv = importlib.import_module(f'train_noneiv_{short_dataname}')
 train_eiv = importlib.import_module(f'train_eiv_{short_dataname}')
 train_data, test_data = load_data()
-test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=int(np.max((len(test_data),
-    64))), shuffle=True)
 input_dim = train_data[0][0].numel()
 output_dim = train_data[0][1].numel()
@@ -29,6 +26,8 @@ def collect_metrics(x,y, seed=0,
     noneiv_number_of_draws=100, eiv_number_of_draws=[100,5],
     decouple_dimensions=False, device=torch.device('cuda:1')):
+    Compute various metrics for EiV and non-EiV. Will be returned as
+    dictionaries.
     :param x: A torch.tensor, taken as input
     :param y: A torch.tensor, taken as output
     :param seed: Integer. The seed used for loading, defaults to 0.
@@ -40,10 +39,13 @@ def collect_metrics(x,y, seed=0,
     of Gal et al. is followed where, in the evaluation of the
     log-posterior-predictive, each dimension is treated independently and then
     averaged. If False (default), a multivariate distribution is used.
-    :returns: noneiv_rmse, noneiv_logdens, noneiv_bias,
-    eiv_rmse, eiv_logdens, eiv_bias
+    :returns: Dictionaries noneiv_metrics, eiv_metrics
     x,y =,
+    # non-EiV
+    noneiv_metrics = {}
     init_std_y = train_noneiv.init_std_y_list[0]
     unscaled_reg = train_noneiv.unscaled_reg
     p = train_noneiv.p
@@ -61,23 +63,28 @@ def collect_metrics(x,y, seed=0,
     # RMSE
     training_state =
-    out = net.predict(x, number_of_draws=noneiv_number_of_draws, 
-            take_average_of_prediction=True)[0]
+    ######
+    prediction_triple =\
+            net.predict_mean_and_unc(x, number_of_draws=noneiv_number_of_draws)
     if len(y.shape) <= 1:
         y = y.view((-1,1))
-    assert y.shape == out.shape
-    res = y-out
+    assert y.shape == prediction_triple[0].shape
+    res = y-prediction_triple[0]
     scale =
     scaled_res = res * scale.view((1,-1))
     scaled_res = scaled_res.detach().cpu().numpy().flatten()
-    noneiv_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(scaled_res**2))
-    noneiv_bias = np.mean(scaled_res)
+    noneiv_metrics['rmse'] = np.sqrt(np.mean(scaled_res**2))
+    noneiv_metrics['bias'] = np.mean(scaled_res)
+    noneiv_metrics['coverage_numerical'], noneiv_metrics['coverage_theory'] =\
+            epistemic_coverage(prediction_triple, y, normalize_errors=False)
+    noneiv_metrics['coverage_normalized'],_ =\
+            epistemic_coverage(prediction_triple, y, normalize_errors=True)
+    noneiv_metrics['res_std'] = normalized_std(prediction_triple, y)
     # NLL
-    training_state =
-    net.train()
-    noneiv_logdens = net.predictive_logdensity(x, y, number_of_draws=100,
+    noneiv_metrics['logdens' ]= net.predictive_logdensity(x, y, number_of_draws=100,
@@ -88,6 +95,7 @@ def collect_metrics(x,y, seed=0,
     # EiV
+    eiv_metrics = {}
     init_std_y = train_eiv.init_std_y_list[0]
     unscaled_reg = train_eiv.unscaled_reg
     p = train_eiv.p
@@ -103,36 +111,32 @@ def collect_metrics(x,y, seed=0,
     # RMSE
     training_state =
     noise_state = net.noise_is_on
-    out = net.predict(x, number_of_draws=eiv_number_of_draws,
-            take_average_of_prediction=True)[0]
-    if len(y.shape) <=1:
+    prediction_triple =\
+            net.predict_mean_and_unc(x, number_of_draws=eiv_number_of_draws)
+    if len(y.shape) <= 1:
         y = y.view((-1,1))
-    assert y.shape == out.shape
-    res = y-out
+    assert y.shape == prediction_triple[0].shape
+    res = y-prediction_triple[0]
     scale =
     scaled_res = res * scale.view((1,-1))
     scaled_res = scaled_res.detach().cpu().numpy().flatten()
-    eiv_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(scaled_res**2))
-    eiv_bias = np.mean(scaled_res)
-    if training_state:
-        net.train()
-    else:
-        net.eval()
-    if noise_state:
-        net.noise_on()
-    else:
-        net.noise_off()
+    eiv_metrics['rmse' ]= np.sqrt(np.mean(scaled_res**2))
+    eiv_metrics['bias' ]= np.mean(scaled_res)
+    eiv_metrics['coverage_numerical'], eiv_metrics['coverage_theory'] =\
+            epistemic_coverage(prediction_triple, y, normalize_errors=False)
+    eiv_metrics['coverage_normalized'],_ =\
+            epistemic_coverage(prediction_triple, y, normalize_errors=True)
+    eiv_metrics['res_std' ]= normalized_std(prediction_triple, y)
     # NLL
-    training_state =
-    net.train()
-    eiv_logdens = net.predictive_logdensity(x, y,
+    eiv_metrics['logdens' ]= net.predictive_logdensity(x, y,
@@ -142,15 +146,19 @@ def collect_metrics(x,y, seed=0,
-    return noneiv_rmse, noneiv_logdens, noneiv_bias, \
-            eiv_rmse, eiv_logdens, eiv_bias
-noneiv_rmse_collection = []
-noneiv_logdens_collection = []
-noneiv_bias_collection = []
-eiv_rmse_collection = []
-eiv_logdens_collection = []
-eiv_bias_collection = []
+    if noise_state:
+        net.noise_on()
+    else:
+        net.noise_off()
+    return noneiv_metrics, eiv_metrics
+collection_keys = ['rmse','logdens','bias','coverage_numerical','coverage_theory','coverage_normalized','res_std']
+noneiv_metrics_collection = {}
+eiv_metrics_collection = {}
+for key in collection_keys:
+    noneiv_metrics_collection[key] = []
+    eiv_metrics_collection[key] = []
 num_test_epochs = 10
 assert train_noneiv.seed_list == train_eiv.seed_list
 seed_list = train_noneiv.seed_list
@@ -158,34 +166,23 @@ max_batch_number = 2
 for seed in tqdm(seed_list):
     train_data, test_data = load_data(seed=seed)
     test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_data,
-            batch_size=int(np.max((len(test_data),
+            batch_size=int(np.min((len(test_data),
         800))), shuffle=True)
     for i in tqdm(range(num_test_epochs)):
         for j, (x,y) in enumerate(test_dataloader):
             if j > max_batch_number:
-            noneiv_rmse, noneiv_logdens, noneiv_bias, \
-                    eiv_rmse, eiv_logdens, eiv_bias =\
-                    collect_metrics(x,y, seed=seed)
-            noneiv_rmse_collection.append(noneiv_rmse)
-            noneiv_logdens_collection.append(noneiv_logdens)
-            noneiv_bias_collection.append(noneiv_bias)
-            eiv_rmse_collection.append(eiv_rmse)
-            eiv_logdens_collection.append(eiv_logdens)
-            eiv_bias_collection.append(eiv_bias)
-print(f'RMSE {np.mean(noneiv_rmse_collection):.5f}'\
-        f'({np.std(noneiv_rmse_collection)/np.sqrt(num_test_epochs*len(seed_list)):.5f})')
-print(f'LogDens {np.mean(noneiv_logdens_collection):.5f}'\
-        f'({np.std(noneiv_logdens_collection)/np.sqrt(num_test_epochs*len(seed_list)):.5f})')
-print(f'Bias {np.mean(noneiv_bias_collection):.5f}'\
-        f'({np.std(noneiv_bias_collection)/np.sqrt(num_test_epochs*len(seed_list)):.5f})')
-print(f'RMSE {np.mean(eiv_rmse_collection):.5f}'\
-        f'({np.std(eiv_rmse_collection)/np.sqrt(num_test_epochs*len(seed_list)):.5f})')
-print(f'LogDens {np.mean(eiv_logdens_collection):.5f}'\
-        f'({np.std(eiv_logdens_collection)/np.sqrt(num_test_epochs*len(seed_list)):.5f})')
-print(f'Bias {np.mean(eiv_bias_collection):.5f}'\
-        f'({np.std(eiv_bias_collection)/np.sqrt(num_test_epochs*len(seed_list)):.5f})')
+            noneiv_metrics, eiv_metrics = collect_metrics(x,y, seed=seed)
+            for key in collection_keys:
+                noneiv_metrics_collection[key].append(noneiv_metrics[key])
+                eiv_metrics_collection[key].append(eiv_metrics[key])
+for key in collection_keys:
+    print(f'{key} {np.mean(noneiv_metrics_collection[key]):.5f}'\
+            f'({np.std(noneiv_metrics_collection[key])/np.sqrt(num_test_epochs*len(seed_list)):.5f})')
+for key in collection_keys:
+    print(f'{key} {np.mean(eiv_metrics_collection[key]):.5f}'\
+            f'({np.std(eiv_metrics_collection[key])/np.sqrt(num_test_epochs*len(seed_list)):.5f})')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index 39c95fb..f90a204 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index 0cc42d5..e637d35 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index 40be4b2..304501b 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index 58d191c..96b6c79 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index 16e617f..4b533b6 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index 8db266c..f4a9aa7 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index 2ddf75a..d9be09e 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index 3801d5e..625fb6a 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index ca561ad..d6c9a41 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index 2c9ee88..10e2607 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index 773a30d..f359b43 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index d4a48a8..5e7c1e3 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index 106bc14..340b81a 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index 90af665..7070c38 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index f80c03e..b72644d 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index f96c66e..fb8c57f 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index c63b571..3c87a2d 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index ca73d6a..9e2d3f4 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index dc239f7..a445c1e 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')
diff --git a/Experiments/ b/Experiments/
index d163e54..489a81c 100644
--- a/Experiments/
+++ b/Experiments/
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class UpdatedTrainEpoch(train_and_store.TrainEpoch):
         rmse = self.rmse(net).item()
         writer.add_scalar('RMSE', rmse, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('std_y', self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
+        writer.add_scalar('RMSE:std_y', rmse/self.last_std_y, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('train loss', self.last_train_loss, self.total_count)
         writer.add_scalar('test loss', self.last_test_loss, self.total_count)
         print(f'RMSE {rmse:.3f}')